The Film Daily (1926)

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4e BRADSTREET / FILMDOM Authority XXXVI No. 14 Friday, April 16, 1926 Price 5 Cents lound Table i "kontingent," despair of rican film exporters, fades ' in Hungary. That's wel: news. The inside story is esting. eting around the conference is responsible. The Hunin Government wanted to r home production. There to be one Hungarian-made re for every thirty foreign, rican distributors objected. ■ said it was economically xind. Then a rift. :hanges were to be pulled out. iimerican pictures for Hungary he edict. A few days ago the arian Government and a repaiive of the Hays office held eting. At its conclusion, the ingent" idea was dead. Instead of $80 per feature was imposed, situation is solved. Arbitration n exchange of ideas did it. Conferring in England ■ Lowry, Hays man in England, eting the British trade. April ill see an important session. nd wants this. America wants It's almost a certainty, howthat a middle ground will be :. Then the English situation s hoped — will be met. An Open Mind i so, despite agitators abroad, ica is listening. It is right that le industry should. The Hays ization is most active. Little ird ot the effort. However, it in no uncertain manner. Hungarian incident is imporIts influence will extend bethat little country. The decin Budapest means this: That s has been reached upon which ining elsewhere can be con1. nands must be tempered by ji. Foreign nations need Ameripictures. The industry here I abroad for much of its business. I leans on the other. Certainly, s sufficient excuse for a round discussion and plenty of it. KANN eet off of 9000 ft. Fdited I You t know "Our Nell" now. — Advt. "U" in Atlanta Closes 20-Year Lease on 2,500-Seat House, Being Built in Connection with Macy Store Atlanta — Universal has closed a deal for a big theater being erected here by Asa Candler, Inc., in connection with the new Macy store under construction at the corner of Peachtree and Ellis Sts. More than $600,000 will be spent on the theater. Of this amount $400,000 will go into the building itself and $200,000 in equipment. The house will seat approximately 2,500 and is expected to open in April, 1927. It will have a mammoth stage and numerous dressing rooms to accom(.Continued on Page 2) Ready to Build Fox Theaters in All Key Cities if Necessary in Order to Get Distribution, Wm, Fox States Los Angeles — William Fox, addressing the 23rd annual Fox convention at its business session yesterday, said that if it were necessary to secure adequate distribution, he would build theaters in every key city in the country. Over 450 directors, stars and executives of the organization attended a (Continued on Page 6) Still Planning Sid Grauman Going to Chicago on Theater Chain— No Site Selected in New York As Reported Sid Grauman, who addressed the A. M. P. A. at its luncheon yesterday, will go to Chicago in about a week to advance plans for his circuit of between 25 and 30 two-a-day houses. He denied that he, in association with Joseph Schenck and the Shuberts, have purchased property (Continued on Page 4) 24 from Columbia Columbia Pictures in announcing 24 pictures for next season, states that an advertising campaign in the Saturday Evening Post will commence in June. The new product includes: "The Lost House," by Richard Harding Davis, "The Price of Honor," "The Lightning Express," (Continued on Page 6) Denies Roxy Theater Sale Story William E. Atkinson said yesterday that there is no truth in a revived report that the Roxy Theater is to be sold to Balaban & Katz. "Roxy" is due in New York from the Coast Sunday. Daylight Saving Daylight saving time becomes effective in New York and adjacent territory, including New Jersey, at midnight April 24, and concluding in September. Observance of the schedule is "spotty," some of the smaller communities failing to come in line. Although Connecticut has an anti-daylight saving law, the larger towns, without advancing their clocks, start business an hour earlier than usual. Alleges Story Was Pirated At a continuation of the piracy trial brought by Metro-Goldwyn against Commonwealth, Howell Sales Co., and others, in which it is claimed "Vendetta" was stolen from Archibald Gunter's play, "Mr. Barnes of New York," Augustus Thomas, Irvin S. Cobb and Robert H. Davis were witnesses yesterday. All testified that in their opinion it was a clear case of piracy. Pola Negri starred in the alleged pirated version. M-G asks for damages of $100,000. Artie Nu-Air Arranges Distribution Artic-Nu-Air Corp., manufacturers of air conditioning equipment and cooling systems, have arranged with Joseph Forster and Harry Keller, former exchange men in the New York territory, for the distribution of their equipment in the following territories: Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware and Dist. of Columbia. They will open a local office next week. Hope to Reorganize Vital Hopes of reorganizing Vital Exchanges, now bankrupt, are held by some of its creditors who met yesterday afternoon at the office of the referee, Samuel Miller. It was decided to defer further action until April 26, when they will meet at Miller's office. About 20 creditors attended the meeting. Capra to Direct Langdon Los Angeles— Frank Capra will direct Harry Langdon in "The Yes Man" for First National. On Way to New York Los Angeles— Pat O'Malley and lack White left here Wednesday for New York. Wanda Wiley's Contract Ends Stern Bros.' contract with Wanda Wiley has been terminated, according to Julius Stern. Amsterdam Has Chain He and "Pop" Korsen Acquire 5 Houses in Reading in Deal Involving Over Million and Half Philadelphia — Ben Amsterdam, and his partner in Masterpiece Film Attractions, "Pop" Korsen, have acquired five of the Carr-Schadd theaters in Reading. It is one of the largest of recent theater deals put over in this section and involves $1,600,000. Contracts transferring the theaters from Carr and Schadd to Amsterdam and Korsen were signed yesterday morning. Warner Block System Places Salesman in Complete Control of Sales, Play Dates, Collections / in His Section / A block system, which Sam ,E. Morris has worked out for tne Warner organization, provides that each branch territory be divided into Block A, B, etc., with each operated by a salesman who will be responsible not only for sales but for play dates and collections, operating much as if it were his own business. (Continued on Page 6) Warm Censor Hearing Witnesses Asked to Show Difference Between Regulation Asked and State Censorship Washington — There was considerable excitement at the censorship hearing before the Education Committee of the House yesterday when members of the committee endeavored to draw from witnesses the difference between the "regulation" asked for and censorship as now exercised (Continued on Page 4) Loew Issue on Market Today The $15,000,000 Loew issue in 15year 6 per cent sinking fund gold debentures will be placed on the m;>rket today by Dillon, Read & Co. and the National City Co. Quigley Returning Today Martin Quigley, publisher of the Exhibitors' Herald, arrives today on the Berengaria and leaves Saturday for Chicago. Less Unemployment Washington — March showed a slight decrease in unemployment, according to the U. S. Employment Service. Comerfords Acquire Three Scranton, Pa. — The Lee and Van Dyke theaters at Wyalusing and a house at Montrose, have been acquired by the Comerford Amusement Co.