The Film Daily (1927)

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DAILV Friday, December 16, 19; MXlllNa. 65 Friday, Dec. 16, 1327 Prices Cents lOHN N. ALICOATE Publisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid'i Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 menths, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broad way, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736 4737 47384739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E.. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794. London — Ernest W Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, (jreat Marlborough St., London. W. I. Bet lin — Lichtbildbuebne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Financial In a market which had a generally up tendency yesterday, Eastman Kodak issues registered strongest. Common rose 2 points to a 168 closing; preferred climbed 1^ points to 130. Sales 400 500 10 2,000 '566 6,100 "4 3,600 49 13 200 '566 2,300 10 2,800 High Low Close Am. Seat. Vtc 4074 40>/, 4074 *Am. Seat. Pfd... .... 48 •Balaban & Katz.. .... 60^ *Bal. & Katz Vtc. .... 73'A Eastman Kodak . . 168 166 168 East. Kodak Pfd. 130 130 130 tFilni Inspection. . S% 5-/« 5 '4 ♦First Nat'! Pfd.. 1045i Fox Film "A". . 7SH 78 '4 7m tFox Theaters "A' 22-4 215/, 22' *Intern'l Project. 10 ttKeiths 6s 46 .. loi 101 101 Loew's, Inc 59 '4 58^ 585^ ttLoew's, 6s 41ww. IO6/2 106 Kg 106}i tt Loew's, 6s41x-^var P9 98 M 99 M G-M Pfd 25 25 25 ♦M. P. Cap. Corp. .... .... 8'4 Pathe Exchange 5 4Vs 5 Pathe Exch. "A" 22-4 21J4 2154 ttPathe Exch. 7s37 8034 &0'A 8O54 Paramount FL . . 108 107Ji 108 •Paramount Pfd. . 121 '4 ttPar.Bway.5!^s51. 1017/, 101/2 lom ***Roxy "A" ... 38 26 ***Roxy Units ... 31 28 **Roxy Common . 7% 6 '4 Skouras Bros. . . . . 36 35 Stan. Co. of Am.. 58-4 57'4 58 tTransLux Screen 4/2 4 'A 4-4 **United Art. Com 15 14 ♦•United Art. Pfd 85 80 *Univ. Pictures .... 26'A *Univ. Pict Pfd.. 100 tWarner Bros. ll'/« 11 11 Warner Bros. "A". 22 'A 22 22;^ 15 200 700 1,400 •Last Prices Quoted ••Bid and Asked (Over the Counter) tCurb Market ttBond Market .NUTE. Balaban & Katz is listed on the Chicago Board; Skouras on the St. Louib Stock Exchange and Stanley in Philadelphia CaU WAFILMS, Inc Walter A. Putter, Prca. {or Library Stock Scenes New York Hollywood 1 30 W. 46th St. c/o Leon Schleslnger Bryant 8181 1123 No. Bronson Ave. Don't Put It Off (Continued from Page 1) Join hands with Pat Sullivan's Krazy Kat and give old man PutIt-Off a kick in the pants. The FILM DAILY RELIEF FUND needs YOUR help. It's moving along like a skyrocket but it won't be a complete success without YOUR name on the list. The cause is most worthy. Every dollar collected goes to needy charity in YOUR industry. Not one penny of expense. It is your oncea-year opportunity to give to needy film folk. The movement has the enthusiastic endorsement of New York film circles. Help a great cause along by sending in your contribution to-day. Among those regular fellows adding their names to the list yesterday were Harry Buckley, Bruce Johnson, Joseph Vogcl, E. W. Kramer, Sigmund Moos, Joe Hornstein, Sydney Cohen, Harry Warner, Fred Quimby, Ben Rosenbaum, Governor Carl E. Milliken, Harry Scott and Phil Reisman. The list will not be complete until YOUR name is added. Watch This List Grow Will H. Hays George Weeks Ed Schiller D. A. H. Giannini Jimmy Grainger Charles B. Mintz Bruce Gallup Jim Normanly Don Mersereau M. J. Mintz Victor Shapiro Moe Streiraer Billy Brandt Red Kann Dave Bader Marvin Kirsch Leo Klebanow Tommy Goldberg J. E. Storey Frank Walker Artie Stebbins Jack Alicoate W. A. Calihan Edna Sussman Harry Reichenbach Abe Blank George H. Davis Nathan Burkan Ned Depinet William Massce William La Portes Bert Adler Eddie Grainger R. A. Rowland Arthur Kelly Jack Fuld Chas. G. iStrakosch Lila Belle Stebbins Jerry Stebbins Anonymous Anonymous Hugo Kessler Joe Schnitzer Dave Miller Bill Nolan W. S. Butterfield Charles C. Moskowitz Bob WoU Irene F. Scott Joe Simmonds Friend of Danny's E. B. Hatrick Sam Dembow, Jr. Lesan Advt. Agency John Clark A Friend Sam Eckman Anonymous Al Harstn Felix Feist Emo Al Boyd Jack Cosman Walter Eberhardt A. E. Fair Bob Lieber Cliff Hawley Mrs. Harry Reichenbach^^,^^^ ^Z^^ Ihe Film Bureau it.„,j t^^,„u\:„ Harry Buxbaum W. Ray Johnston Al Lichtman Jerry Beatty A. Pam Blumenthal W. F. Rodgers J. M. Frere Elizabeth B. Perkins Harold Franklin Sam Zierler Robert Wolff Frank iSardino Joe Seidelman Ned Marin Tom Wiley Abe Warner Eureka Amusement Co Keg'na, Crewe Emil Bemstecker David Loew E. M. Schnitzer Joe. J. Lee Harry Buxbaum J. Homer Flatten Dave Bernstein Pat Dowling Mabel D. Riesenfeld Eddie Saunders Bob Lynch Oscar Neufeld Walter Lindlar Barnes Printing Co. Paul Lazarus Cresson Smith loseph Coufal Weiss Brothers Max Roth L. B. Metzger Louis Phillips Leopold Friedman Walter Futter Gabriel Hes« Herb Cruikshank Irving Briskin Earle Hammons John Flinn Eugene Zukor Ralph Kohn Richard Saunders A. P. Waxman Sam Sedran A. W. Smith, Jr. Orson Kilborn T. J. Connors Si Seadler Sam Spring Eddie Grainger Executive Harry Buckley Bruce Johnson Joseph Vogel E. W. Kramer Sigmund Moos Joe Hornstein Sydney Cohen Harry Warner W. J. German Henry Ginsberg C. C. Pettijohn Budd Rogers M. C. Howard Fred Quimby Ben Rosenbaum Carl E. MiUiken Harry Scott Phil Reisman Rossman Alaska-Bound Lieut. Earl Rossman left New York last night for Alaska, where he will produce a feature and a number of shorts. At Juneau, Rossman, who produced "Kivalina of the Ice Lands" for Pathe, will be joined by other members of his expedition. He will remain in Alaska until next winter. Rossman produced several pictures in Abyssinia last summer. Weiss Brothers Leave for Coast Louis Weiss, vice president and Adolph Weiss, treasurer, of Weiss Bros. Artclass Pictures, have left for the Coast to supervise production of their two new serials, "The Mysterious Airman" and "You Can't Win." They also intend to make arrangements to complete the production schedule of the feature program for 1928-29. M.P.T.O. Dance Feb. 5 Philadelphia — The M.P.T.O. of Eastern Pennsylvania will hold its annual dance at the Benjamin Franklin on Feb. 5. George P. Aarons, secretary of the organization is handling reservations. Bergen, N. Y., House Reopens Bergen, N. Y. — The Grange has reopened for the winter, giving Saturday night shows. FAILURE HITS CONFABS TO ALTER GERMAN LAWS Berlin (By Cable)— Efforts on tli part of the Hays organizatioi through Col. Edward G. Lowry, t brmg about a change in the new Gei man import rulings have failed. Tw hundred and sixty permits, therefor will be issued between April 1, 192 and June 30, 1929 of which nunibe as noted, the Federal Film Conimis sioner will hold back 90. Betwee now and April 1, the present one for-one system will be used. Buy Onarga, 111. House Onarga, 111. — Ernest Schmid owner of the Palace at Gilman, hai bought the Onarga. Jj Rogers Arrives in New York Charles R. Rogers, First National supervisor, has arrived in New Yoril with a print of "The Shepherd o the Hills," starring Richard Barthel. mess. AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1st Very desirable space for exchange or producer. Vault accommodations. Projection room on floors— Inquire First Division Pictures, Inc. 729 Seventh Avenue 12th floor I « « « ............ .»i.». .«..«..«. i» ««■.»■■ »«k BILL CODT GOLD FROM WEEPAH' Produi eJ hy BILL CODY PRODUCTIONS HAS THE BEST WESTERNS