The Film Daily (1926)

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Page 10 Exhibitors Daily /{( Pathe News No. 27 HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N. J. (Except Chicago, Milwaukee, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Newark) Tests plane for polar flight. Lt. Com. Byrd finds ship in excellent condition for daring 400-niile hop from Cape Morris Jessup to the North Pole. NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN — Chart dirft of huge icebergs in transatlantic ship lanes. Coast Guard Cutter patrons northern waters to w^arn liners of treacher.ous icy mountains. MOSCOW, RUSSIA — Blaze air trail to China. Pathe News presents exclusive pictures of the flight across Asia, linking ancient capitals of the two nations. PLEASANT VALLEY, CAL. — ^Highest concrete pier railroad bridge nears completion. Workers rapidly extend huge structure ■which is built on pillars 200 feet high. IN THE LIMELIGHT — New commander assumes duties at W^est Point. Brig. Gen. Stewart (right) relieves Maj. Gen. Sladen, who has been assigned to dutv in the Philippines. GENEVA, SWIPZERLAND— League of Nations' failure to agree does not banish Germany's hope of entry. Gala demonstration accompanies end of critical session in gay city. PANAMA BAY, C. Z. — U. S. Battle Fleet engages in annual maneuvers. REVIEWED m THiS ISSUE Pathe News No. 27 International News No. 27 Kinograms No. 5174 Fox News Continuity No. 52 Yearning for Love Universal Ukulele Sheiks Pathe The Rustler's Secret Universal The Big Hearted Fish Pathe Modem Centaurs Educational Dancing Daddy Educational PiMhe Review No. 15 Pathe Felix Weathers the Weather Educational "Yearning For Love" International News No. 27 N. Y. CITY — Spring cleaning for awesome monsters. Museum giants taken out of winter wrappings and moved to new quarters. PETALUMA, CAL. — Welcome Easter! Thousands of eggs distributed free to happy youngsters. SEATTLE. WASH. — (Omit Los Angeles.) New speed boat bids rum runners beware! Make forty miles an hour carrying a regular army of cops. LONE PINE, CAL. — (L. Angeles only) — College students in annual snow frolic. High up in Sierras Pomona pupils enjoy unique revel. INTERESTING SNAPSHOTS FROM THE NEWS OP THE DAY — CLIPTON, N. J. — Unusual glimpse of great textile strike shows cops using clubs> to keep "order." PEKING, CHINA — Free chop suey for Chinese kiddies Government sees that youngsters get plenty of nourishment. N. Y. CITY. — Famous college star goes after new records. Incidentally Emerson Norton, all 'round champ, gives a few lessons in correct athletic "form." rniversal 2 reels This permits Wanda Wiley, starred in this two-reeler, to "do her stuff" in the real Wanda fashion. She is as peppy and vivacious as ever, takes her usual number of falls ; in short, provides action and laughs that will please most any audience. The wilful Wanda refuses to be bound in marriage to anyone but the man of her own choosing. Not so thinks her dominating aunt who has already selected the groom. Arrangements are made for the wedding with the undesirable suitor, but Wanda is not to be outwitted. The intended groom is blackjacked by the rival who is disguised as the minister. The lovers elope, and there is a surprise ending when aunty marries the poor sap the girl has rejected. Kinograms No. 5174 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA — Christen Planes for Wilkins' Polar Dash. — Huge machines in which the explorer plans daring flight, are named. PARIS — French President at Annual Stock Show — ^M. Doumergue inspects amazing specimens of prize winning bulls at exhibition. WASHINGTON— In King Tut's Day They Wore These for Easter — Style show with costumes of 2,000 years ago is staged for charity drive. AIKEN, S. C. — Society rides in Fast Polo Match — Fashionable set stages exciting plays on the Whitney field for Aiken cup. FAIRBANKS, ALASKA— Alaskan girls in 20 mile dog race. Fair mushers drive teams over sno^vv wastes in exciting contest. PETALUMA, CAL. — "Say It With Eggs," This town's slogan. Folks of "w^orld's egg basket" send us all the season's salutations. PONTRESINA, SWITZERLAND— Do their daily dozen on top of the Alps. Girls seeking grace of form hold an exercise class 6.000 feet up. 'Ukulele Sheiks" Patiie 2 reels Fox News Continuity, Vol. 7, No. 52 OIL CITY, PA. — Ice jam and high water $5,000,000 loss. Sr. NAZAIRE — Largest and finest liner In the French mercantile fleet is launched. ROCHESTER NINE STARTS TRAINING IN GEORGIA. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. — Harvard oarsmen turn out for spring practice. SAN FRANCISCO — John McCormack and his wife and daughter, Gwendolyn, arrive on visit from Emerald Isle. Glenn Trj'on in a rollicking comedy that offers him wide scope. First, a slave to the jazz craze, he is very amusing as the youth to whom ukuleles and girls are the all-important. Then the big thing in his life happens— he falls in love — and to a married woman. His conceit and youth distort his view, and he is sure that the girl much prefers him to her husband. He follows them to the boat on which they are leaving for their honeymoon, hiding as a stowaway together with his father who has followed Glenn. He is sadly disillusioned when he discovers that the newlyweds are reallj'' happy. Glenn has an excellent supporting cast which includes Mack Swain, Jimmie Finlayson, Vivian Oakland, and Martha Sleeper. "The Rustler's Secret Universal 2 reels This Mustang western adequately fills the bill and should prove good entertainment for the action-lovers. The usual hard hitting, fast riding elements that characterize this type of two-reeler are inherent. The plot has a novel twist that .will be welcome. The hero, a supposed rustler, is chased by a posse. He eludes fhem by hiding in the wagon driven by the daughter of a ranchman. It turns out that the "rustler" is a detective, on the trail of a gang of rustlers. He finds them and the manner in which he rounds them up is a distinct novelty. Edmund Cobb is very much at home in the role of hero in this tworeel western. "The Big Hearted Fish" Pathe 1 reel Paul Terrys latest fable is way up to standard, the story in which those funny little animals figure so prominently being of a most diverting nature. Eczema Cat implants terror in the hearts of poor Jerry Squirrel and Mr. and Mrs. Blackbird, besides robbing them of their valuables. But that's not all. It behooves the villainous Eczema to separate the inseparable lovers — "Hartsooth Mouse" and "Tweedle Dee." However, with the aid of "Big Hearted Fish," who rescues Hartsooth from a watery grave, the latter frustrates the plans of the big brute Eczema, who had evil designs on I)oor little Tweedle Dee. "Modern Centaurs" Educational 1 reel A diverting single reeler, exhibiting a brand of cavalry riding that fairly elicits deep admiration and even thrills. You are treated to the spectacle of beautiful, exquisitely groomed horses doing the bidding of their masters, at the imminent peril of their bones, but no mishaps result. These intelligent, high-strung animals take five-foot hedges without so much as a hesitant tremor, they being equally adept in scaling fences, bridging wide ditches at a single leap and sliding down almost vertical precipices with perfect facility. Not the least arresting part of these manoeuvres is the calm, handsome postures of the riders, sometimes crouched low on horses' necks, who veritably characterize the title of the picture by the ease with which they effect the most hazardous riding stunts. Will probably prove an entertaining novelty an3rwhere. BIG Moments IN ANY SHOW A Red Seal Picture .v.y.c. "Dancing Daddy" Educa'tional There's plenty of action inf with Jack Duffy's characteriz the old hick being the out highlight. To prevent his nephew fro ing a chorus girl into the' Uncle makes his appearance! scenes and proceeds to try the girl away from young offering her every inducement^ take a turn, though, when he he's been winning over the ; girl who insists on the fulf his promises. Things are pr^ for the old man until the girl 1 '■; it's a joke on him, she b^f sister of the nephew's wife. There you have the situa—-, the old farmer from Hickvilljf^ throes of a hectic affair with ;_; ing vamp that provides laugl I 1*^^. familiar nature ; they are nevertheless. The sub titles cidedly anaemic. Vera Steadman is attractiv^ vamping gold-digger. ^'' "Pathe Review No. l! Pathe "The Eye of the Spanish subject No. 1— some exceedii teresting shots of Fort Mari^ oldest fort in the New WorU of history of the old haven forj Spanish galleons bearing tr now an antiquity of the States, is revealed. "The Sea-Gull Na\y" gives] insight into the life and custoE huge flock of sea-gulls and pr fascinating subject. The law preservation is regarded qi rigidly among the parasites air, their scouts keeping carefti lance, giving the signals when lurks nearby. "A A'lansion in Morocco" ject No. 3, done in Pathecol^ showing us some very lovely i of the beautiful home of an cratic Moroccan. The pride Moroccan — his courtyard — is a thing of beauty. Some shots' jealously-guarded Moroccan and the pampered youngsters better class, are the wind-up altogether interesting Review. * * * "Felix the Cat Weal the Weather" Educational Alaintains the high standai ^ entertainment set bj' Pat Sulli previous efforts. Felix (who is married, b] wajO, has promised his familyj nic, but as luck would have il as they get out into the wide spaces, dark clouds gather ov^ and the rain, thunder and Hi send them home in disappoii No sooner are they under theii tering roof, the sun comes out] its glory. A repetition of this Felix to the conclusion th< weather man is playing a }o\ him and vows vengeance, sure does get even with Mr. Wj Man when he gets control of tl ments, sending him out to se« lief from the heat in the old ming hole in which he is w'-en Frost appears. isiyt 11,1 Rtesc tccij to 4 11 1' ' 11 citi k m ill I itsot Ufa BtioD Sin BIS [ i n H«il Start Bel Km mil filing IS to c4e' ^itl |ak; L