The Film Daily (1927)

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Tuesday, May 10, 1927 Jfr NEWSPAPER o/'FILMDOM ULTHE HEWS AILTHE TIMI Vol. XL Ng. 34 Tuesday. May 10. 1927 Price 5 Cents I0HN W. ALICOATE Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph VVilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794, London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, W. I., Paris — La Cinematographic Francaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Financial Eastman Kodak attracted attention of the buyers so that 5,100 shares finally changed hands to a 2 point rise. Fox Film "A" also felt the upward impetus, gaining Vs on a turn-over of 5,400 shares. Loew's, Inc., gained a fraction on sales aggregating 3.800. The rest of the market was comparatively quiet. Quotations High Low Close Sales Am. Seat. Vtc. . . 47 '4 464 47 2.700 *Am. Seat. Pfd. . 46 Balaban & Katz. . 63 4 Bal. & Katz Vtc. 714 Eastman Kodak 148 54 146}£ 148 5,100 *FiIm Inspect. 54 'First Nat'l. Pfd. 1014 Fox Film "A"... 604 59 60 5,400 Fox Theaters "A" 194 184 19 1.600 Intern'l Project. . 94 Loew's, Inc 577/k 564 57 3,800 *Metro-Gold. Pfd.. 254 *M. P Cap. Corp 104 Pathe Exch. "A". 444 44 4 44 4 300 110 109 1094 1,000 'Paramount, Pfd. 118% Paramount B'way. ..100 100 100 4 ttRoxy "A" . . . 31 29 ttRoxy Units . . . 35 32 ttRoxy Common . 104 94 Skouras Bros. . . . 404 404 404 "Stan. Co. of Am 704 70 704 Trans-Lux Screen. 5 4 SM 5% 700 *Univ. Pict. Pfd. 102 •Universal Pictures 334 Warner Pictures... 2'4 234 234 2,600 Warner Pict. "A" 35 35 35 100 * Last Prices Quoted t Bond Market " Philadelphia Market ft Bid and Ask $1,000,000 House Planned Milwaukee — A group of business men headed by I. V. Brossell have purchased a .site on Fond du Lac Ave., 17th and Brown Sts., for a $1,000,000 theater. The triangular -site at present is occupied by a church which will be razed. FOR RENT Vault and office space on 17th floor of 729 7th Ave. Light, airy and attractive. Apply Room 1702 729 Seventh Avenue New York City 58 From 1st Nat'l; 13 to be Specials ( Continued from Page 1 ) Leather Kid," starring Richard Barthelmess, and adapted from a story by Rupert Hughes. Al Santell is directing. There will be a Milton Sills special, story for which now is under consideration. On the schedule of specials also is "The Miracle," adapted from Max Reinhardt's production of the stage spectacle written by Carl Vollmoellcr. Maria Corda, Hungarian actress, is to make her bow under the company banner in an adaptation of "The Private Life of Helen of Troy." from Prof. John Erskine's best seller. Her husband, Alexander Korda, will direct. Lewis Sfone and Virginia Lee Corbin already have been assigned roles. Three George Fitzmaurice specials are on the list. First will be from an original stoiy. "Louisiana," based on Edwin Childs Carpenter's play, "The Barber of New Orleans." will be another, with Billie Dove starred. Bess Meredyth is making the adaptation. "The Barker," adapted from Kenyon Nicholson's play, is to be the third. Ralph Spence's "The Gorilla." directed by Richard Wallace, also is to he a special. Will Rogers will be starred in "A Texas Steer." a Charles Hoyt farce, and this will be released as a special. Another special will he Harold Bell Wright's story. "The Shepherd of the Hills". In the showman group features are three Colleen Moore pictures, "Baby Face." adapt ed from the play, "Synthetic Sin," from a continuity by Winifred Dunn. The second will be "The Head of the House of Coombs," from the Frances Hodgson Burnett novel. Richard Barthelmess is to star in four for this group, first to be "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come," by John Fox, Jr. It will be an Alfred Santell production. The Sills vehicles are now being selected: Four will star Billie Dove, "The Stolen Bride," which Alexander Korda is directing with Lloyd Hughes playing opposite: "The American Beauty", a Saturday Evening Post story by Wallace Irwin which Carey Wilson will produce with Lloyd Hughes opposite; "The Heart of a Follies Girl", to lie produced by Al Rockett from Adela Rogers St. John's story and "Once There Was a Princess", by Juliet Wilbur Tompkins. Harry Langdon is to make four, first of which is (ieorge S. Kaufman's "The Butter and Egg Man." The second will he "The Nineteenth Hole," with the third now being chosen. Three Johnny Hines pictures are scheduled first of which is Edward Pope's play, "A Pair of Sixes." Other pictures in the Showman's Group are: Six Ken Maynards, five of which are originals by Marion Jackson. These are: "The Caravan Trail," "Captain of the Strong." "The Royal American." "The Upland Rider," and "The Canyon of Adventure." The sixth is "Gun Gospel." by W. D. Hoffman. Four co-featuring Dorothy Mackaill and Jack Mulhall. These are: "The Road to Ro mance," from an original by Al Boasber'i: "Lady he Good." from the musical cornHv by Guy Bolton and Fred Thompson. "Ladie*1 Night," by Avery Hopwood; "Man Crazy" by Grace Sartwell Mason. Four featuring Charlie Murray. They are; "East Side. West Side." with George Sidney playing in support: "Wine. Women and Song." by Mortimer Thiese. with George Sidney, "Down with M-Ginty" and one to be selected Four featuring Mary Astor and Lloyd Hughes. They are: "Np Place to Go." from Richard Connell's "The Tsle of Romance." "Tell the World." an original by Howard Irving Young, "Do It Again" by Dixie Wil son, "Sailors' Wives" by Warner Fabian. Five Robert Kane productions. They are: "Harold Teen." ba=ed on the comic strip; "The Golden Calf," "French Dressing" and two others. The Jess Smith production. "The Poor Nut." based on the J. C. and Elliott Nugent nlay wi»h Charlie Murray and Jack Mulhall featured. Sam E. Rork's production, "The Prince of Headwaiters." with Lewis Stone, Priscilla Monner and Robert Agnew heading the cast. Cat. Campaign Seen Los Angeles — Universal is expected to launch an active theater program in this territory. The firm recently closed deals for houses at Riverside and Whittier, in what is expected to be the forerunner of others. The expansion is expected to link the company's holdings in Washington and Oregon with theaters built or acquired. The Rickards & Nace chain, Universal ally, operating in Arizona is expected to extend its holdings westward into California. The combined chains embrace 41 theaters under the "U" banner. Pathe Deal Statement No actual merger of physical properties of Pathe or P.D.C. is contemplated, although the combination which is scheduled to be completed Thursday works toward the same end as other mergers, says an official announcement. Provision is made for favorable contracts by Pathe with two important producing and exhibiting factors. The principal producing company to enter into the agreement is the Cinema Corp. of America, which in turn controls the Cecil B. de Mille productions. Extensive exhibition facilities will be provided through the Keith-Afuee and Orpneum houses. Rossheim Going to F. N. Meet Irving D. Rossheim, Stanley treasurer, will represent that company and West Coast at the annual sales meeting of First National May 19-23, where passing of control of the company to the new factors will be formally signalized. His visit to the Coast will mark first active participation by the Stanley company in the producing firm's affairs. Will H. Hays is to attend some of the sessions of the sales convention, and if he is in Los Angeles will attend the banquet May 23. Co-operating on Donations Minneapolis— The film board and exhibitor association are co-operating in the collections being taken up for the organ which is to be housed in the new municipal auditorium. Fairbanks Picks Lead Hollywood — Douglas Fairbanks has selected Eve Southern as his feminine lead for "The Gaucho." Clarke Buys at Siler City Siler City, N. C— L. R. Clarke has purchased the Gem from T. A. Kennedy and has changed the name to the Alamo. WANTED A Universal Motion Picture Camera with dissolve shutter. 200 ft. magazine. Address HARRY BERNSTEIN 1600 Broadway N. Y. C. Madan's Offer London — Madan & Co., largest theater owners in the Far East, are reported to be entertaining competi tive offers from British and American syndicates for their theaters in India, Burma and Ceylon. It is stated that the American offer exceeds the British by over $200,000, and that J. J. Madan, owner, is likely to close the deal. Launch British Television London — The Baird Television Development Co., Ltd., has been floated with a capital of £125,000 to promote the invention of J. L. Baird. The company proposes among other activities to furnish a service for transmission of scenes and films to exhibitors, based on the invention. Schoedsack Goes to Coast Ernest Beaumont Schoedsack, 33year-old co-producer of "Chang," is en route to Hollywood, where he will discuss production plans for his next picture, which he will produce with his partner, Merian C. Cooper. Gottesman Buys Portchester Strand Alfred Gottesman has bought the Strand in Portchester, N. Y., and is understood to be building a theater in Peekskill. Charley Chase IN 'Bigger and Better Blondes This is a 'Cornerblock' cut furnished TREE for all Pathecomedies at your Exchange. STOCK SHOTS of every conceivable nature — for dramatic, industrial and educational producers. (general Film Library (Morris J. Kandel) 1 1 7 W.46 St . , N.Y.C. Bryant 441 7 AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580