The Film Daily (1927)

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Sunday, July 10, 1927 THE ■cBtl DAILV RAPID STRIDES ARE BEING MADE IN THE FOREIGN FIELD. KEEP POSTED THROUGH "FOREIGN MARKETS" Foreign Markets By JAMES P. CUNNINGHAM [ENSORSHIP EXPECTED IN HOLLAND BY 1926 Amsterdam — FoUovvinp receipt of I report from a commission appoiiit;d by the Dutch government, a law s being drafted to provide censor;hip for Holland beginning Jan. 1. [928. The commission was ap)ointed to make an investigation and letermine if censorship was neceslary. A commission, or possibly several, ire planned under the new bill. A :entral censorship would be exer:iscd similar to boards maintained by )tiier countries. All films passed vould be listed in one of three categories, one for children under 14 rears of age, another for those from 14 to 18, and one for adults. America Leads in Brazil Rio de Janiero — Attendance and ilm imports in 1924 greatly exceeded hose of 1925. Last year, 1,274 films vere brought before the censors. In:rease is due chiefly to the demand lor six reelers, rather than short subects and this increasing interest has esulted favorably for American distributors, who supplied 95 per cent ft all films imported. This comlares with 83 per cent supplied last ear. New Ufa Appointments Berlin — Harry Grueving, recently a irector of Deulig, purchased by Ufa, as been elected joint manager and irector of the latter company. M. on Theobald is new joint manager Ufa's foreign department, while M. ielamersons becomes joint manaer of the renting department. fewman Making Short Reel Series London — A series of six two reels dealing with the new sport, greyound racing, is being made by /idgey R. Newman, with asistance the Greyhound Racing Ass'n of ngland. To License Players I'aris — .Ml I'rench motion picture actors must be licensed, under plan of the Artistes' Union of France, which claims the licensing will eliminate all unpleasantries when outsiders become involved in crime and claim they are actors. The licensewill establish their profession. Another reason for the action on the part of the union is to provide producers with an annual list of available players. Conditions under which a license will be granted provide that the player must be either Swiss, French or Belgian, or must have served in the French army and in one year he must have filled two roles and played during 50 days. Those to whom a license will be refused include extras, those who make the film only a part time occupation and those who enter pictures after being involved in a scandal. A conmiittee of 12 actors will be appointed to determine the status of applicants. Jean Angelo is on the committee. German Season Advanced Berlin — Germany's 1927-28 film season conmiences July 15, instead of Sept. 1. This step was taken following unanimous decision of distributors and producers to lengthen the year because of the overflow of German product on the market. Scores of last season's pictures are being held until this year because of flooded conditions of the market. Australian Censors File '26 Report Sydney — Australia imported 1,618 films, including features and shorts, during 1926, of which 1,618 were from America, 198 from England and 144 from other countries. Australia exported one feature and 127 short reels during the year. The board of censors, which is headed by R. S, Wallace, banned 57 films from the commonwealth. New AllBritish Company London— Nee Art Prod, has been formed to produce. British capital is financing the venture. Product will be distributed by W. P. Film Co., Ltd. RiCHMOUNT Pictures Inc. 723 Seventh Avenue New York City, N. Y. D. J. MOUNTAN, President Exclusive foreign representatives for Rayart Pictures Corporation and other leading independent producers and distributors. CabU Address: RICHPICSOC, PARIS Cable Address: DEEJAY, LONDON Cable Address: RICHPIC. N. Y. Exporting only the Best in Motion Pictures Favors Higher Quota Berlin — The Association of German Film Manufacturers at its annual meeting here has added its protest against the present kontingent system of one for one and suggested to the government that a higher quota be passed to protect the German industry. All important German producers are members of the association. Seek Lower Taxes Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Concerted effort will be made by French exhibitors to secure lower tax rates, according to advices reaching the Dept. of Commerce. Prominent in the movement is Jean Sapene, one of the French industry's leading figures. Taxes are extremely high, ranging from 17.20 per cent to 40 per cent of the gross receipts of Parisian houses, and from 15.10 per cent to 31.25 per cent for theaters in other cities and towns. These high taxes are said to be the chief reason for holding up new theater construction in France. In addition to the special theater taxes, exhibitors must pay the regular taxes paid by houses, mercantile establishments and other business houses. Foreign Film Library Opened Berlin — A library containing 1,500 motion picture books, magazines and papers has been put at the disposal of the trade by a German film publication. It is said to contain works in every language. The technical phase of the industry occupies an important place in the library. More tiian 20,000 stills from the most important productions of the world arc on file. Danish Unit to Make 6 in Germany Copenhagen — Nordisk AJctienselkabct will make six features in Germany under direction of Waldemar Anderson and Richard Oswald. Junnar Folnaes and Gosta Ekman will appear in this series. NEWS FLASHES FROM FILM CENTERS ALL OVER THE GLOBE: MELBOURNE, LONDON. BERLIN, PARIS Lenin<>rad Leads Moscow — Liningrad. with a population of 1,070,000 has 6^ theaters showing pictures, compared to 48 in Moscow with a population of 1,500,000. Each of these towns have four houses seating 1,000 and 18 with from 500 to 1,000 seats. Other important Russian cities having 200,000 population and the theaters in each follow: Kieff, population of 433,000, 11 theaters; Odessa, 317,000, 15 hou,ses; Kharkov, 310,000, six theaters, and Rostof-on-the-Don, 236,000, four houses. Vogel Arrives in London London — William M. Vogel, general manager of Producers Internaional Corp., arrived on the Leviathan yesterday. He will spend six weeks in Europe on an inspection tour of P. I. C. exchanges. First Nat'l Buys Foreign Film Berlin — World distribution rights to Emile Zola's "Therese Raquin" hav^ been purchased by Frederik Zelnik, for First National. De Miguel to Produce and Distribute Barcelona— M. de Miguel, Spanish distributor, plans to launch a production company and will leave for Hollywood shortly to study production methods. Suggests Chair for Production Sydney — Suggestion to establish a chair in Australian universities to teach production methods has been made by Dr. Brooke NichoUs, who for two years was member of the Dept. of Visual instruction at California university. Lack of Theaters in Paris Paris — Added to the disabilities caused by the lack of stars, the French industry now suffers from an insufficiency of picture houses. This situation is made even worse by the fact that recently there has been a large number of "revivals" in Paris with consequent setting back of new French pictures. Capital Production Exporting Co* Inc. WILLIAM M. PIZOR, President 729 7th Ave., New York City Cable Address Pizorfilms announces The smashing new sensational 10 episode serial ^^The Mansion of Mystery^* featuring WILLIAM BARRYMORE AND TEDDY REAVIS supported by an outstanding cast Exporting "Productions of Merit'' only