The Film Daily (1927)

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THE •c^Hk DAILY Wednesday, May 11, 1927 ALL THE NEWS ULTUE TIME vdhhsi" Vol. XI No. 35 Wednesday. May 11. 1927 Price 5 Cents I0HN W. ALICOATE Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway. New York N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794, London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London, W. I., Paris — La Cinematographic Francaise, 5, Rue Saulnier. Financial An extremely quiet day marked the conduct of film issues, with those stocks which changed hands tending to fractional breaks in price. Pathe was an exception to this depression, with a slight fractional rise on a turnover of 400 shares. Amer. Seating led in total sales, with 2,600 shares sold to a !< drop. Quotations High Low Close Sales Am. Seat. Vtc 47J/J 46?i MVt, 2,600 •Am. Seat. Pfd 46 *Balaban & Katz 63^ *Bal. & Katz Vtc 71 J4 Eastman Kodak . .148J4 147 148 1,600 "Film Inspect 5 54 •••• ♦First Nat'l. Pfd 10154 Fox Film "A"... 60 587^ 5954 1,000 Fox Theaters "A". 185/£ 18& W/% 500 •Intern'l Project 9 54 Loew's, Inc 5754 5654 5654 1,300 •Metro Gold. Pfd 2554 *M. P Cap. Corp 1054 Pathe Exch. "A".. 4454 4454 44 & 400 Paramount 11054 10954 10954 1,200 Paramount, Pfd. ..11854 11854 H8& 100 tParamount B'way. 10054 99?4 10054 5 ttRoxy "A" 31 28 ttRoxy Units 34 31 ttRoxy Common . 1054 954 Skouras Bros 4054 4054 4054 **Stan. Co. of Am. 7054 70 70 Trans-Lux Screen. 554 5 54 5-K 200 *Univ. Pict. Pfd 102 "Universal Pictures 3354 .... Warner Pictures.. 24 2354 2334 700 Warner Pict. "A". IAV% 3454 34?4 200 * Last Prices Quoted t Bond Market ** Philadelphia Market tt Bid and Ask When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B I N S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance for the past twenty years Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1540 Broadway N. Y. C. Bryant 3040 St. Louis Aids St. Louis — Forty-five theaters of this territory gave benefit shows last Saturday for the flood relief fund. Around 60 theaters will present benefits during the current week. In cooperation with leaders of the film world the theaters in the St. Louis district turned over all receipts to the relief fund. So far as the St. Louis territory is concerned the flood crisis has passed, and New Madrid, Mo., probably is the only city in which picture houses will not be able to resume for some little time. During the past week the theaters in Mounds, Mound City and North Cairo reopened. Ohio "Blues" Protest New Philadelphia, O. — Resolutions against the flood benefit shows held here Sunday as "doing evil for the advancement of good," were adopted by the ministers' association. "U" Flood Show Grosses Universal theater flood benefit shows in Milwaukee grossed $600. while $200 was raised at the Rialto, Racine. The Arcade, Ft. Meyers, Fla., grossed $312. Reports from other houses have not been received. 11 Reading Houses Donate Receipts Reading, Pa. — Total receipts of the 11 local Franklin Theater Co. houses, aggregating $2,324.75, were turned over to the Red Cross after benefit shows, matinee and night, Sunday. Following are the receipts: Arcadia, $97175; Princess, $158.85; Rivoli, $102.21; Rex, $107.17; Savoy, $60.11; Strand, $404.80; Victoria, $68; Queen, $78.20; Royal, $63.40; San Toy, $277.20; Schuylkill Ave., $32.75. Academy Launched Tonight Los Angeles — Official launching of the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences is scheduled tonight when 200 notables assemble for an invitational dinner. Douglas Fairbanks, as president, will introduce Fred Niblo as toastmaster and a number of prominent speakers on the program. Membership is to be divided into five classes — actors, directors, writers, technicians and producers. The purpose is "to promote harmony and solidarity among its membership and different branches and to work for the welfare and to protect the honor of the industry. Universal Buys Play Dr. Edmond Pauker has sold the screen rights to "Kuruzslo," a Hungarian play to Universal. Exhibitors Daily Reminder Memorial Day is May 30. Now is the time to tie in with local organizations. Convention Chatter Chicago — Following the close of general sessions of the F. B. O. convention, executives today are holding conferences with individual branch staffs. Tonight the farewell banquet will be held with a program of entertainment provided. President Kennedy and other executives are en route to Los Angeles where the organization's Coast convention gets under way May 14. Paramount Ends Chicago Sessions Chicago — Paramount's Mid-West convention closed last night. Home office executives left for San Francisco where the third divisional meeting will be held. All in Two Weeks The M-G-M sales convention will be conducted with lightning-like rapidity. The sales executives and field force will be away from their respective desks not more than two weeks, some of them less than that. Allvine Leaves Paramount Glendon Allvine, one of the best known and best liked publicity men in the industry, has resigned from Paramount. He leaves Friday for a vacation in California. The Paramount Famous Lasky LONG ISLAND STUDIO is Now Available for Rent We will consider propositions for leasing, in whole or in part. Write, phone or call. Theo. C. Young, Paramount Bldg., Chickering 7050 "Annie Laurie" Opening "Annie Laurie," Lillian Gish's new film, opens tonight at the Embassy. Landau Leaving for Coast Arthur Landau leaves today for the Coast where he will remain several weeks. De Mille Buys "Chicago"? Los Angeles— -Cecil B. De Mille is reported to have closed for the screen rights of "Chicago," the Maurine Watkins' play. Briton Studying Methods Los Angeles — British pictures are inferior chiefly because the industry there does not know how to produce and photograph them, Alfred Hayward of London, here to study American methods, declares. England has just as good actors and should do as well as America, he declared, pointing to the tremendous effect American films are having upon peoples of the world. HAL ROACH bresent^ Charley Chase "£>iger and better Blondes This is a 'Cornerblock' cut furnished 7 REE for all Pathecomedies at your Exchange. If You Are in the Market for Any Kind of MOTION PICTURE APPARATUS CONSULT US-AND SAVE MONEY SEND JOR OUR PRICE LIST U/tU.9CKiHByS ▼▼110 West 32*'St..Newyork.N.y.*^ n Phone Penna. 6564 i| Motion Picture Department U. S. and Canada Agents for Dabrle 'WE NEVER DISAPPOINT" INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42N-D STREET NEW YORK PHONE-CHICKERINC 2937 ALLAN A. LOWNES, CEN. MGR.