The Film Daily (1927)

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Wednesday, May 11, 1927 THE -a&H DAILY Oy5 What Plans! {Continued from Page 1) part of the program is going to be the ban on talk of business. No arms are expected to be broken, even in the golf games incident to the affair. And what prizes. They're of a quality that it'll be a case where friendship ceases. Oy, what prizes the committee has goniffed for this year. If you're not started, grab a train quickly and get in on this biggest tournament ever. Consolidated Film Industries will again shoot the event. It was reported late yesterday that a telephoto lens will be used throughout the day. Which means the all-seeing eye oi the camera will get at the truth. The boys had better remember all of the strokes are supposed to be counted, not as many as they please. This tournament will mark a departure in that prizes will be awarded for the morning round. At 1 o'clock the putting contest will be held on the eighteenth green. No ban on laughs Last night the entry list stood as follows: Alicoate, Jack, The Film Daily. AUvine, Glendon. Anderson, R. V., International Newsreel. Austrian, R. B., 221 W. 57th St. Axmacher, George, Rayart. Barrett. Stephen, "M. P. World." Barnstyn, J. C. Beach, F. A., United Artists. Beatty, Jerome, M.P.P.D.A. Beecroft, Fred, M. P. News. Beihoff, George, Guardian Life Insurance Co. Beery, George, M-G-M. Blair, George, Eastman Kodak. Blumberg, Milton. Blumenthal, Lou. _ . Booth, F. A., Westinghouse Electric. Brady, Richard, Eastman Kodak. Brandt, Harry. Brandt, William. Briggs, O. H., Du Pont-Pathe. Brooks, E. Oswald, Cosmopolitan Studio. Bruckmann, George, Perrin-Bruckmann. Burger, Paul, M-G-M. Burns, S. R., International Projector. Byrnes, George, Timely Films, Inc. Campbell, Pat, Pathe. Chatkin. David, Publix Theaters. Cohen, Jesse. Cohen, Julius. Cohen, Max, Weiss Bros. Pictures. Cohen, Paul, M-G-M. Cranfield, R. T., Cranfield & Clarke. Crawford, Merritt, M. P. World. Crosbie, F. W., First National. Cruikshank, Herbert, Morning Telegraph. Cunningham, James, The Film Daily. Curtis, Edward P., Eastman Kodak. De Fabritis, Walter, Barnes Printing Co. De Cserepy, Arzen, Cserepy Prod. Diebel, Chris, Youngstown, O. Diegel, Leo. Dickenson, Arthur P., Fox. Dickerson, J. S., M. P. News. Donaldson, James. Fbenstein, Herbert. Edelhertz, Bernard, American Hebrew. Einfield, Charles, First National. Eipman, Henry, Universal Film Laboratories. pisenstadt, Herman. Eschmann, E. A., Pathe. Eysman, Henry, Cello Film Corp., Ft. Lee. N. J. Fausel, Gus, M. P. World. Feist, Felix, M-G-M. Frank. W. B.. Hal Roach Co. Frankel, William. Gainsboro, Hy, Flushing Theater. Gallup, G. Bruce. United Artists. Garyn, Pat, National Screen Service. Gassney, Leo, American Seating Co. Gaylor, E. S., Morgan Lithograph Co. Gerety, Tom, Warner Bros. ' --ksmann, Jack. Goetz, Harry, Consolidated Film Industries. Goetz, Henry, Consolidated Film Industries. Goldberg, N. S., Royal Exchange, Boston. Gourlay. Jesse, First National. Gray, Danny, M-G-M. Greason. Al, Variety. Greenebaum, Gerald. Loew's, Inc. Green. Walter. National Theater Supply. Gulick, Paul, Universal. Guttfreund. Jack. Hall. Fred. New York Times. Harrington, Jack, "Greater Amusements," Minneapolis. "Fore!" Golfers and goofers — about 200 strong — are at it today out at Sound View. For today, weather permitting, the Spring Film Golf Tournament holds sway. And what you see here is only a partial display of the prizes to be distributed at the dinner tonight — again, weather permitting. Hatschek, Eugene, 1501 Broadway. rledwig, William K. Henritzie, Richard, Westinghouse Electric. Herron, F. L., M. P. P. D. A. Hirsh, Melvin, Aywon. Hirsh, Nathan, Aywon. Hornstein, Joe, National Theater Supply. Hughes, Frank, J. P. Mueller Agency. Humm, John, Pathe. Hynes, Charles, The Film Daily. Jacobson, Lou. Johnson, Millard, Australasian Films. Johnston, William A., M. P. News. Kann, Maurice, The Film Daily. Katz, Max I., Acme Theater, New York. Keyser, Gerald, First National. Kirsch, Marvin, The Film Daily. Kohn, Ralph, Paramount. Kraus, Manny, Kraus Mfg. Co. Leahy, Edward. Leblang, Joe. Leishman, E. D., Universal. Levy, Jules, First National. Lichtman, Al. United Artists. Lieberman, Edward. Linet, Hank, The Exhibitors Daily Review. Lesser, Irving M. Loeber, F. C, Robert Phillips Agency. McConnell, Fred, Exhibitors Daily Review. Marangella. Lou, Warner Bros. Massce, William. May. Mitchell, Jr. Mencken. Harold. Mersereau, Don, The Film Daily. Merzger, Lou, Universal. Milligan, James, Morning Telegraph. Mitchell, Fred, Loew's, Inc. Moore, Tom, Washington. Moses. Charles. Ritz Theater, Staten Island. Mountan, David J., Richmount. Moyer, Charles, United Artists. Neufeld. Oscar, De Luxe Film, Philadelphia. Ochs. Lee A. Pearson, Elmer, Pathe. Pekerson. Arthur. Picker, David, Loew's, Inc. Pope, Frank. P. D. C. Powers, A. J. Powers, F. T., Powers Engraving Co. Price. Oscar. Raives. Harold. New 14th St. Theater, N. Y Randall, A. W„ Exhibitor-' Herald. Raynor, W. E., Pathe Exchange. Reichenbach. Harry L. "eubenson. Reginald. Ritchey, J. V., Morgan Lithograph Co. Ritchey, J. V. Jr., Morgan Lithograph Co. Robbins. Herman, National Screen Service. WANTED A Universal Motion Picture Camera -with dissolve shutter. 200 ft. magazine. Address HARRY BERNSTEIN 1600 Broadway Lackawanna N. Y. C. 0243 Rodner, Harold. Rose, R. B., 221 W. 57th St. Rothenberg, Fred, Wyanoak Publishing Co. Ruben, Al. Rubenstein, Samuel, Lloyd's Film Storage. Rubin, Robert. Sanford, Bert, Pathe. Sawtelle, A. J., Pathe Exchange. Sawyer, Chester, 1540 Broadway. Sax, Samuel, Lumas Film. Scanlon, G. A., Du Pont-Pathe. Schwartz, Charles. Schwartz, Marty. Schwartzman, Sam. Sedran, Sam, Universal. Segal, Harry, Koyal Exchange, Boston. Shallenberger, W. E. Smith. A. W., Jr., First National. Spargo, John S., Exhibitors' Herald. Stebbins, Arthur W. Steele, L. L., Essem Lab, Washington. Storey, John S., Pathe. Stolzer, Irvin, Universal Film Laboratory. Stuart, Max, Barnes Printing Co. Taylor, Sumner, United Artists. Theiss, J. H., Du Pont-Pathe Film. Tierney, H. S. Trowbridge, Carroll, Christie Film Co. Vogel. William M. Wagner, Walter, First National. Walsh, Eugene. Universal. Weil, Richard, Rayart. Weiss, Max. West, R. W. Weyer, Clint, Theater Underwriters, Pliila. Wilk, Ralph. The Film Daily. Wilkerson. William. Wilson. Fred, Ke^land Reviews. Wilson, George. Tvrone, Pa. Wolf. Bob, P. D. C. Wonders, Guy, Rivoli, Baltimore. Woodhull. R. F., M.P.T.O.A. Voody. Jack. United Artists. Wynne-Jones, Fred, Ufa Films. Young. Lon, Gotham Prod. CHARLEY BOWERS NOVELTY COMEDIES . New Theaters Shawnee, Okla. — Griffith Amusement Co. of Oklahoma City has broken ground for a 1,500-seat house at the corner of Main and Philadelphia. A. F. Hornbeck will be the manager. Mansfield. O. — Mark Greenbaum is buildng a 1,500-seat theater. Wilson, N. C. — H. J. Paradis opens his iew theater here June 1. Derby, Conn. — A. S. Friend Companies, Inc., has opened the Commodore Hull in Elizabeth St., seating 1,300. Paulsboro, N. J.— A. W. Hill will build a 1,200-seater on Delaware and Billings Ave. at a cost of $100,000. Rochester, N. Y. — Schine Enterprises intends to build a 1,600-seat theater in Monroe Ave. Fort Bragg, Col. — George Mann Theaters, Inc. is planning a theater on Main St. Williamsport, Pa.— Comerford Amusement Co. of Scranton has started work on a theater to be built on W. Fourth St. and Government Place. Suit Against Duncan Sisters Los Angeles — G. C. Reid has brought suit for $250,000 against Rosette and Vivian Duncan, who now are making "Topsy and Eva" for United Artists release. He alleged that he and S. S. McLelland in 1926 signed the sisters to a contract giving them right to negotiate film contracts for the two for five years at ten per cent commission. He says they have received $83,000 to date for film work and refuse to pay the commission. Montreal "Death Trap" Owner Hit Montreal — Amen Lawmand, proprietor of the Laurier Palace, where 78 children lost their lives in a fire and panic last January, was prosecuted IS times during a two year period, evidence before the royal commission investigating the disaster shows. The offenses ranged from crowding the foyer to maintaining a dangerous booth and admitting children unaccompanied. Lee Buys Seville House Seville — Thomas E. Lee has purchased the Home, closed for many months. •^?^"MJf|Ji5959f5 B9 B 99 ©H £)®2B^ ©<S©<52» Euolo Ju»i 40iuinulcs from New York by train 'u\e Jioarpwalk is Glorious 'HIE ArRJS LtVDEN Wrfft HtAljH TTTl IIOiEL^IS A flEASAlsKpfREAT IFssflsws ^v%«&<»©aiflte 'Rpoin Vlus 'rood -Only *8f°per5)ay Ohen AllYcar