The Film Daily (1925)

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HOLLYWOOD HAPPENINGS :^BRADSTREn o/'FILMDOM AUTHOmiY -,ยป,^โ€” โ€”> . โ€” ..-^ By Harvey E. Qausman Telephone Granite 3980 Sunday, December 13, 1925 6411 Hollywood Blvd L. A. Board of Trade Elects The Los Angeles Film Board of Trade, at its annual election, named the following officers: President, Don Mitchell; vice-president, Carol Peacock; Board of Trustees, Mel Hulling, of Warner Bros.; Chas. Marley of Supreme, and W. S. VVessling of Pathe; SecretaryTreasurer, A. P. Michael Narlian; General Manager, A. P. Michael Narlian. Hercules on 3rd Frank Merrill Hercules Film Prod., Inc., have commenced shooting on the third Frank Merrill Prod, in the second series under the tentative title of "The Double Knockout," featuring Merrill. Story by Grover Jones and is being directed by Bruce Mitchell. Finishing C. W. Patton Picture The last scenes of "Janie of Bar X Ranch," starring Dorothy Phillips, are being shot. This C. W. Patton production, for Pathe release, is her first effort in the role of a Western heroine. Berlinger Signs with De Mille Rudolph Berlinger, who wrote the musical score for "The Road to Yesterday," has been signed to a long term contract to write scores for all Cecil De Mille Prod. Ernest Laemmle Back Ernest Laemmle, for two years a director of westerns at Universal, and more recently assistant director to Ernst Lubitsch, will direct one film at Universal. "Hidden Cabin" Is Title "The Midden Cabin" is the title of the third of the Pete Morrison series being released through Universal. The story was written by Frank C. Robertson. Dorothy Famum Adapts "Temptress" Mauritz Stiller will make as his first American picture, "The Temptress," which Dorothy Farnum is adapting from Vicente Ibanez's novel. Jacqueline Logan at Work Jacqueline Logan has started work at the Fox studio on "Daybreak," at the head of an all-star cast. Rowland V. Lee is directing. Turpin Improving Rapidly Ben Turpin, who was operated on recently in Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, for appendicitis, is progressing favorably. Bryant S. Young Prod. Begins Bryant S. Young Prod, have started work on a juvenile feature with Virginia Davis as the star. ' Guy Wilky on Location L. Guy Wilky, cinematographer for William De Mille, is enjoying a brief vacation between pictures. E. Mason Hopper Will Direct Frances Marion will make a screen version of Balzac's "Pere Goriot" as her next production for Metropolitan. In its screen form it will be known as "Paris at Midnight," and E. Mason Hopper has been engaged to direct. Marilyn Miller Casting Third Under the working title of "The Heart of Paquita," Marilyn Mills is casting for the third of her series for Davis Dist. Div. The masculine lead will be Walter Emerson. Wilbur McGaugh is directing as well as acting. Zion Myers, Educational Director Zion Myers has been added to the directorial staff at Educational. He will direct Cameo comedies. His first will feature Joe Moore, brother of Owen, Tom and Matt, and Christine Francis. Gladys Hulette Back Gladys Hulette has returned from New York and is now engaged in playing the leading feminine role opposite Mahlon Hamilton in "The Silken Lady," which Edgar Lewis is directing. "Potash and Perlmutter" Finished Samuel Goldwyn's third "Potash & Perlmutter" has been completed, and after going through editing and titling processes will be ready soon for distributios through United Artists. Ginsberg Acquires Schooner A schooner has been purchased for the filming of the sea sequence in "A Desperate Moment," the fourth Royal picture for Henry Ginsberg. "U" to Star Charles Puffy Charles Puffy will be starred in a series of feature comedies to be written by H. C. Witwer for Universal. Huntley Gordon Completes Role Huntley Gordon has completed his starring role in "Other Women's Husbands." Warner production. Zelma O'Neill with Educational Zelma O'Neill; stage comedienne, has been added to the ranks of leading women at Educational. Matty Kemp Being Starred Matty Kemp is starring in a series of Century Comedies. Wanda Wiley is the girl in the cast. Added to "Behind the Front" Louis Lorraine and Gertrude Astor have been added to the cast of "Behind the Front." Arthur Carewe Added to Cast Arthur Edmund Carewe has been added to the cast of "The Torrent" fo M.-G.-M. What Mack Sennett Is Doing Mack Sennett has added to his staff of comedy writers James Gruen, well known scenario and continuity writer. He is now engaged with Jefferson Motfitt in the preparation of a story for Ralph Graves. "A Love Sundae" is the title of the latest two-reeler featuring Alice Day. Eddie Cline is wielding the megaphone on a new Alice Day vehicle, m which she is supported by Danny O'Shea, Ruth Taylor, Joe Young and Eddie Quillan. Lloyd) Bacon is making a new Ralph Graves two-reeler in which Thelma Parr again plays opposite, in the cast are Marvin Lobach and Sunshine Hart. Cast Selected for "Poker Faces" Laura La Plante will play a co-starring role with Edward Everett Horton in "Poker Faces," a story by Edgar Franklin which Harry Pollard will direct for Universal. Supporting cast includes George Siegman, Tom O'Brien, Tom Ricketts and others. Mel Brown adapted. Ruth Mix to Make Another Ruth Mix, daughter of Tom, is to start work on the second of a series of Westerns for Ward Lascelle. The cutting and editing of "The Girl Oklahoma," her first starring vehicle has been completed. Art Acord Back from Location Art Acord and the company filming "The Tuneful Tornado," under direction of Arthur Rosson have returned from a location trip to Lone Pine, Calif. Agnes C. Johnston on "Lovely Mary" Irving G. Thalberg has assigned Agnes Christine Johnston to adapt "Lovely Mary," soon to be produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Wesley Gilmore, Superintendent Wesley Gilmore has been appointed studio superintendent at the new Educational Studios of which E. H. Allen is general manager. Thomson on Exteriors Fred Thomson is shooting exterior scenes for "The Tough Guy" for F B. O. Add Clary to Cast Charles Clary has been added to the cast of "Beverly of Graustark." John Bowers Finishes Role John Bowers has completed a featured role in "The Danger Girl." Sally O'Neil in "Auction Block" Sally O'Neil has been added to the cast of "The Auction Block." Cohn Workinc on "Flames" Alfred A. Cohn is now writing continuity for "Flames" for M.-G.-M. Blackton Completes Casting The complete cast has been r' cruited for "Bride of the Storm, which J. Stuart Blackton is makinn for Warner Bros. Dolores Costell and John Harron are being starrec Others are Tyrone Power, Sheldo Lewis, Otto Matiesen, Julia Swayn Gordon, Ira McFadden, Tutor Owei Fred Scott, Don Stewart, Walte Tennyson and Larry Steers. Margaret Livingston Gets Contrai A new contract for next year h; been presented to Margaret Livinj ston by William Fox. The contrai comes several months before the e; piration of her present one and is ; a large salary increase. Peggy O'Day Engaged on Seconc Peggy O'Day has completed wor on the script of a second picture f( Davis Dist. Div. The title will 1 "Peggy from Headquarters." Tl stories for the entire series are I Finis Fox. "Man Upstairs" Being Titled Monte Blue's newest picture, "Tl Man Upstairs," adapted from Ea Derr Bigger's comedy mystery "Tl Agony Column," is being edited ai titled. Roy Del Ruth directed. Peggy Joyce's Next Peggy Hopkins Joyce will ni^ make "Madame Cherie," for As ciated Exhibitors. Charles Gerard in "Play SafeT Howard Estabrook has sign Charles Gerard for "Play Safe." ^ti STUDIO SPACE For Independent Producen Excellent facilities with every convenience. CALIFORNIA STUDIOS 1438 Gower St., Hollywood Jack Mlntz, Studio Mgr. Phone HO-0162 I WAen tn Hollywood stop at THE NEW HOTEL REGENT Every room avith Bath and Radio A beautifully appointed moderately priced hotel. In the heart of Hollywood 6162 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. Phone: Holly. 0487 1