The Film Daily (1926)

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THE ■e&Hk DAILY Tuesday, May 25, 26 ViLXXXVI No. 47 Tuesday, May 25. 1926 Price 5 Cents IBHN N. ALICOATE Publisher Copyright 1926, Wid's Films and Film Folks, [nc. I'liblislied Daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. I. \V. Alicoate, Treasurer, Maurice D. Kann, Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second-class i;iatter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE fILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday. New York. Hollywood, California— Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassailor Hotel; 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794. London— Ernest W. Fredman, 'llie Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, W. I., Paris— La Cinematographie Francaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Call money at 4 per cent did not prevent the market from gaining strength yesterday. The rise progressed in seesaw fashion, but the conclusion of the day's session showed many of the issues had marked figures on the right side of the ledger. Famous was again in the fore of trading in the film issues. While staying at the previous closing of 124, there was a turnover of 3,400 shares of common. The preferred issue, in a turnover of only 200 shares, made a gain of 1-5^ points. Fox Film "A" added Ji of a point; Fox Theaters "A", 54, and First National preferred, 54. a" in small transactions. Quotations High Low Close Sales Balaban & Katz . 72 nVi 7154 *Eastman Kodak no Famous Players . 124 12354 124 3,400 Fam. Players Pfd. 122^ 1217/8 \2\iA 200 Film Inspect. . . . 354 3 5/. 354 100 First Uat'l Pfd. . 96J4 9654 96J4 200 Fox Film "A" . . 63^ 63% 6354 300 Fox Theaters "A" 2254 22^8 2254 200 *Intern'I Project. 1254 Loew's, Inc 377^ 3754 3754 1,500 ♦Metro-Gold. Pfd. 23 M. P. Cap. Corp. 2154 2154 2154 200 *Pathe Exch. "A" 49 . . . • tParamount B'way 98 9754 9754 1,600 Roxy Units . 26 2454 4*/. .... Roxv Com 7 654 654 Skouras Bros. . . . . 49 49 49 •*Stan. Co. of Am. 58 Trans-Lux Screen . 7 7 ioo ♦Universal Pict. . 33 •Univ. Pict. Pfd. <)i •Warner Pict. "A" 145^ •Warn Bros. . . . 4554 * Last prices quoted •• Philadelphia Market t Bond Market Warner Changes in Field Ai)c E. Fischer lias been appointed Midwest division manager for Warners by Sam E. Morris, who also assigned Louis J. Blumberg to the Minneapolis exchange. BUCHHEISTER Motion Picture Film LABORATORY ART TITLES 24.'> W. 55th St. Columbus 9240 Special Rush Service New York First {Continued from Page 1) and 46th St. had beeft offered the new company. The §4,000,000 of 7% convertible preferred stock to be floated by J. and W. Seligman and Co., in association with Spencer, Trask and Co., and others will probably be offered tomorrow. The theater circuit will advance $1,000,000 of its own funds, thus creating $5,000,000 all told. Each theater will cost about $1,000,000 and will seat 1,800. It will be fully two years before the circuit is completed and in operation. Much of the financing of each theater will be handled locally. Schenck said yesterday that the plan was most flexible; that while the backbone of the circuit's pictures will be United Artists, outside product will also be used from time to time. Admissions will depend on local conditions. The range of prices will run from $2.50 top to $1. "The Wall Street Journal" said yesterday that except in unusual cases, the contract between United Artists and the Theater Unit provides piclures are to be exhibited on a percentage basis. Box ofifice receipts are to be first applied to theater expenses and depreciation, and as investment return to provide preferred dividends. Each picture is to be released simultaneously in the theaters of the new circuit for four week runs. Aberdeen "War" Coming Aberdeen, S. D. — In a building race now under way the Walker Amusement Co. is erecting a new house to entrench itself against the entrance of F. and R. into this city. The Walker interests have also acquired the Garrick, State and Princess from E. G. Anderson. List 400 Canadian Films Ottawa — An illuminating booklet of 32 pages has been issued by the Canadian Government as a catalogue for the 400 releases of the Government's studio, of which R. S. Peck has been the director for the past four years. Large House for 1st Ave. Max J. Kramer has taken a lease on the property at 1st Ave. and 57th St., where he will build a 2500 seat theater. Bachmann Signs the Hattons J. G. Bachmann has signed Frederick and Fanny Hattan to write and adaot a comedv drama. Welsh Starts with Universal Robert E. Welsh, whq resigned as assistant to Oscar Price, to become advertising manager for Universal, took up his new duties yesterday. Welsh began his career in the industry with the old Kalem Co., and then became managing editor of "M. P. News." He left the "News" to become associated with Wid Gunning in distribution and then took over the editorship of "M. P. World," which post he left for Associated. Spoken Drama Through, Says Brady Atlantic City — In an interview given a "N. Y. Evening Sun" reporter here, William A. Bradj' said the little theater movement was the only thing that would keep the spoken drama from extinction. "At the present rate of retrogression, we will have not more than 100 spoken drama houses in America five j'ears hence," he said. "U" Sells Atlanta Tudor Atlanta— R. B. Wilby and Thomas G. Coleman have purchased the Tudor from Universal. This is the third house owned and operated by Wiley and Co. Emmett Parker comes from Birmingham to manage. Broadway Bookings Two specials have been booked for Broadway houses. "The Volga Boatman" goes to the Capitol, June 6, and "The Black Pirate" into the Strand within a few weeks. Cleveland Building Strike Settled Cleveland — The 11 week building strike has been settled, and work on the Fox exchange has been resumed. Special Showing for "Devil Horse" Pathe will give a special showing of "The Devil Horse" at the Hotel Roosevelt, the evening of June 1. Fox To Produce Here (Continued from Page 1) There is a possibility that Gloria Swanson will lease space at the Fox plant to produce "Personality" for United Artists. This could not be confirmed vesterdav. Oldest Projection Room "Catering to the better class" Sun Projection Rooms 220 West 42nd St. Phone Wisconsin 1177 Room IOCS ^^U?te Bert Goldman Dead Minneapolis — Bert Goldman, well known throughout the ^ west through his long assoc with F. and R. with whom he Minneapolis broker, is dead, plications of several ailments responsible. J. F. Cubberley, . Ruben, Theodore L. Hays and s al others were at Goldman's be when he died. Funeral services held Sunda}'. erv ■th". ion was 3111 ere Idif 'erlidc ere New Famous' Issul? (Continued from Page 1) neither confirm nor denj* the r but stated that something of a ficial nature would soon be annoi In some circles the opinion wa pressed that the company woul dare a dividend of 20 per cent. Elek J. Ludvigh, secretaryurer, said last night that he nothing of any plan to issue stock. |:eci. e.v de !aslew lew «OUR^^ 6AN0" COMEDY UAL ROACH ulS RASCALS^ ROBERT M'OOWAM This is a 'Cornerblock" cut furribei FREE for all Pathecomedies atlour Exchange. National Theatre Owners Convent GREETINGS From PAWNEE BILL, JR 8 Western Thrill Dramas, to be made by BOB HORNER II BRYANT 37-*0-37-4A Rexjben" Sa>iuels,I:C. 1540 broadway NewYork Insurance Experts to the Theajical and Motion Picture Indusfii -am .k: