The Film Daily (1927)

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THE i^E^ DAILV Thursday, December 22, 1927 VoLXLIINo. 70 Thursday, Dec. 22. 1927 Price 5 Cents lOHN W. ALICOATE Pu'ilisher Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1927) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager; Ralph Wilk, Traveling Representative. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 47364737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. California — Harvey E. Gausman, Ambassador Hotel: 'Phone, Drexel 7000 and Washington 9794. London — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 58, Great Marlborough St., London. W. I. Berlin— Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. A.M.P.A. Books Santa for Personal Appearance Santa Claus gets a break at last. The A.M.P.A. have signed him up for the Cafe Boulevard luncheon today. The entertainment committee came out of the ether for the occasion, and have lined up at great expense a knockout bill of useless talent. This is a strictly stag affair, so draw your own conclusions. It will be run along Sunday school lines, and each little boy is asked to bring a Christmas gift from Woolworths neatly wrapped in asbestos and tied with telephone wire, last year's Christmas necktie gifts barred. The Sunday school scholars are requested to write a squib of alleged verse to accompany the gift. These will be read out loud. Sign your name to yours — if you have the nerve. There also will be a sideshow of freaks, exclusive of the guests. A $10 gold piece will be under each guest's plate. But the trick is to try and find it. Any guy mentioning pictures, films, or otherwise talking "shop" will be given opportunity to gracefully take the air — if he's still conscious. Keith-Albee Opening Two On Christmas Eve the E. F. Albee will be opened on Fountain Square in Cincinnati by Keith-Albee, costing $4,000,000 and seating 4,000. The company will open the Chester in the Bronx on Dec. 26, seating 3,000. Gloria Leaves for Coast Gloria Swanson has left New York to spend the Christmas holidays in Los Angeles, and also to be present at the opening of the new United Artists theater, Dec. 26. A Million Feet of Everything FILM LIBRARY SCENES Stone Film Library 220 W. 42nd St. Room 612 Phone Wisconsin 0248 Everybody Helping Fund (.Continued from Page 1) the reflection of YOUR generosity. There is no expense whatsoever. Every dollar to a worthy cause. Help make the last few days banner ones by sending in your check NOW. Among the regulars and companies who added their name to the list yesterday were: E. J. Lud»-igh, E. D. Leishman, Roxy, Columbia Pictures, Howard Dietz, Paula Gould, Joe Seiden, Moxley Hill, and Ben Cammack. The time is growing short. The cause is most worthy. The opportunity is big. Send in your check to-day. Watch This List Grow Will H. Hays Felix Feist George Weeks Emo Ed Schiller Al Boyd Dr. A. H. Giannini Jack Cosman Jimmy Grainger Walter Eberhardt Charles B. Mintz A. E. Fair Bruce Gallup Bob Lieber Jim Normanly Cliff Hawley Don Mersereau Warren Nolan M. J. Mintz Harold Franklin Victor Shapiro Sam Zierler Moe Streimer Frank Sardino Billy Brandt Joe Seidelman Red Kann Ned Marin Dave Bader Tom Wiley Marvin Kirsch Abe Warner Leo KlebanoHf Regina Crewe Tommy Goldberg herb Cruikshank J. E. Storey Irving Briskin Frank Walker Earle Hammons Artie Stebbins John Flinn Jack Alicoate Eugene Zukor W. A. Calihan Ralph Kohn Edna Sussman Richard Saunders Harry Reichenbach A. P. Waxman Abe Blank Sam Sedran George H. Davis A. W. Smith, Jr. Nathan Burkan Orson Kilborn Ned Depinet x. J. Connors William Massce Si Seadler William La Portes Sam Spring Bert Adler Executive Eddie Gramger Harry Buckley R. A. Rowland Bruc« Johnson Mrs. Harry Reichenbacbjoseph Vogel The Film Bureau e. W. Kramer Harry Buxbaum Sigmund Moos W. Ray Johnston joe Hornstein Al Lichtman Sydney Cohen Jerry Beatty Harry Warner A. Pam Blumenthal pred Quimby W. F. Rodgers Ben Rosenbaum li,-^; ^'■^^^ Carl E. MiUiken Elizabeth B. Perkins Harry Scott Eureka Amusement Co phil Reisman Emil Bernstecker pred Rothenberg Da\'d Loew Jules Levy E. M Schnitzer Kinograms Joe. J. Lee j^gt Rothstein J. Homer Flatten jesse L. Lasky Dave Bernstein Charlie Einfeld L\^°^^"'S r ,. Kathrin Salsbury S?f.?-^' ?• ^esenfeld Dave Chatkin Eddie Saunders p^j caryn Bob Lynch jj^o^ Schwartz Oscar Neufe d ^ c. Boothby Walter Lindlar ^ p Cuimond Barnes Printing Co. Arthur Loew rf«L r">h Courtland Smith Cresson Smith m-n _ u ,„.,„„_ Joseph Coufal p 'R^^iJ^n^ Weiss Brothers S; ^ J^""" Max Roth )?'•,? V^^^^?" L. B. Metzger S" /a ^H"1^'' Louis Phillips Pat Campbell Leopold Friedman \, '• Altman Walter Futter Alex Moss Gabriel Hess Abe Mayer W. J. German A. H. T. Banzhaf Henry Ginsberg A Friend C. C. Pettijohn A Friend Budd Rogers A Friend M. C. Howard S. A. Moross Arthur Kelly Emanuel Cohen Jack Fuld Film Exchange, Inc. Chas. G. iStrakosch William Cohen Lila Belle Stebbins A Friend Jerry Stebbins Adolph Zukor Anonymous Al Ruben Anonymous Hy Daab Hugo Kessler John McCormick Joe Schnitzer J. T. Richards Dave Miller N. L. Manheim Bill Nolan Tom Gerety W. S. Butterfield Lee Ochs Charles C. Moskowitz A. 'S. Kirkpatrick Bob Wolf Thomas P. Mulrooney Irene F. Scott Joe Simmonds Friend of Danny's E. B. Hatrick Sam Dembow, Jr. Lesan Advt. Agency John Clark A Friend Sam Eckman Anonymous Al Harstn George Schaefer Saul Rogers Lee Marcus W. A. Downs E. J. Ludvigh E. D. Leishman Roxy Columbia Pictures Howard Dietz Paula Gould Joseph Seiden Moxley HUl Ben Cammack Five Theater Pool in Atlanta Moving Along (.Continued from Paije 1) houses mentioned are the Howard (Publix), Grand (Loew's), Capitol, (Universal), Metropolitan (Independent) and the Georgia (Keith). It appears that the overseating problem is not the only one which the management pool seeks to overcome. The pyramiding of entertainment costs through competition for stage numbers which the theaters offer each other will be curtailed under the plan. Behind the entire move is the desire to cut overhead which is piling up because of this pyramiding process. It is felt that, if by agreement, the cost of shows can be held to some sort of a reasonable figure, there will be no falling off in patronage from the public since all of the principal theaters in the city are to be parties to the same understanding. 12 Talking Film Deals on Coast Twelve additional theaters. on the Pacific Coast controlled by West Coast Theaters, are to be equipped to show Vitaphone and Movietone productions, contracts for the installation of Western Electric equipment having just been closed. Equipment has already been, or is in process of being installed in three other theaters of the West Coast circuit. Clare Foley Transferred Clare Foley, secretary of the Pittsburgh Film Board of Trade, has been transferred to San Francisco, where she will succeed Milton Nathan. The latter, after Jan. 1, will represent the 'Frisco board as attorney. Audrey Lj'tell is the new secretary in Pittsburgh. Sell Ottumwa Theater Ottumwa, la. — M. Millisack has sold the Orpheum to Sorpkin & Sosna. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 Presentations Add Capitol Acts Three more features have been added to "Winter Frolic," the revue at the Capitol. They are Bailey & Barnuni, comedy instrumentalists; Ewen Hail, Brunswick artist, and Kim & Ross, specialty dancers. Fanchon On Talent Hunt Miss Fanchon, of Fanchon & Marco, is en route to New York from the Coast to spend several weeks here in search of talent. Runaway Four at Detroit The Runaway Four are appearing at the Michigan in Detroit, playing over the Publix time. William Morris is handling the act. George Lyons at New Orleans George Lyons is an attraction at the Saenger in New Orleans, covering the Publix circuit. The nation's strength is the nation's health. Buy Christmas Seals and help preserve it. THE NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATIONS'OF THE UNITED STATES