The Film Daily (1926)

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Monday, November 1, 1926 Mfl^^ULTUE NEWS UlLTUE TIME wOAilLY^ »LnX»IIINi.27 MiDiHy, Nov. 1. 1926 PriciSCints OHN W AllCOATI ''"''IbI'" I'ublished daily except Saturday and holidays It 1650 Hroailway. New York, N. Y., and copyriglit (1926) by Wid's Films and Jilrn Folks Inc. I. W. Alicoate. President and Ireasurer: Maurice D. Kann, Editor; Don aid M Merscrcau. Business and Advertising Manager: Kalpli Wilk, Traveling Kepresen live. Entered as second-class matter May 1<)I8, at tlie postoftice at New York, . ' Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. .rms (Postage free) United States, outside ; Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 !;lhs, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, 00. Subscribers should remit with order. Xddres'i all communications to THE FILM HAILY 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y I'hone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable ad css: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. .ilifornia— Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassa ,r Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Wash Cton 9794, London— Ernest W. Frcdman, i he Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, W. L, Paris — La Cinematographic 1 rancaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Slight fractional changes, about equally ili>itril)Utcd in rises and declines marked the •end of Saturday's film stocks. The high .irk of turnover was achieved by Fox Film .\", with 7000 shares to a drop of l^i ; .ints. Curb stocks were unusually active r a Saturday. American Seating attract ■ ! a good deal of attention. Quotations High Low Close Sales Am. Seat. Vtc 3SJi 37^ 3m 1200 \m. Seat. Pfd.... 39'/, 38!^ 39>/a 1900 • lialaban & Kats 63 •Hal. & Katz Vt. .. 73^i l.astman Kodak.... 118^ 117J4 117^4 200 1 .imous Players. ... 113 J4 112/2 113/, 1300 •Kam. Play. Pfd.. .. 118/, . . .■ •Film Inspect 99/, Fux Film "A"... 75 72 73'A 7666 1 ox Theaters "A" 25 24>^ 24K 5000 •Inlern'l Project.. .. n% .... I.oew's, Inc 44^ 44}4 44/, 500 •Metro-Gold. Pfd.. .. 97 .... ■ !. P. Cap. Corp. . . . I.lbe Exch. "A^'.. 43 !4 14H 42-4 43 }i 1266 •Paramount B'way .. 97 tR„xy Units ... 32 3i " V Common. . 9^ 9 s Bros SO 50 50 ■1 Co. of Am. . . 84 Irans Lux H'/i 8^ 8/, 2700 •Univ. Pict. Pfd. .. 96/, ftUniv. Pictures . . . . 36)4 Warper Pictures . . 36'A 35'/, 35/, 366 Warner Pict. "A" 45^ 44Ji 45'4 3600 • Last Prices Quoted t Bond Market •• Pliil.idrlphia Market tt Bid and Ask Trans-Lux Profits Increase Profits of Trans-Liix Daylislit Pirttirc Screen Corp. for four months ended Sept. 30, 1926, total $48,.314 after diaries. l)iif before Federal la.xes. comparini.; with $.30,686 in the preCCoinR four months. Profit of $-48. 31-1 represents a 60 per cent ,iicve;.«c. Danish Company in Paris Paris — The Dansk ImIiti Industri, popularly known as "Palladium" has removed its entire organization. Several new films will be taken in the Southern parts of Europe. The cornpany will maintain a sales oflicc in CopenhaKcn. Schenck Buys "Purple Mask" Joseph M. Schenck has bouRht "The Purple Mask" for a special Roland West production. N. J. Asked to Rally (Continued from Page 1) states, will be the "last stand" of independent exhibitors of New Jersey. Theater owners who want to sell their theaters should do so no\v, because through the work of their organization they can at present command a fair price in cash. Exhibitors who want to remain in business for themselves, must reverse their former procedure by substituting aggressiveness for an efTort to gain immunity by currying the favor of the large circuit. "There is only one way to combat the competition of a large competitor" the letter states. "Fight fire with fire. Organize yourselves into a business unit large enough to equalize the advantage now enjoyed by such competitive circuit. Build Building against Building. Make certain that quality product shall always be available to you. Do not run away from but fight these business bullies." New Jersey theater owners, according to Seider, are determined to force a showdown on alleged unfair competition of the Stanley-Fabian chain. Boston Suburban Opening Cambridge, Mass. — The University theater, Harvard Sq., one of the largest houses in Suburban Boston, was opened for preview Friday night and to the public Saturday. Stanley Sumner of the Newton Community theater is managing director. Paula Gould Returns Paula Gould, of the home office publicity staff of Warner Bros., returned yesterday to New York after a month's vacation in Hollywood. G. M. C. May Get Napoleon Film Brussels — It is understood the G. M. C. Co. will show the Abel Gance film of Napoleon's life in this country. New Producing Unit in Orient Bombay — The Orient Film Co., Ltd., has been formed with a capital of three lakhs of rupees. The promoters propose to produce Oriental films. Genina Making New Film Rome — Arturo Genina is working on "Good-Bye, Youth," taken from the comedy of Oxilia and Camasio, who were both killed in the war. This story has already been filmed. The principal players are Carmen Boni, Luda Sangro, Augusto Bandini, and Walter Slezak. Moeller in Detroit A. J. Moeller of the American Cinema Assoc, left Friday night on a business trip to Detroit, returning Tuesday. QUALITY PRINTS Titles and Negative Developing Release Printing U. S. Film Laboratories, Inc. Hudson Heights, N. J. Palisades 3678 Country Store Illegal (Continued from Page 1) try store, were guilty of operating a lottery. Each was fined $125. The majority of the court held that selling theater tickets offering added attraction of a country store, constituted chance and lottery. The minority held that the added attraction was free, and that the price of the admission ticket did not include the "country store," using as proof for their argument a placard which offered tickets free to those not buying theater tickets, enabling them to take part in the "country store" even though they did not attend the show. Much N. Y. Bicycling (Continued from Page 1) the Community, Bedford Hiils. Th': case will be continued today at an aibitration board hearing at the offi-e of the T. O. C. C. Complaints are F. B. O., Universal. Pathe, Educational, Waincr Bros. Renown and Merit. AmoiK other charges they allege that the defendants booked picture for one day and sometimes played them two or more. Whether a criminal action will be started has not been determined by the Film Board. Thirty-three cases of bicycling have come to the attention of the board since last March. Investigations are now checking up throughout the territory. Keith-Albee Active (Continued from Page 1) cuit, launched the new Palace, Chicago, and before the holidays the new F. F. Proctor theater at 86th Street and Lexington Ave., Manhattan, will be opened and dedicated. Work has started on the Keith Memorial, Boston. During centennial year, in co-operation with Keith-Albee the Orpheum circuit, F. F. Proctor, B. S. Moss', S. Z. Poli, Karl Hoblitzelle, Harry Davis, the Stanley Co., and other affiliated circuits, are engaged on an expansion program which will add 20 new combination houses. The sum involved in these new developments is over $20,000,000 and, with the 17 new theaters added last season, over 40 theaters will have been added within two seasons. Id 2,000-Seat House For Chicago Qhicago — A theater project costing $750^000 is planned at 6725 Northwest Highway, Edison Park, by a syndicate. The house seating 2,000 is Egyptian in architecture and planned by Fred Jacobs. Gertrude Astor in "U" Special Gertrude Astor has been signed for "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Universal special. John Roche has also been added to the cast. Neill's Next "Wedlock" R, William Neill's next production for Fox will be H. C. Wells' novel "Marriage" which will be titled "Wedlock." Casting Begun on "Magic Garden" First announcements of players for the F. B. O. Stratton-Porter picture, "The Magic Garden" include Phillipe de Lacey, Raymond Keane and William V. Mong. Others will be announced soop, J. Leo Mcehan will direct. Blanz Enters Booking Field Pittsburgh — Moe Glantz, formerly associated with Lewis J. Selznick and D. W. Griffith, has entered the presentation booking field. Kentucky Film Rin-Tin-Tin's Next Rin-Tin-Tin's next picture for Warners is to be "Hills of Kentucky," directed by Herman Raymaker, who directed the dog star in "While London Sleeps." If You Are in the Market for Any Kind of MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS CONSULT US-AND SAVE MONEY SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST Chas. G. Willoughby, Inc. Motion Picture Department 110 West 32nd St., New York Phone Penna. 6564 -«% HAL 'V-z^ ROACH €> ,^ presents CHARLEY CHASE m YOUR AGE V <XOith GLADYS. HULETTB This is a 'Cornerblock' cut furnished FREE for all Pathecomedies at your Exchange. Original Negatives of Everything in Motion Picture Stock Shots WAFILMS, INC. W. A. Futter, Pres. 130 West 46th St. Bryant 8181 ■k Tl PI tit( tl! (OB John D.Tippett, Inc. Raw Stock Negative and Positive All Colors 1540 Broadway New York City 6040 Suniet BI'd. Hollywood, Calif. i\ )e( lb Ittin is 4 ilo !oi Sm k jtsi Ml Jilr 4 «6: Ifll