The Film Daily (1926)

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THE -pn^ DAILY MXXXVI No. 3 Sunday. Apr. 4, 1926 Price 25 Cents JOHN W. AllCOATE Publisher Copyrieht 1926. Wid's Films and Film Folks, (nc. Published Paily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. T. W. Alicoate, Treasurer, Maurice D. Kann, Editor: Donald M. Mersereau. Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months. $5.00: 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollyivood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, 6411 Hollywood Blvd.; 'Phone, Granite 3980. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St.. London, W. I., Paris — La Cinematographic Francaise, S, Rue Saulnier. Quotations (These prices are as of Thursday, except as Indicated otherwise by an asterisk. The Stock Exchange vyas closed on Friday.) High Low Close Salei Balaban & Katz . 72 1W2 71 .... Kastman Kodak . 1077/i \^T'A 107^ 500 jTamous Players . 120?^ 118 119'4 12,400 Jam. Play. Pfd. . n7'4 117 117'4 200 *Film Inspection . . , 4'/. .... «/irst Nafl Pfd. , , 100 .... Fox Film "A" . 61'/, 58 6154 3,100 Fox Theaters "A" 21 20'4 21 3,400 •Intern'l Projector , , 13 .... Loew's, Inc. 39-4 ^^V^ 38^ 6,800 Metro-Gold. Pfd. . . 22?i 22 2274 100 M. P. Cap. Corp. 20'/^ 19 19 900 Pathe Exch. "A" 555^ 53'4 54'/^ 4,100 fParamount B'way 94^ 94 '4 94 J4 1,100 Skouras Bros. 46 46 46 .... ••Stan. Co. of Am. 49 Trans-Lux Screen %% %% 8^ 1,000 ^'Jniversal Pictures 30^ .... •Univ. Pict. Pfd. 91 •Warner Bros. 10^ •Warner Pictures , , , , 14 » Last prices quoted •• Philadelphia market + Bond market To Build Four {Continued from Page 1) rtoosevelt Ave., Corona, and a theater seating the same in College Point. Work starts soon on a house in Long Island City, at Vernon and 4th Ave., while a theater seating 2,200 will be built near the Broadway station in Corona. The latter will have a split policy. When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B I N S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance f-or the past fifteen years. Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1540 Broadway N, Y. C. Bryant 3040 More Exchanges for Red Seal On April 15 Red Seal will open a New Haven exchange with Lester Tobias in charge, and a Boston office supervised by Tobias and H. S. Snyder. This is in line with the new policy of opening up branches in all the principal key cities. Show "Cinderella" Tomorrow The Film Associates will show "Cinderella," a Ufa film, tomorrow afternoon and evening at the Klaw. Another experimental abstract film, "Are the Young Films Dreaming?" will also be presented. Interstate to Build in San Antonio San Antonio, Tex.— The Interstate Amusement chain will be augmented by a new first run here, to be called the Majestic. Karl Hobhtzelle is president. Fred Newmeyer to Coast Fred Newmeyer left Thursday for the Coast to make one picture. It is understood that he will return to New York in about two months. Warners Promote Swift Sam Morris has promoted Paul J. Swift, Warner sales manager in Buffalo, to an important executive position at the home office. F. B. O. Changes Title Hollywood — F. B. O. has changed the title of "Her Honor, the Governor," starring Pauline Frederick, to "Devil's Island." Leave for Sales Convention Los Angeles — Harry Warner, Jack . Warner and Harry Lustig leave to1 day for New York to attend the War j ner sales convention. Afterwards, they go to Chicago for the second session and finally wind up again in Los Angeles. Charlotte Board Elects Charlotte — The Charlotte Film Board of Trade has elected the following officers: president, William Conn, F. B. 0.; vice-president, Meritt Davis, Warner Brothers.; chairman, E. F. Dardeen, Universal. To Arrange Presentation Music Edward Kilenyi, conductor of the Colony orchestra, will arrange musical programs for Universal, beginning with "The Flaming Frontier," which has a special showing tonight. Publicity Man Going Abroad Howard Strickling, publicity director for Rex Ingram, sails today on the Majestic to confer with Ingram on his new picture, "The Magician." Managing North Carolina House Charlotte— C. G. Eggerton is now manager of the Peoples, Roanoke Falls. He formerly owned a house in Finley, N. C. Loew's New State Opens New Orleans — Loew's New State theater opens today. Stage and sc.een stars from Los Angeles and New York are on hand. Milhauser to Handle Negro Film Los Angeles — Bertram Milhauser will have charge of the negro picture Cecil B. De Mille will make. P. D. C. President Returns F. C. Munroe, president of Prod. Dist. Corp., returned to New York from the Coast Friday. Jobyna Ralston Gets Lead Hollywood — Jobyna Ralston will play opposite Rod La Rocque in "Gigolo.'" Gilpin as "Uncle Tom" Charles Gilpin, negro actor, may play Uncle Tom in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Opens Little Rock Theater Little Rock— T. ,W. Sharp has opened ihe new Prospect. I F I T'» ^CTUl^ GOWNS OR UNIFORMS LEARN TO SAY BROOKS 1437 BROADWAY TEL 5580 PEN. ALSO 25,000 COSTUMES TO RENT POSITION WANTED Ambitious young man with eight years experience in the motion picture industry desires position as salesman. Box K-149 c-o Film Daily 1650 B'way. New York City Orpheum Building Another South Bend — An Orpheum house is being erected here. It will play both pictures and vaudeville. Krellberg Back Sherman Krellberg of Excellent Pictures returned from Europe yesterday on the Mauretania. Plan 1,400-Seat House Shelby, N. C. — E. L. Bean plans a 1,400-seat house for vaudeville and road shows. J. S. GRAUMAN Another RAYART Booster George Blair in Town George Blair of Eastman Koila is back from the Coast. He v main in New York a few days returning to Rochester. Specify GOF" Raw Stock for QUALITY Sole Distributors: FISH-SCHURMAN CORP 45 West 45th Street N. Y. Bryant 7243 Sales Promotion Mif for merchandising five-reel mo. tion pictures. To a high type, conscientious and ambitious salesman of necutive calibre an unusual opportunity is offered with a Ten Million Dollar concm of national repute. The man we will employ must have a proven record of his ability to sell five-reel pictures in the State Rights Field. He must be thoroughly reliible, capable of expanding with the business, and assuming responsibilities. He must be a sincere and earnest worker, who is willing to concentrate his interests in this work undividedly and ready to cope with an; situation necessary to furtte the interests and success oi tliis organization. To a man with the above qualifications we are willing to pay a salary commensuratt with his ability. If your record can bear ciosf investigation write giving de tailed account of your experi ence, name of man undtt whom you have worked aitl any other information regari ing your activities to.. J. E. Williamson, 1926 Broadway piu' A handy reference volume of over 800 pages that answers all questions. Price $5.00 or free to Film Daily Subscribers r