The Film Daily (1927)

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DAILY Sunday, January 9, 1927 m* Vol XXXIX No. 7 Sunday. Ian. 9.1927 Puce 2b Cents I0HN W. ALICOAIE Publishei Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Treasurer ; Maurice D. Kann, Editor ; Don aid M. Mersereau, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Represen lative. Entered as second-class matter Maj 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879 Terms (Postage free) United States, outsidi of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; t months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable ad dress: Filmday, New York. Hollywood California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassa dor Hotel : 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Wash ington 9794, London — Ernest W. Fredman The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, ,V. I., Paris — La Cinematographic Francaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Financial The market on film issues was a good deal quieter than it has been for a number of days, whatever changes taking place tending to fractional breaks. Not a single curb or stock exchange issue felt the salutary effect of a rise. Loew's, Inc. held its own on a turn-over of 4,100. Quotations High Low Close Sales Am. Seat. Vtc 44J4 43% 43% 1,000 Am. Seat. Pfd 43% 43% 43% 100 *Balaban & Katz 63^ »Bal. & Katz Vtc 73^ Eastman Kodak ...129 128 J4 129 1,000 Famous Players ...113^ 112% 113% 1,500 *Fam. Play. Pfd 73J4 *Film Inspect 5 .... •First Nafl. Pfd 100 Fox Film "A".... 72% 72% 72'% 1,700 •Fox Theaters "A" 23j£ Mntern'l Project 12 Yz Loew's, Inc 48% 48 48J4 4,100 Metro-Gold. Pfd. .25^ 25 25 1,000 M. P. Cap. Corp.. 12 12 12 300 Pathe Exch. "A".. 40 40 40 200 Paramount B'way . 98% 98% 98% 2 Roxy "A" 30% 29% Roxy Units 33% 31% Roxy Common ... 10% 9% Skouras Bros 46 46 46 **Stan. Co. of Am 84 Trans-Lux Screen .8 7% 7% 300 *Univ. Pict. Pfd 98% •Universal Pictures 37 .... Warner Pictures . 32 31% 31% 1,600 Warner Pict. "A". 43% 42% 43 8,500 * Last Prices Quoted t Bond Market ** Philadelphia Market tt Bid and Ask When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B I N S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance for the past fifteen years Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1340 Broadway N. Y. C. Pi>it MM A New Service (.Continued from Page 3) not be overlooked. Nicholas Murray Butler, high in the esteem of the thoughtful circles in America where his work as a definite force as an educator is recognized in full measure, spoke many truths about the motion picture yesterday. He characterized it as a monster social force. It is that. And the serious factors in this industry understand it. They realize that theirs is a responsibility which must be met. Just what will develop out of yesterday's meeting is not yet determined. Perhaps a school of motion picture technology. At any event, there is one assured result. This industry will have the benefit of the counsel and friendly advice of the Columbia faculty. Dr. Butler asked Will H. Hays yesterday what the industry wanted. He inquired if there was need for architects, chemists, biologists. All of these and more will be forthcoming, he added. Hays will not alllow the opportunity to go by. His committee and Columbia's will work out the details. Any step which places the motion picture in a new light of service is important. Entertainment is its primary purpose, it is true, but there is something further in its scope than merely this. Evidences are on all sides that this is being realized. KANN "Wampas" Baby Stars Hollywood — "Wampas" baby stars for 1927 are Helene Costello, Jean Navelle, Sally Rand, Iris Stuart, Mary McAllister, Adame Vaughn, Natalie Kingston, Sally Phipps, Barbara Kent, Patricia Avery, Gladys McConnell, Frances Lee and Rita Carewe. Comprising the committee| in charge of the 1927 Frolic are: chairman, J. Leroy Johnston; financial supervisor, J. M. Loughborough; general exploitation, Ray Coffin; ticket distribution, Ray Davidson; director of presentations, Norman Manning; director of publicity, Sam W. B. Cohn; secretary-treasurer, E. Kenneth Scott; business manager, Ray Leek. Headquarters have been established at the Ambassador. Du Count In "Boys In Blue" George Du Count will work in "Boys in Blue," which John Raymond will direct. "Daddy" Marcus Recovering Cleveland — Max (Daddy) Marcus, pioneer exhibitor and owner-manager of the U. S. Theater, is recuperating from an illness which has kept him confined in a local hospital for the past few weeks. Anderson at Burlington Burlington, Wash. — Robert L. Anderson has purchased the Grand. Boasberg Completes Another Los Angeles — Al Boasberg has completed an original story entitled "Second Marriages." Boasberg's latest, "The Road to Romance," is going into production soon at First National. He now is working on titles and continuities of "California or Bust" and "The Wisecrackers," both for F.B.O. Kontingent Gut Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Austria's "kontingent" has been changed arbitrarily from 20 to 1 to 10 to 1. The change is retroactive to Jan. 1, according to advices received by the Dept. of Commerce. The 20 to 1 "kontingent" was in effect from Sept. 1925 and during the first 11 months of 1926, licenses for 400 films were issued. The licenses are issued to Austrian distributors and as the market consumes only about 300 films annually, there has been a surplus for some time. Pathe Opens New Laboratory Boston — Pathe has completed remodeling at 36 Melrose St. and open ed the building as a laboratory replacing the one burned on Tremonl St. Boston House Opened Boston — The new Scollay Squan Strand on the site of the Crawford House, Scollay Square, has opened It seats about 1,500. Louis N. Bor will direct. Pictures only is the policy. House Opening at Danvers Danvers, Mass. — A new theater built by Louis Brown, to be known as the Capitol, will open late thi month. It will seat 1,000 and replace the house destroyed by fire a year ago. Prevost-Hopper For 3 More Los Angeles — The combination of Marie Prevost, star, and E. Mason Hopper, director, will be retained by Metropolitan for Miss Prevost's next three pictures. "The Night Bride" is the first of this group. New Radio Feature Through WJZ of New York broadcasting simultaneously with stations in Pittsburgh, Boston, Springfield and Chicago, First National has inaugurated a new radio feature with a novelty angle for advertising its product. The feature will be on the air every Friday evening at 7:45. The artists are a Broadway theatrical team known as the To-Be Weds who work into their skit each week references to a current First National production. The troubles and joys of this typical city boy and girl are intended to build a radio fan audience which will directly benefit the theaters in territories mentioned. This will be accomplished by offers of star photos upon request through local theaters. Experimenting with New Mirror Experiments with the polygonal mirror, a new type of reflector used on high tensity arc lamps, which is said to eleminate the "nigger" or shadow spot imperfection in the present type of apparatus, are being conducted at the Paramount Astoria Studio. The new reflector, an invention of Frank Benford, chief physicist of the Illimunating Engineering Laboratory of the General Electric Co., is made of 16 separate mirror panels reflecting overlapping beams of light. Chadwick Starting One Los Angeles — Chadwick immediately starts production of "Life of I An Actress," with Jack Nelson directing . Cortez Opposite Negri Las Angeles — Ricardo Cortez willl! be Pola Negri's lead in "Confession," from an original by Ernest Vajda. Lothar Mendes will direct, under su-: pervision of Erich Pommer. Wiley On Sales Trip George H. Wiley, of the Sun Pic-j tures Corp. has just left on a sales] trip throughout the middle West. M-G-M Signs Hugh Crumplin Culver City — Hugh Crumplin, hat been added to the cast of "Womei j Love Diamonds," an M-G-M product tion directed by Edmund Goulding,; Victor In Berry Picture Los Angeles — Henry Victor ha been cast for "Looie the Fourteenth,'] starring Wallace Beery which Jame Cruze will direct. 6 More in Novak Series Sydney — Eva Novak is to mak I six more pictures here for a ne\j company formed by Fred Phillips The supporting casts and subject will be Australians. An America director will make the first from scenario selected in a contest unde way. i f i t'» OSTUMES GOWNS or UNIFORMS LEA R N TO SAY BROOKS 1437 BROADWAY TEL 5580 PEN. ALSO 25.000 COSTUMES TO RENT t« I artistic ■ Pictures