The Film Daily (1926)

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THE Friday, July 9, 1926 And That's That! By "BARRY" EROME BEATTY in introduc ing former Governor Carl Milli:en, of Maine at the A.M. P. A. lunch|eon j'esterday said Milliken and John Rockefeller, Jr., ran the Baptist church. John, Jr., puts up the money, Jerry said, and Milliken spends it. Gardner James lives in an altar room. Holiest he does. The James apartment in Hollywood was inrinerly the altar room of the Krotona Institute, once the home of the Theosophist Society. Pauline Garon is going to use her right name in films hereafter. She'll be billed as Mrs. Lowell Sherman. Nothing like keeping the publicity in the family. Wanted — A combinatio7i Mary Pickford, Bessie Love and May McAvoy. If there happens to be a young woman in the environs of New York who thinks she can qualify apply to Johnny Hines or Charlie Burr. Johnny wants a leading lady for "The Knickerbocker Kid." Loew's Ink, official organ of the Loew-Metro-Goldwyn Club, is running a series of typical Horatio Alger stories. In the first installment the life stories, "from birth till now," of Marcus Loew and Nicholas M. Schenck are published. "Tillie, the Toiler" is going into the movies. Marion Davies will introduce the famous cartoon character to film fans and thus Russ Westover's brain child ivill be perpetuated in celluloid. Temple, Hamilton, Ont., Being Razed Hamilton, Ont. — A garage will shortly appear on the site of the Temple, workmen having already started to convert the old building. Fire Destroys Texas House Borger, Tex. — Damage approximating $100,000 was caused by a fire which destroyed the Rex and four other buildings. Fisher Back from Long Trip Winnipeg — D. E. L. Fisher, owner of the Garrick, has returned from a tour of Eastern cities. National, Winnipeg, Closes Winnipeg — Another closing for the Summer is the National, owned by M. Triller. "U" Films on Two More Lines Both the Cosulich and North German Lloyd lines are now showing Universal pictures. Mrs. Carter Incorporates San Francisco— Mrs. Leslie Carter has filed articles of incorporation for the Mrs. Leslie Carter Film Co., with capital stock of $200,000. To Prepare "Wings" Script Los Angeles— Hope Loring and Louise D. Lighten will prepare "Wings" for production. Free Shows (.Continued from Page 1) in tlie state by forcing exchanges to supply service. Otlicr towns are being asked to join the move. In some, free shows have flourished for three years. "Greater Amusements" which is making an issue of the matter, re jorls the following instances of exhib ors and exchanges who are said to be parties to the free show evil: J. F. Mock, Newark Amusement Jo., Newark. S. D., is running free shows at Newark and Amhurst. Ludwig Film Exchange, Minneapolis, is supplying films. Langford, S. D., is running free shows on a Universal's complete service contract, despite the fact that Pierpont, eight miles away, is trying to obtain admissions for Universal pictures. Ludwig is supplying films for the Amhurst showings. At Big Stone, S'. D., W. A. Miller, former manager of the Auditorium, Milbank, S. D., is reported giving free shows with F. B. O. product. Julius Ulmen, Hosmer exhibitor, is reported playing Universal pictures for free shows. Famous supplied "The Lucky Devil" for a free show at Harrisburg on June 4 and 5. "The Lucky Devil" was exhibited gratis at Harrisburg, with Roswell also offering free pictures. P. J. Sanders who operates a theater at Ghent, Minn., is exhibiting free shows at his house and other towns in his vicinity, Seaforth, Garsin, Wanda and Amiret. At Askov, free shows are being given in the park with American Motion Picture Corp. supplying service. Ludwig is furnishing films for free shows at Isanti. Theater Convention in Canada Toronto — Managers of the numerous theaters in Western Canada of the Famous Players Canadian Corp. are to gather at Calgary, Aug. 3 for a three-day convention. Practically all cities from Port Arthur and Fort William to Vancouver and Victoria will be represented. H. M. Thomas of Winnipeg, Western Division manager, will have charge, assisted by John Hazza manager of the Calgary Capitol, and George McComber of the Calgary Strand. Lease Fifth Ave Theater S. Kaplan & Co have leased to Michael Mindlin the Fifth Ave. Playhouse, 66 5th Ave., for 10 years. It seats 285 on its one floor. The house will be used for motion pictures, espe--ir'" ■ of the type which does not get into general distribution. '• Marion Davies as "Tillie" Los Angeles — Cosmopolitan will star Marion Davies in "Tillie the Toiler," a screen adaptation of Russ Wcstover's cartoon strip. Jane Jennings Active Jane Jennings has been added to the cast of "The Duke of Ladies." She will also play the mother part in "The Great Gatsby." Neill to Direct "The Lily" Los Angeles— R. William Neill will direct "The Lily" for Fox. The Film Daily HAS A Clear Cut Policy AND Definite Regulations As to What Appears In Its Ne^rs Columns It Must Be NEWS It Must Be LIVE It Must Be CLEAN It Must Be ACCURATE