The Film Daily (1927)

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— WHAT'S GOING ON AND WHO'S WHO FROM STUDIO STAGES AROUND NEW YORK Eastern Studios A WEEKLY DIGEST OF SNAPPY ITEMS COVERING EASTERN PICTURE PRODUCTION , — . Dwan Starts New Feature Production started Wednesday on "hast Side, West Side," a new Fox picture, with Allan Dwan directing. Arthur Cozine is assisting. Virginia Valli, George O'Brien and J. Farrell MacDonald are in the cast. Interiors are now being made at the Fox studio, but many exteriors are to be shut in various parts of the city. George Webber is in charge of photography, with Jack Shallit handling the "still" work. Make Cast Additions Richard ("Skeets") Gallagher, who has appeared in several Paramount pictures, and Rudy Cameron have been added to the cast of "Hell's Kitchen," which is being directed by Frank Capra at Cosmopolitan. Charles McGinis is assisting Capra. "Hell's Kitchen" is a Robert T. Kane Prod. William F. Schurr and Frank Zucker are handling the camerawork. May Work in New York Marion Davies may make her next picture, "The Fair Co-Ed," in the Fast, working at Cosmopolitan, where she starred in several Cosmopolitan Prod. She will be directed by Sam Wood. The new story calls for exteriors to be made in Alabama. Alice Joyce Assigned Role Alice Joyce will play a leading role in "Sorrel and Son," which will be directed by Herbert Brenon in Hollywood. Miss Joyce will leave for the Coast shortly. She has appeared in "Beau Geste," "Dancing Mothers" and other Brenon productions. Bert Cann Busy Bert Cann. veteran cameraman, is doing some special photographic work at the Paramount Long Island studio. Ray to Hollywood Albert Ray, who secured exteriors in the East for "Publicity Madness," plans to leave Wednesday for Hollywood, where he will finish the direction of the picture. It was written by Anita Loos. Dustin Farnum Here Dustin Farnum is in New York from Hollywood. JOSEPH C. BOYLE Director "BROADWAY NIGHTS' (Robert T. Kane Prods.) A Little from "Lots" By RALPH WILK HY DAAB, Jerome Beatty and Weed Dickinson are among the tormer baseball writers given mention by .bred Lieb, the i\lew \ork livening J-'ost diamond expert. Larry Semon and Malcolm bt. Clair drew sport cartoons, while Jack Hellman wrote baseball for a Kansas City newspaper. * * * Eastern vaudeville circuits have been attracting picture stars. Baby feggy is drawing $1400 pr week, for her act, while Bert Lytell and Wanda Huwley are also playing the two-a-day houses. * * * Our Passing Show: Jimmy Savo at "Annie Laurie"; Eddie Bonns and his inevitable New York Evening World, in the subway. * * * To celebrate his work in publicising "Miss Spain," who is under contract to Fox and who was in the International Beauty Contest held in Galveston, Tex., this montn, Joel Swenson, one of the best publicity boys in the business, attended "A Night ill Spain." * * * A Coast report says Joe Pasternack will direct El Brendel in a series of two-reel comedies. We're hoping it's true, for Joe has had a spectacular rise. Two years ago, he was a waiter in the Paramount Long Island studio restaurant, but soon became assistant under Eddie Sutherland and Richard Rosson. His experience should stand him in good stead in handling comedies. * * * "The Life of Our Saviour," a Pathecolor feature, produced by Charles Pathe. is said to have had a longer exhibition life than any picture ever made. It was made in 1912It has been re-edited and ii now titled "Behold the Man." * * * Florence Ryan of the Jess Smith office and Eleanor King have developed their bridge game to such a degree that they will soon be sending challenges to other players in the industry. By the way, bridge and tennis are the big attractions on the Coast, and the Misses Ryan and King should be very popular if they go West. * * * Society girls are still interested in picturework. Marjorie Oelrichs took a screen test Thursday. * * * William Le Baron, since assuming charge of F. B. O. production has found, little time for recreation, but he did manage to play a little trim is with Herbert Brenon, who is an enthusiastic racquet artist. John Milton Hag en, who writes exploitation songs, has written the book and music for "Bare Pacts of 1927," which will be presented at the Triangle theater. * * * By the way the Commodore Ciud made Captain Charles Lindbergh the hrst honorary lite member of the organization. * # * The rowing bug has bitten every member ol the Robert T. Kane unit. A HarvardYale boat race in an important factor in "Hell's Kitchen," now in production, so Ben Lyon has been training with the Columbia crew. Technical advice has also been received by Coach Ed Leader of Yale and Loach Dick Glenon of Columbia, friday, a race was staged between the Kane crew and the New Rochelle boat club, with E. J. Wagner, captain of the 1925 Pennslyvania crew, and Dick Bradshaw, also a former t'enn athlete, in the Kane shell. * * * Many Kane unit members also attended the Henley regatta at Philadelphia yesterday. Incidentally, Wilbur Morse, the publicity man, who was at Princeton in 1923, is still celebrating the victory of the Princeton crew over Yale. * * * Benny Berk, Bob Kane's property man, almost had to leave his fingerprints in a police station. T'other day, he went in search of old-fashioned oil cloth for a scene in "Hell's Kitchen." A Bronx apartment house mcncr authorized him to take the oilcloth from an old table, and Ben entered the vacant apartment via a fireescape. He was seen by a policeman and placed under arrest. Ben is a good talker, but couldn't talk his way out and was taken to jail. Finally, the apartment house owner was reached, and Ben was released. * * * Dore Davidson, of "Huraoresque" fame, and Sonia Nadalsky, well known on the Yiddish stage, have joined the cast of "East Side, West Side." * * * George Fawcett is a veteran of the stage and screen. In 1887, he played in "Paul Kauvar." Speaking of stage and screen artists, a 1905 playbill shows that Lowell Sherman, T. Hayes Hunter and James Kirkwood appeared in "The Girl of the Golden West." In 1911, Paul Scardon supported Mrs. Fiske in "Mrs. Bumpstead Leigh" while in 1911, Thomas Meighan and John Sainpolis were in "The Return of Peter Grimm." Wolheim Arrives Louis Wolheim, who has finished work in "Two Arabian Knights," in which he appeared with William Boyd, has arrived in New York. He will sail next month for Europe. Busy on "Dance Magic" "Dance Magic" is being titled under the supervision of Leland Hayward, Robert T. Kane's production manager. Robert Snody and Paul Maschke are editing the picture. Kenneth McKenna to Europe Kenneth McKenna, who has appeared in several pictures, will sail for Europe early in June. He plans to spend most of his vacation in Spain. Freddie Fredericks Acting Here Freddie Burke Frederick^, child actor, has arrived from Hollywood to work in "The Crowd," the King Y idor production for which exteriors are being taken in New York. Wyckoff Resigns Alvin Wyckoff, for several years cameraman for Paramount, photographing Thomas Meighan and other stars, has resigned. Writes Musical Comedy Thomas Fallon, former scenarist, has written "Miss Bo-Peep," a musical comedy, which will be produced during the summer. Ben Lyon to Paris Following the completion of his role in "Dance Magic" next month, Ben Lyon will sail for Paris. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll SAM MINTZ SCENARIST In Production "Flood Waters" In Preparation "Rolling Stones" both Starring Richard Dix ■niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!^ FRANK ZUCKER A. S. C. Cinematographer (Robert T. Kane Prods.)