The Film Daily (1926)

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40 THE 'S^ DAILV ^ Sunday, May 30, 192( A Little from "Lots* By RALPH WILK w HY not hold a handball tournament, with Harlcy Knoles, Sam Katz, Fred Qiiimby, Frank BorzaRC, Llovd Hughes, Tom Gallery, Elmer McGovern and Arthur Brilant among the entrants? * * * E. H. Griffith is directing Monty Banks in "Atta Boy." His friends are expecting to say "Very Good, Eddie," when it is screened. * * * Rough and ready Eddie Hollander, aged nine, is the Cosmopolitan studio mascot. He dines ivith Aileen Pringle and other stars and feels right at home. He did a "bit" in "the Wilderness Woman." When not acting, he delights in aiding passengers into taxicabs. * * * Quoits is a popular noon-day sport at Paramount, with Larry Hitt's boys very adept at the game. * * * "Weren't you once connected with newspapers?" Pat O'Malley was asked. "Sure. I used to sell them," was the reply. * * * Although Bob Haas, art director, has not been in Italy for several years. he likes to reminisce on the good old daj's in Rome. During his rare leisure moments, he and Joe Boyle can be found at the Cosmopolitan studio, recalling amusing experiences of their Italian picture producing days. * * * It is a long stroll from the little gray home in the West (Milwaukee) to Broadway, but Gilda Gray made it in a few dancing steps. * * * "We knew them when"— Arthur Brilant attended the University of Minnesota; Rose Pelswick and Delight Evans romped the streets of Fort Wayne, and Delight's husband, Herbert Crooker, learned his three R's at the Madison school, Minneapolis; Harry O. Hoyt attended Yale. * * * Irwin Zeltner is having a hard time regaining his land legs. For eight days and nights he lived in the naval librarv, Washington, assembling facts and figures on "Old Ironsides." * * * Bernard Randall is not worry inq about future press sheets dealing with his pictures. Besides acting he has entered the printing business. * * ♦ Monta Bell, and not De Wolf Hovper is responsible for the simile about the man with a glass eye looking throfah a keyhole, according to Frank Wilstach of P. D. C. Wilstach o"nht to knoiv, as he has been compiling similies for years. Wilstach also relates Bell's financial rise, from ?75 to four figures a week. In Eastern Studios Sutherland to Direct Esther Ralston, Louise Brooks and William Collier, Jr., will appear in "Glorifying the American Girl," which was written by James Ashmore Greclman and Townsend Martin. Martin will supervise the procluction, to be directed by Edward Sutherland, with Fred Fleck as assistant. J. Roy Hunt will do camera work. Twenty-two sets will be built. Baxter Heads Cast Warner Baxter will play the title role in "The Great Gatsby," to be directed by Herbert Brenon. Ray Lissner will be the assistant director. Gloria Hale is en route from the Coast to work in her first Eastern picture, while Neil Hamilton is also comin' from Hollywood to be prinpal. Others are William Powell and George Nash. To Do "Even Stephen" Al Stantell will follow "Subway Sadie" with "Even Stephen," for First National. It will be an Al Rockett production, with Dorothy Mackaill and Jack Mulhall as leads. Arthur Edeson will do the camera work. Finishes "Mismates" Charles Brabin has completed work on "Mismates" and has gone to the Coast, where he is expected to direct a Colleen Moore production. Earl Hudson is supervising the cutting. Brice Joins Cast Lew Brice, who was in "Lew Tyler's Wives," has joined the cast of "A Romance of a Million Dollars." Finishes Special Work Edward Cronjager has finished spc'■ial camera work on "Mismates" ant will photogiaph Richard Dix in "The Quarterback." Joins De Mille Unit Willis O'Brien, formerly in the miniature department of the Paramount Long Island studio, is on the Coast, where he has joined the Cecil B. De Mille unit. Burke in "The Kick-Off" Joseph Burke, veteran character actor, is in "The Kick-OfF," which is being directed by Wesley Ruggles. La Cava in Hot Springs Gregory La Cava, whose next production will he "So's Your Old Man." starring W. C. Fields, is on vacation in Hot Springs. Ottawa Government Active Trenton, Ont. — The Canadian Government, which has a laboratory at Ottawa, produces a few educational pictures, whereas the Province of Ottawa authorities operate the largest studio in Canada, located in this city. The pictures are distributed under the brand name: "Province of Ontario Pictures," and include scenic, scientific and mming films. Fairbanks Looks to Russia Berlin — Douglas Fairbanks, in an interview while here, stated Russia would become a very interesting factor in the near future. And That's That! By -BARRY" TTIRAM ABRAMS is to layout a -'-■• golf course on the 90 acre farm he has just purchased at Poland, Maine. He believes in preparedness. Getting ready for the 1927 Film Golf Tournament. A church in upper New York State was successful iyi having the theaters closed on Sundays. Now they have started showing pictures themselves on the Sabbath. That's rubbing it iyi. This is not inly the 30th anniversary of pictures it's Cissy Fitzgerald's 30th anniversary as well. She was the first actress to be starred, did her Gaiety Girl dance before the camera al the old Edison studios. And she's mighty proud of it. A corn plaster company is using "famous feet" to brighten up its copy. So far they've presented the tootsies of many well-known stars hut— not a sign of the most famous feet in the ivorld, Charlie Chaplin's. On Broadway Next Week Astor— "The Big P.ira(Ie" Broadway — "Shipwrecked" Cameo — Repertorie Week Capitol — "Paris" Colony — "Outside the Law" Criterion — "Mare Nostrum" Embassy — "Ben Hur" Loew's New York — Monday — "Beverly of Graustark" Tuesday — Broadway Boob" and "Whispering Canyon" Wednesday — "Red Dice" Thursday — "The Greater Glory" Friday — "Early to Wed" and "The High Binders" Saturday— "The Palm Beach Girl" Loew's State — "A Social Celebrity" Mark Strand — "Ranson's Folly" Rialto — "Aloma of the South Seas" Rivoli — "The Unknown Soldier" Warners — "Silken Shackles" Brooklyn Mark Strand — "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" Week of June 6 Astor — "The Big Parade" Broadway — Undetermined Cameo — LTndetermined Capitol — "The Volga Boatman" Colony — "Rolling Home" Criterion — "Mare Nostrum" Embassy — "Ben Hur" Mark Strand— "Ella Cinders" Rialto — "Aloma of the South Seas" Rivoli — "Say It Again" Warners — "The Marriage Circle" Brooklyn Mark Strand — "Stella Dal'as" Pittaluga Declares Dividend Rome — Pittaluga, leading Italian producing company, capitalized at SO million lire, has declared a dividend of IS lire per share on the preferred. The company's next will be "Beatrice Cenci " with Maria Jacobini, Franz Sala and Umberto Cochi. ■Veidt in Gance's "Napoleon" Paris — Abel Gance has engaged Conrad Veidt for the part of the Marquis de Sade in "Napoleon." Ufa has purchased "Napoleon" for Central Europe. Presentations (Ccntinued from Page 34) Grand Central Theater The Bro.x Sisters and Gene Rodemich'n chestra divided honors at the Grand Cer the week ending May 22. And the bill whole was very good. "Castles in Spain" was toned up pleas; by a duet "Then You'll Know Sprin Here." It had sonre local color to mal ji more attractive. Four chaps bedecke( flower wreaths and Pullman towels put burlesque of the Spring Dance. It really funny. The music ended with a of songs popular in the days of our gi mothers, in the days when dad and ma young and down to the Charleston "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and A Song at Twilight" faded into "Sweet line" and the family bar, third rail and c dor and sawdust. The Brox Sisters continued to please their harmony singing in this an added to their original run. The screen attra was "'Old Loves and New." a i Cliff Edwards Booked Acme Booking Offices has rol Cliff Edwards (Ukelele Ike) intci houses, opening at the Strand, > York, today. The balance of ii schedule follows: June 7, 8 anill Fabian. Paterson; June 12, Mos' Newark; June 19, Strand. Brook Tune 27. Metropolitan, Washing July S, Earie, Philadelphia. Watson Sisters for London The Watson Sisters, comedy has been booked by Fred C. C for the Victoria Palace, Lon ( opening June 12. Curtis also ha H. Rolfe and his orchestra boi solid for next season, opening 27 in a New York picture house, Theater Orchestra Broadcastiji Toronto — Luigi Romanelli anq Concert Orchestra of the Tivoli. broadcasting Saturady mornin<? r concerts through S/fation CHIC, "Surprises" At Figuero Hollywood — "Surprises" was title of Jack Laughlin's prologue the FigUero last week. It inclii Jules Buffano's orchestra, formji of the Keith circuit. ' M. T. I. Meet June 7 The Music Trades Industries convene at the Commodore H June 7. ] Foord to Design Sets Fred A Foord. of the Parain Long Island art department, ar! in Hollvwood todav to design, sets for "Kid Boots." Tivoli, New Orleans. Opens New Orlean.s — The Tivoli o here tonight. It is one of the Cp' Enterprises chain. It seats ISOO.j Mel Brown Gets New 'U" Con Los Angeles — Melville Brown been given a new contract by Laemmle. It is to run for five y Rooney in "What Price Glory Los Angeles — Pat Rooney has signed by Fox for a role in '\ Price Glory." Casting for "Tin Hats" Los Angeles — Conrad Nagel, C Windsor, Eddie Gribbon and Roach have been added to the ca "Tin Hats" which Edward Sedg is directing for M.-G.-M.