The Film Daily (1927)

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THE «^E^ DAILY Tuesday, December 20, 1927 MXLIINo. 68 Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1927 Prices Cents lOHN W. ALICOATE Publishei Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 47364737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Dre-xel 7000 and Washington 9794. London — Ernest \V. Fredman, The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London. W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Financial Am. Seat. Vtc. . . . *Am. Seat. Pfd... •Balaban & Katz.. »Bal. & Kalz Vtc. Eastman Kodak *East. Kodak Pfd. *tFilm Inspection ■•First Nafl Pfd.. Fox Film "A" . . tl'ox Theaters "A" *Intern'l Project. . ttKeith's 6s 46 .. Loew's, Inc ttLoew's, 6s 41ww. ttLoew's. 6s41x-war M-G M Pfd M. P. Cap. Corp... Pathe Exchange . Pathe Exch. "A". ttPaihe Exch. 7s37 Paramoinit F-L . . . •Paramount Pfd . ♦■ftP.-.r.Bwav.Si^sSl **Roxy "A" **Roxy Units **Roxy Common . . **Skoiiras Bros. . . Stan. Co. of Am . . tTians-l.iix Screen ** United Art. Com. ••United Art. Pfd. •Uiiiv. Pictures. . Univ. Pict. Pfd... tWarner Bros. . . . Warner Bros. "A" High 40?i Low Close Sales 40J4 .167^ 167"4 80. >^ 23'4 lOOJ^ 60^ 106fS 99 25/8 m 22 81 111 29 32^ m 36 55 7^ 4/. 15 85 lb'0'14 21-4 80 22 54 lOO'A 58H 106/8 98/ 255^ 8/ 4M 21^ 80 K 110 26 28/ 35 54J4 4/ 14 80 100/ 10/8 19/ 40J4 48 60^ 73/ 167/ 130 5 1045^ 80 23 10 100/ 59f^ 106/ 98?/8 25/ 8/ 22 80/ 110 121/ 101% 200 2,700 40,000 ""7 7,300 9 14 100 100 400 1,900 12 5,400 55 4/ 1,000 26/ .... 100/ 10 10/ 700 19/ 6,500 •Last Prices Quoted •'Bid and Asked (Over the Counter) tCurb Market ttBond Market NOTE: Balaban & Katz is listed on the Chicago Board; Skouras on the St. Louij Stock Exchange and Stanley in Philadelphia. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 Help! Relief Fund Lags (Continued from Page 1) Fund of America. This organization has its headquarters in Los Angeles and is backed by the biggest film folk on the coast. It has been doing splendid work from a humanitarian standpoint for the past few years. Among those adding their names yesterday to the list of regular fellows were Thomas Patrick A'lulrooney, S. A. Moross, Emanuel Cohen. E. S. Manheimer, William Cohen and A Friend. The time is short. The opportunity is big. Don't overlook your chance to help the niost worthy cause of the year. Send in your check to-day. NOW. Watch This List Grow Will H. Hays George Weeks Ed Schiller Dr. A. H. Giannini .limmy Grainger Charles B. Mintz Bruce Gallup Jim Normanly Don Mersereau M. J. Mintz Victor Shapiro Moe Streimer Billy Brandt Red Kann Dave Bader Marvin Kirsch Leo Klebanow Tommy Goldberg J. E. Storey Frank Walker Artie Stebbins Jack Alicoate W. A. Caliban Edna Sussman Harry Reichenbach Abe Blank George H. Davis Nathan Burkan Ned Depinet William Massce William La Portes Bert Adler Eddie Grainger R. A. Rowland Irene F. Scott Joe Simmonds Friend of Danny's E. B. Hatrick Sam Dembow, Jr. Lesan Advt. Agency John Clark A Friend Sam Eckman Anonymous Al Harstn Felix Feist Emo Al Boyd Jack Cosman Walter Eberhardt A. E. Fair Bob Lieber Cliff Hawley Warren Nolan Harold Franklin Sam Zierler Frank iSardino Joe Seidelman Ned Marin Tom Wiley Abe Warner Regina Crewe Herb Cruikshank Irving Briskin Earle Hammons John Flinn Eugene Zukor Ralph Kohn Mrs. Harry Reichenbach Richard Saunders The Film Bureau Harry Buxbaum W. Ray Johnston Al Lfchtman Jerry Beatty A. Pam Blumenthal W. F. Rodgers J. M. Frere Elizabeth B. Perkins A. P. Waxman Sam Sedran A. W. Smith, Jr. Orson Kilborn T. J. Connors Si Seadler Sam Spring Executive Harry Buckley Eureka Amusement Co Bruce Johnson Emil Bernstecker Joseph Vogel David Loew E. M. Schnitzer Joe. J. Lee J. Homer Flatten Dave Bernstein Pat Dowling Mabel D. Riesenfeld Eddie Saunders Bob Lynch Oscar Neufeld Walter Lindlar Barnes Printing Co. Paul Lazarus Cresson Smith Joseph Coufal Weiss Brothers Max Roth L. B. Metzger Louis Phillips Leopold Friedman Walter Putter Gabriel Hess W. J. German Henry Ginsberg C. C. Pettijohn Budd Rogers M. C. Howard Arthur Kelly Jack Fuld Chas. G. Strakosch Lila Belle Stebbins Jerry Stebbins Anonymous Anonymous Hugo Kessler Joe Schnitzer Dave Miller Bill Nolan W. S. Butterfield Charles C. Moskowitz Bob Wolf E. W. Kramer Sigmund Moos Joe Hornstein Sydney Cohen Harry Warner Fred Quimby Ben Rosenbaum Carl E. Milliken Harry Scott Phil Reisman Fred Rothenberg Jules Levy Kinograms Nat Rothstein Jesse L. Lasky Charlie Einfeld Kathrin Salsbury Dave Chatkin Pat Garyn Milton Schwartz W. C. Boothby L. F. Guimond Arthur Loew Courtland Smith William Ferguson E. B. Jensen W. E. Raynor C. F. Chandler Pat Campbell I. I. Altman Alex Moss Abe Mayer A. H. T. Banzhaf A Friend A Friend A Friend S. A. Moross Emanuel Cohen E. S. Manheimer William Cohen Thomas P. Mulrooney A Friend Presentations Raymond Bond in Detroit Raymond Bond is one of the drawing cards at the Oriental, Detroit, this week. Fatty Arbuckle in Philly Fatty Arbuckle is the main attraction at the Earle in Philadelphia this week. Lyons & Lyons are handling the booking. Kaufman's Band at Pittsburgh Whitey Kaufman and his band are the main attraction at the Grand, Pittsburgh. Florence Brady in Detroit Florence Brady is an attraction at the Capitol, Detroit, the act being handled by Lyons & Lyons. Booked at Allen, Hartford Reynolds & Donegan are the main attraction at the Allen, Hartford, this week. Amalgamated \'audeville .Agency is handling the act. Mabel Taliaferro at Rochester Mabel Taliaferro is headlining the bill at Fays' Rochester this week. Fire At Parkville Fire swept the Parkville at Webster and Gravesend .-Aves. in Brooklyn, and the firemen had a hard time overcoming the blaze due to th^ high wind. Metzger Returning This Week Lou B. Metzger, general sales manager for Universal, who is recovering from an operation for gall stones, will return to his desk late this week. Following a period of recuperation, he went to Florida. Finkelstein in New York AL L. Finkelstein of Northwest Theaters (Finkelstein & Ruben), Minneapolis, is in New York. He was accompanied East by his son, Danny Finkelstein, who is joining Publix. Loew Plans Bronx Theater Loew's has purchased a plot of 39,000 sq. ft. from the Grand Concourse and Creston Ave. from Samuel Kronsky, Inc. on which it is planned to build one of the largest theaters in the Bronx. HENNEGAN Program Covers special Designs for all Holidays, Write for Samples The HENNEGAN CO. Cincinnati, Ohio Elect Friendly Solons, Exhibitors are Urged Kansas City — Organization of exhibitors for the purpose of heading off adverse legislation through election of friendly legislators was urged by Al Williams, general counsel for Associated Industries of Kansas, at the recent banquet of the M.P.T.O. Williams stated that one of the greatest needs was to safeguard against adverse legislation by taking an interest in the election of proper legislators. "Take some interest in seeing who is elected," said Williams, "so that you will have a friend at court when you need him." He stated that if the exhibitors would really organize and work together, they would get the same definite results that other industries have obtained in this manner. Hoffman Leaves for Coast M. H. Hoffman, vice president and general manager of Tiffany-Stahl, is en route to the Coast. "Casey Jones" Premiere Tonight Ra)'art will hold the premiere of "Casey Jones" at Wurlitzer Hall, New York, tonight at 8:15 o'clock. The nation's strength is the nation's health. Buy Christmas Seals and help preserve it. THE NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATIONS'OF THE UNITED STATES