The Film Daily (1925)

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THE m m ■^Sti Wednesday, December 2, 192< III. XXXIV No. 52 Wednesday, Dec. 2, 1925 Price 5 Cents Coypright 1925, Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. Published Daily except Saturday, at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. Joseph Dannenberg, President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Treasurer and Business Manager; Maurice D. Kann, Managing Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk Traveling Representative. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage iiee) United States, outside of Greater New Vork, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 ■lonths, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers Aould remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle <736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address : Filmday, Sew York, Hollywood, California — Harvey £. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd.; 'Phone, Granite 3980. London Representative — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, W. 1. Paris Representative, La Cinematographic Franwise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Quotations High Low Qose Sales Balaban & Katz Not quoted Eastman Kodak ..110 109}^ 109Ji 500 East. Kod. Pfd, ..115^ IIS-/^ 115J^ 100 Famous Players ..106?i 105 106J^ 3,900 F. P. Pfd Not quoted Film Inspection Not quoted irst Naiionar Net qu -'ed Fox "A" 805^ 80 80K 2,200 Fox Theaters "A". 27 J4 27 27 J4 4,000 Loew's, Inc i&'A 37^ 38 3,300 Metro-Gold. Pfd Not quoted M. P. Cap. Corp Not quoted Pathe Exch. "A".. 75^ 75^ 75Ji 200 Skouras Bros 57 57 57 Trans Lux "A" .. 11% HJ-s 11% 7,500 Universal Not quoted Univ. Pict. Pfd Not quoted Warner Pict Not quoted Warner Bros. "A" Not quoted Asher Returns to Coast E. M. Asher has returned to Los Angeles. He will start production on "Mile. Modiste," with Corinne Griffith, upon his arrival, and on Jan. 1 will start on "Good Luck." for that SPECIAL PRESENTATION FLAGS & BANNERS HENRY JACKSON 141 Fulton St. New York When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B I N S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance for the past fifteen years. Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1540 Broadway N. Y. C. Bryant 3040 DEAL OFF (.Continued from Page 1) not be denied. The average person doesn't say 'I'm going to see 'Stagestruck.' They say I'm going to see Gloria Swanson in her latest.' They don't say '1 want to see 'The Freshman.' They say I want to see Harold Lloyd.' You will never change this. Vicious as the star system is don't forget this: it is the magnet — the one sure fire magnet. Which draws big business to the box office." And if you have any idea. That he isn't telling the gospel trutn. You're wrong — dead wrong. Changes in St. Louis St. Louis — Several changes have occurred along Film Row, notably the resignation of Floyd Lewis as district manager for Associated Exhibitors. It is understood that Lewis refused an ofifer to take charge of the New York office for Associated. Lou Thompson succeeds him. Ted Meyers, manager of Pathe, resigned to become special feature salesman for Pathe. His successor is James Hawes. Al Danke, Warner manager, has resigned to become manager for P. D. C. in Omaha. Eddie Alperson, who managed the "U" office here, succeeds Danke. Changes in the sales force of Warners include the resignation of C. L. Hickmai. who has joined Arrow and the appointment of Jim Duthrie. Another Hollywood House Planned Hollywood — Fred Miller and Lou Bard are to erect a new house at Hollywood Blvd. and Vermont Ave., which will be operated by the Far West Theater Corp. It will seat 2,500 and will cost $500,000. Hoblitzelle Closing (.Continued from Page 1) Harold B. Franklin refused to make any comment yesterday. It is understood the deal is a partnership arrangement whereby Hoblitzelle will remain in charge of the houses although Famous is to have the principal voice in their management. Dallas — It is not believed here Karl Hoblitzelle's deal with Famous which is accepted as fact will have any bearing on the five year contract between the circuit and Fox. Olive Borden Signs with Fox Los Angeles — Olive Borden has been placed under a five year contract by Fox. Bern Arrives Sunday Paul Bern is due in from the Coast on Sunday. He will stop at the Ritz Carlton. Aldine to Be Called Loew's Pittsburgh — Loew's Aldine will change its name shortly to Loew's. Bartlett Titling Kane Picture Randolph Bartlett has finished tit ling "The Only Way" for United Artists and has been engaged by Robert T. Kane to title "Bluebeard's Seven Wives," directed by Al Santell. Another for Goldman St. Louis — William Goldman will operate a 1,200-seat at 18th St. and Park Ave., on the site of the Elite Airdome, operated by SigolofI Bros. The latter will build the theater and lease it to Goldman for 20 years. To Name Terms (Continued from Page 1) ing the devolopment of the case in the Supreme Court. This particular action was seized upon by the opponents of the present arbitration system as the issue through which a complete string of the uniform contract operations might resuii. i The finithing touch of refinement on an eUborate production is the handcoloring by /SmxA The Perfect Handcolormg of Film 528 Rivenide Drive Telephone New York Momingside 1776 PICTUBES 1925 '26 AU(JNT5TC0MBUG MaSTtRPIECE GLOOGjEWALSA i\MERIC\NPLlCK bWl BLOOD BDOADWAY ^ JhKe mcmvpznaion lIMITtD- <^Uh <L0 all Man casT lillMArsupa' special-^. LUyCMDOURG 7/////§^ '0,11 \ \\\\N /'/III I ny fc/im u CLABK \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ /DiaccnoBy / i I i i I I \ \scoTrowLOo PICTURES 1925-^^26 IMCYSEMO/H ■ CLOWN TAEDABM^ '. WOMi\/S cmtsKft' SOME m'ms SWEET ADELINE Saulte Ste. Marie — Sponsored J. M. Andray, the Colonial opened. H^L ROACH p,,i,„s MOTION PICTURE PRODUCER LEAVING FOR LOS ANGELES WILL SUBLET WHOLE OR PART OF BEAUTIFUL TWO-ROOM OFFICE SUITE LOCATED IN NEW BUILDING. VICINITY — COLUMBUS: CIRCLE. IDEAL FOR ANYi PURPOSE. Box M-278 c-o Film Daily 1650 Broadway, New York "WE NEVER DISAPPOINT" CipowFllH ™:fiU«NTS IWA INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42-^-? STREET NEW YORK PHONE-CHICKERING 2937 ALLAN A.LOWNES. CEN.MCR. ' li