The Film Daily (1926)

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THE inday, February 28, 1926 ■<Si< DAILV 195 he Week's Headlines Monday jal holiday. Tuesday 5 a record year (or Universal. Earnings uflicient to meet dividends eight times. 'rotits $1,925,506. lustry seeks exemption from bill protect iig patented designs to avoid difficulties in iroduction. rry L. Knapp, chairman of Pennsylvania Joard of Censors proposes that censorship )e invoked at production source through upcrvision of scripts. lal "Laugh Month" prizes awarded. w Kansas chain formed. Josephson-Fin telstein circuit acquires five houses and )lans to control 25. Wednesday ita'tion against American films in 16 forign countries still exists, formers preparing state-wide campaign to nake Missouri "blue." Lord's Day Alliince busy. lited Artists discard old selling plan, and low aim for volume business. Scaling prices accordingly. other Mid-West chain formed. M. T, & 0. Corp. organized in Chicago to spend flO,000,000 on new theaters. ighes committee to recommend censor Soard be transferred to State Educational Department. rst National to hold sales convention. First begins here April 26 for Eastern division. Thursday est Coast deal to be signed about March 7 in Los Angeles. Sol Lesser's 30 per cent share to be taken over by the Richard Hoyt Syndicate, composed of Hayden, Stone and Co. and important First Na \ tional executives. To receive $1,100,000 ( for his interest. First National franchise i for Southern California included. I g laboratory deal pending. Extended nego I tiations between Consolidated and Roth | acker plans coming to a close. O. C. C. to hold conference to discuss Bronx and Queens first run situation. wis and Vital trying to reorganize. David | Hochreich announces formation of new company, World Wide Films. Friday ithc earnings for 1925 expected to reach peak. m stocks on the Exchange active. _ Report that Famous plans new issue denied, icond class at Publix Theater Managers' ■Training School started. Twelve Paramount managers taking course. Saturday esident signs Revenue Bill exempting tax on admissions up to seventy-five cents, ooking combination in Chicago may gain impetus through backing of Fox organization. jurteen new theaters under way in Chicago, heater deal in Germany makes Emelka second largest company there, orth American Theaters deal with Pantages circuit still being discussed. 1 4 Chicago Houses Chicago — No less than 14 new theaters will be built in Chicago during 1926. Many of them have already been started. It is quite probable that there will be more. Propose More Drastic Law Little Rock, Ark. — Censorship more severe than any proposed in Little Rock is embodied in the new legislation suggested by City Council. Offsetting the local rules, which have been in force for nearly two years, this new ordinance was approved by the local board of sensors also. Under the regulations of the ordinance, ridicule of the 18th Amendment, or aTiy scene in which drinking is made attractive, or any scene which portrays drinking in violation of the Volstead Act, is an infraction of the laws of the ordinance, the penalty being a fine of from $50 to $200. Other provisions prohibit nakedness. All scenes depicting obscenity or suggestiveness, in marriage or lovemaking, are barred. No sho\ys which portray the life of the underworld in an attractive way, love scenes between whites and negroes, white slavery, long love scenes or ridicule of religion or patriotism can be exhibited. The ordinance was referred to the Police Committee. Plan Theater for Salt Lake Salt Lake City— A new theater will soon be erected in the Westerly section, if present plans of Lee Stallings, of Richfield, Utah, and Clifton Pierce, of Brigham, materialize. The theater will seat 400. Protest Bans Rochester Permit Rochester, N. Y.— The City Coun\ has refused to grant penrission S. Vclpe to erect a $200,000 theter on Culver Road at Rosewood errace. Volpe sought permission to uild a house seating 900. Protests cm citizens in the vicinity of the roposed theater was the reason for le Council's refusal. ieneral Amusements, Ltd., Chartered Toronto — The General Amuselents, Ltd., has been chartered at •ttawa with capital of $20,000. This the new company headed by Donat aquin, which has leased the Imerial at Ottawa. Paquin also operles the Eden and Laurier at Hull. Zasu Pitts in "Early to Wed" Hollywood — Zasu Pitts has been -st for a part in "Early to Wed." latt Moore and Kathryn Perry play lie loads. Fox has added Ethel Gray >rry to the cast of "Hard Boiled." New Film Board in Canada St. Johr. N. B. — A new Maritime Iilm Board of Trade has oeen formed here, with the following officers: President, R. March; vice-president, P. Hogan; and secretary-treasurer, W. Sault. 7,500 More Seats (Contimied from Page 1) on West Irving, seating 2,500. It will be ready by Oct. 1, and, besides the theater, will include an 18 apartment and office building. Mitchell Bros, are sponsoring the project. The Lawndale Theaters Corp. will erect a $1,000,000 house, with 3,000 seats, at Roosevelt Road and Komensky Ave. Stores, offices, apartments and a bowling alley will be part of the structure. Glenn Ellyn, a suburb, will have a 2.000 seat house, costing $300,000. This one is backed by Charles Hadley, of Wheaton, Roy Spaulding and A. C How, of Glen Ellyn. Edward McLaughlin and John Mitchell have leased the theater for 20 years. Start $125,000 Seattle Theater Seattle — Construction has started on the $125,000 Granada on California Ave. and Hudson St., West Seattle. The building is being erected for George Herpwick and Frank Edwards, now operalting the Winter Garden. The new theater will be one of the largest suburban play houses in this vicinity and will seat 1,000. The building is to be completed bv May 15. New One for Schine Chain Rochester, N. Y. — Negotiations have been completed by the Schine Theatrical Co. for the erection of a new theater at 1337-1343 Main St. east. The new structure will seat 1,500. Acquire Additional Territory Denver— The Denver Theater Supply Co. has taken on additional territory as representatives of the Motiograph De Luxe Projector. The new territory is Arizona and Southern New Mexico. Bill Warner in Charge Kansas City — Bill Warner, representative of First National in the key cities, has been named temporary manager of the local office, pending the recovery of Tom Byerle. Bar Films in Boston Temple Boston — The opposition of members of Tremont Temple to the exhibition of pictures in the Temple building has resulted in the executive committee voting to discontinue this policy. First Manager, Now Salesman Salt Lake City— C. F. Parr has tendered his resignation as manager for P D. C. to join M.-G.-M. as salesman, covering Idaho. He is succeeded by Al O'Keefe of Denver. Cleveland House Burns Cleveland— Fire broke out m the Madison, 9613 Madison Ave., during a matinee, and caused damage estimated at $2,000 Raymond Quits Publicity Post Kansas City — Charles Raymond, publicity manager of the Ne^vman and Royal, has resigned. He will go to the Coast. In the Courts Cumberland, Md.— A jury in the suit of the Palace Theater Co., Inc., of Frostburg, against the Superior Fire Insurance Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, tried in the Circuit Court, brought in a verdict for $3,198 in favor of the theater company. Property Leased for New House Toledo, O. — First actual movement of tenants to make way for the 15 story office building and theater to be built at Adams and Huron Sts. by Orro L. Brailey and Famous occurred when Jamles F. McManus, president of the McManus-Troup Co.. announced the completion of negotiations for a long term lease on property at 713-15 and 17 Jefferson Ave. Indian River Company Building Titusville, Fla. — The Indian River Theatrical Enterprises is erecting a $250,000 theater here, which is expected to open the latter part of March. Fails to Exercise Theater Option Springfield, Mo. — Universal did not exercise the option which it held on the Jefferson. S. E. White is the present lessee. WATCH THIS SPACE FORC GREATER Theater in New Masonic Temple Roseville, Cal— With the interior decorators already at work on the structure, Roseville Masons are making plans for the dedication of their new temple about April 1st. The lower floor has been leased by the West Coast Theaters for a picture theater. Another for Chamberlain, Comerford Williamsport, Pa. — Chamberlain and Comerford interests will erect a $625,000 theater on the site of the old Sterling hotel. It will seat over 2,500. Work will start shortly. Buys Two WoodviUe Houses Woodville, Tex.— E. A. Swearingen has purchased the Crescent and Airdome from E. B. Buffington and has already taken possession. To Represent Enterprise in 'Frisco San Francisco— The Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co., of Chicago, who manufacture the motiograph machine, has appointed Preddy Supply Co. as their distributor here. Exhibitors to Back Local Film Akron, O.— H. S. Wagner, director of the Summit County metropolitan park board, states that the Akron M. P. T. O. has agreed to finance motion pictures of winter and summer scenes of beauty spots in the county. A well known Akron merchant has donated 3,000 ft. of film. PRODUCTIONS 1926-27 "THE GOLDEN WEB" by E. Phillips Oppenheim "PETER THE GREAT" in 'KING OF THE PACK" "SINEWS OF STEEL" 6y E^. J. Meagher '♦QUARANTINED RIVALS" by George Randolph Chester