The Film Daily (1927)

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THE •c&^ DAILY Wednesday, December 14, 192 WBSSIES* ALL THE NEWS ALLTUE TIME VoLXLIINo. B3 Wednesday. Dec. U, 1927 Price 5 Cents IQHN W ALICOATE Ptblishir Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terras (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 menths, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all conimunica tions to THE FILM DAILY. 1650 Broad way. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736 ♦ 737 4738 4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794. London — Ernest W Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London. W. I. Bei lin — l.ichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Financial Am. Seat. Vtc. . . . *Am. Seat. Pfd... *Balaban & Katz . . *Bal. & Katz Vtc. *Eastman Kodak . East. Kodak. Pfd. *tFilm Ins-pection . ♦First Nafl Pfd. Fox Film "A". . . tFox Theaters "A" *Intern'l Project. . ♦tKeiths 6s 46 . . . Loew's, Inc ttLoew's, 6s 41ww ttLoew's,6s41x-war. *MG-M Pfd. . . . M. P. Cap. Corp. . Pathe Exchange Pathe Exch. "A". tiPathe Exch. 7s37 Paramount F-L 'Paramount Pfd. . ttPar.Bway.5Vis51. **Roxy "A" .... **Roxy L^nits . . . . **Roxy Common . . **Skouras Bros. . . Stan. Co. of Am . . tTrans-Lux Screen **United Art. Com. ♦•United Art. Pfd. *Univ. Pictures . . ♦Univ. Pict. Pfd.. tWarner Bros. Warner Bros. "A". High 41 Low 40 ■4 130 12'8/i 79J4 2\'A 60 'A 99-4 106 ji 'iU 43/4 2334 80H 110 loiii 26 28 6}^ 35 56^ 4/^ 14 80 11/2 22/2 787^ 21^ 58 H 99 106K 'ili 4/2 22^ 80 108^ loif^ 28 32 7/2 36 55^ 3'/8 15 85 11 Close Sales 40/2 .... 48 607A .... 73'A .... 167 128^ 5 1045/g 79 H 21M 10 101 5954 99 10614 25-4 8/8 434 2m 80/2 110 121H 101^ 30 1.300 600 6.800 22 13 I'.loo 200 1,300 45 12,100 "io 56^8 37/8 3.000 26-^ 98/, 11 266 22 2,600 •Last Prices Quoted ••Bid and Asked (Over the Counter) tCurb Market ttBond Market NOTE: Balaban & Katz is listed on the Chicago Board ; Skouras on the St. Lotii> Stock Exchange and Stanley in Philadelphia When you think of INSURANCE you are thinking of S T E B B I N S Specialists in Motion Picture and Theatrical insurance for the past twenty years Arthur W. Stebbins & Co., Inc. 1540 Broadway N. Y. C. Bryant J040 Help a Great Cause (Continued from Paiic 1) must liave a.ssistance quickly. Ofttimes silently. A fine representative committee gladly give their time. The FILM DAILY pays all expense. Every dollar goes to a worthy cause. Surely every man in this business wants to help this fine movement. Don't put it off. Send in vour check NOW. Among those who helped swell the list yesterday were Ned Marin, Tom Wiley, Abe Warner, Regina Crewe and Herb Cruikshank. It's the most worthy cause of the year and YOUR help will make it just that much bigger. Watch This List Grow WiU H. Hays George Weeks Ed SchiUer D. A. H. Giannini Jimmy Grainger Charles B. Mintz Bruce Gallup Jim Normanly Don Mersereau M. J. Mintz Victor Shapiro Moe Streimer Billy Brandt Red Karm Dave Bader Marvin Kirsch Leo Klebanow Tommy Goldberg J. E. Storey Frank Walker Artie Stebbins Jack Alicoate W. A. Calihan Edna Sussman iiarry Reichenbach Abe Blank George H. Davis Nathan Burkan Ned Depinet William Massce William L.a Portes Bert Adler Eddie Grainger R. A. Rowland Cresson Smith Joseph Coufal Weiss Brothers Max Roth L. B. Metzger Louis Phillips Leopold Friedman Walter Putter Gabriel Hess W. J. German Henry Ginsberg C. C. Pettijohn Budd Rogers M. C. Howard Arthur Kelly Jack Fuld Chas. G. Strakosch Lila Belle Stebbins Jerry Stebbins Anonymous Anonymous Hugo Kessler Joe Schnitrer Dave Miller Bill Nolan W. S. Butterfield Charles C. Moskowitz Bob Wolf Irene F. Scott Joe Simmonds Friend of Danny's E. B. Hatrick Sara Dembow, Jr. Lesan Advt. Agency Mrs. Harry Reichenbach John Clark Ihe Film Bureau Harry Buxbaum W. Ray Johnston AI Lichtman Jerry Beatty A. Pam Blumenthal W. F. Rodgers J. M. Frere Elizabeth B. Perkins A Friend Sam Eckman Anonymous Al Harstn Felix Feist Emo Al Boyd Jack Cosman Walter Eberhardt Eureka Amusement Co A. E. Fair Emii Bernstecker David Loew E. M. Schnitzer Joe. J. Lee Harry Buxbaum J. Homer Flatten Oave Bernstein Pat Dowling Mabel D. Riesenfeld Eddie Saunders Bob Lynch Oscar Neufeld Walter Lindlar Barnes Printing Co. Paul Lazarus Bob Lieber Cliff Hawley Richard Rowland Warren Nolan Harold Franklin Sam Zierler Robert Wolff Frank iSardino Joe Seidelman Ned Marin Tom Wiley Abe Warner Regina Crewe Herb Cruikshank Weiisfeldts Arriving Mrs. M. J. Weisfeldt and her son, Jerome, arrive in New York today to rejoin M. J. Weisfeldt, former western sales manager for FBO. H OR L A C H E R DELIVERY SERVICE Trucks leave daily from New York for Trenton, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del., Washington, D. C, Baltimore, Md., Richmond and Norfolk, Va. Overnight Service at Express Ratei 692 Eleventh Avenue TeL COLumbus 3774 And That's That By PHIL M. DALY ROXY is wearing a proud air these days, for the fast-stepping showman is the proud possessor of a new Mercedes car which is guaranteed to do 100 miles per. Roxy, by the way, recently had opportunity to demonstrate the soldiering he learned in the marines, and he did so to good advantage when the governor general of Canada visited the Roxy theater. The reception had all the pomp and circumstance of an official visit. "What is the length of the feature you are playing this week?" asked a reviewer m telephoning one of the Broadway first runs. "We haven't measured it, as yet," came back the sweet young thing's voice over the wire, to supplement her "J don't know." Here's a hand to H. J. (Fitz) Fitzgerald, general manager of the Saxe circuit, Milwaukee, on the occasion of the birth of a son. Trustee to be Named Minneapolis — Appointment of a trustee to administer affairs of the Miles Theater Co., operator of the Garrick, and disbursal of $500,000 and stock, under a verdict in favor of minority stockholders and against Finkelstein & Ruben, William Hamm and the Twin City Amusement' Trust Estate, is under consideration by the Federal District Court. Indications are that the case will be appealed. Pep Club Has New Program The Paramount Pep Club adopted a new policy in its meetings at the regular bi-monthly get-together last night when the members gathered at the Roosevelt. Heretofore, the club has held its meetings at the home office and a strictly business program has been adhered to, but, upon the suggestion of Louis S,^ Diamond, chairman of the entertainment committee, the order has been revised. 'Wings" Opens in Montreal Xmas Marking the sixth engagement of "Wings," the Paramount special will open at the Princess in Montreal on Christmas Day. E. C. Shaffer to Seattle Butte — E. C. Shaffer, branch manager for Greater Features, has been transferred to management of the Seattle branch. Developing— Printing and TITLES— Specializing in First Prints 35 and 16 tn. m. equipped 130 West 46th St. Bryant 4981 Alliance Stresses Sunday as Best Day in Campaig Stressing the need for one day 1 rest in seven for workers instead i emphasizing observance of the Sal bath in the national "blue" campaig was voted by ministers in attendan. at the 39th anniversary meeting J the Lord's Day Alliance at the Hot Astor. They voted to follow the. new tactics in their Sunday closir campaign. Rev. John H. Willey of Montclai N. J., vice president, claimed U present crime wave "is one of tl proofs of a gigantic and deliberate organized country-wide attack on tl Sabbath Day." He said that the A liance was not a reform organizatio but was merely out to preserve ti Sabbath. Fink Resigns from Schwartz Circt J. D. Fink, general manager ■ the A. H. Schwartz circuit, has r signed after eight years service : that capacity. Fink plans to enti business for himself after taking vacation. His successor has not bee appointed. CaU WAFILMS, Inc Walter A. Futter, Fret for Library Stock Scenes New York Hollywood 130 W. 46th St. c/o Leon Schlesinger I Bryant 8181 1123 No. Brooson At» jfo near the Ocean it's called. TthelSrcakers 2)0 modem in equipment and well conducted it is known as one of the Wbrld's finest Hotels fo plan a Sojourn by the Sea and visit T5rcaker$ ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY JUJANHIUMUi. 'hirPrmlalU WHEN IN WASHINGTON VISHl HARVEY'S RESTAURANT, 1 1th iBi.\ PENNA. AVES. FAUOUS SINCE IIS« ■™aaaaiito.<jaaijtaii INCORPORATED 220 WEST 421-° STREET NEW YORK PHONE-CHICKERINC 2937 ALLAN A.LOWNES. CEN.MCR s