The Film Daily (1928)

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Exhibitors DAILY REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1928 Varners and Richard May Star Dempsey In ^^Kingside** ht Promoter Plans to Enter Films in Big Way Everything points to a deal, soon be set, that will have Warners, c Rickard and Jack Dempsey toher making a talking picture of Hy Daab play "Ringside." 'ex Rickard, owns the picture and :ing rights to this play through financing a great portion of the ge production. They say Tex 5 considerably disappointed that asco beat him to Dempsey for the ge, for this well known boxing moter felt certain, at the time he igated himself for a good chunck :he promotion cost, that Dempsey lid and would be procured for the y. But Belasco had Jack and his e, Hstelle Taylor tied for his w "The Big Fight." )enipsey has left the cast of "The : Fight" and is returning to Hollyad to make preparations for the :ure "Ringside." ^hose close to Tex Rickard say t he has a very keen desire to in the picture business. In the sing of the great Dempsey, this imotor of boxing carnivals of the )00,000 variety, sees the end of gates. And Tex is not interested the small fry. He wants to do things. He has been in remote ch with pictures for a long time 1 there is hardly any doubt, if this iposed production of "Ringside" iny way successful, Tex will bow ; of Madison Square Garden and cing, grab the first train for Hollyod and there, insert some of his rvelous showmanship in the pro:tion of pictures. Actors in Talkie "our New York stage players are make their picture debut in the X all-talkie, "The Ghost Talks," ey are Charles Eaton, Helen ^elvetrees, Arnold Lucy and Clifd Dempsey. They are now on ;ir way to Hollywood and will be ected by Lou Seller. After Five Years ^arniel Myers is returning to the X lot after an absence of five irs. She will p'ay an important rt in the all-talkie, "The Ghost Iks." The last time she appeared a Fo.x picture was opposite John Ibert, when Gilbert was making ssterns and the extent of her act; ability was confined to riding a rse. Linow for Talkie !van Linow, who only recently covered he cou'd act, and was •en a part in "The Red Dancer," 5 now found out that he has a ce too. Consequently, he will apir in "Tn Old Arizona," which, inentally, Irving Cummings is still ectmg, Raoul Walsh not having pped back into the picture as preusly reported. THINGS WE DO NOT BELIEVE (Keith-Albee-Orpheum , Publicity) "The Picture," ("The Red Mark") is said to be a fitting sequel to other Cruze masterpieces, such as "The Big i'arade ' and "The Volga Boatman." Boy! — page DcMille and Vidor. Sequel To "Phantom" Carl Laemmie, Jr., plans to film a sequel to "The Phantom of the Opera" to be called "The Return of the Phantom." Mr. Laemmie plans to feature Conrad Veidt in this new version of ihat very popular photoplay. Mary Philliin mav he the feminine lead. Carewe Returns FMwin Carewe arrives in New York today on the Leviathan. Tomorrow he goes to Hollywood to complete preparations for production of "Evangeline," the next Dolores Del Rio picture for United Artists. Miss Del Rio and her Mother, Senora .'Vsunsolo, sail for America on .he Paris, October 24. Title Trouble Universal has been holding secret conferences again, and it is thought hat they will result in the changing >i the title of their picture, "The 'Ktheist," because they fear to offend the censors. Mr. DeMille had the same trouble with "The Godless Girl," which had originally been :alled "The Atheist." "Napoleon" Sequel Abel Gance will star Werner Kraus in a sequel to "Napoleon," to be called "St. Helena." Lupu Pick will direct. Warner Troupe Leaves A company of eighty left the Warner Studio this week with Director Lloyd Bacon to film exteriors for "No Defense" in the forests of Oregon. The unit departed on a special train which will be their home until they return to Hollywood. Monte Blue and May McAvoy are co-starred in "No Defense," with Kathryn Carver and William Desmond playing the principal supporting roles. Archie Mayo Assigned Archie Mayo has been assigned by J. L. Warner to make Leon Zurado's story, "She Knew Men." Graham Baker has just finished the script and the production will be under way in a few days. Edward Everett Horton and Betty Bronson have been chosen for the leads as has John T. Murray. Studio Gossip Lewis Seiler is directing the new Fo.x all-talking movie, "The Ghost Talks," and Charles Eaton and Helen Twelvetrees, of the Broadway stage, head the cast. '-, * t. * The first sound picture to be made jn the new Metropolitan sound stages, will be "The Carnation Kid." ;{; * ^ Hugh Allan has left the cast of 'College Coquette" to play in Pathe's ^erial, "The F^re Detective." -* * * First National nas assigned Dorothy Mackaill to the cast of "Two Weeks Off," another story by Kenvon Nicholson. ^ ^ ^ John Farrow will write the screen story for "The Wheel of Life," in vhichFlorence Vidor and Richard Dix will star. Lili Damita, continental favorite ind Leo Maloney, Western hero, are he stars of "Forbidden Love" and 'Yellow Contraband." respectively .vhich are the Pathe feature releases for October 28th. * \* * Ernst Lubitsch has been taking feasting and dancing scenes all day ind most of the night on John Barrymore's latest fillum, "King of the Mountains." Now that the work on sound stages at Paramount is nearly complete, it has been dedicated to both dialogue and svnchronized effects in 'he "Wolf of Wall Street" and "'i one War." * * * Mrs. Wallace Reid has added Warner Baxter, and Noah Beery to the cast of "Linda," her first directorial effort. Wallace Beerv and Dorothy Arz ner have both re-signed on the dotted line to continue with Paramount for a number of years. * * * Wade Boteler has been given a featured role in "Leathernecks," by Pathe. * t * Lloyd Bacon will next direct Monte Blue in "No Defense," for Warner's. * * * ■"* . Richard Schayer is adapting ■'Trader Horn" for Metro-GoldwynMayer. * H^ ^ Arthur Lake's first film of note for Universal will be "The Girl Dodger," by J. G. Hawks, who is also writing the contiimity. Eddie Burns, just back from making Australian films has been added to the cast of Henry King's "She Goes to War." * * * Theodore Roberts has been enI'aged to plav Colonel Carruthers in "Noisy Neighbors" which Pathe is making. OPINIONS By W. R. WILKERSON COMEDIES Producers and distributors cif one :ind two reel comedies are finding the markit pretty tough for this type material. In years past it has always been a cinch to sell this type picture, good, bad or indifferent. Rut this year there is a dizerent story altogether. The blame can be placed right at the feet of the producer, for the reason that they have failed to heed the warning and neglected, in most cases, to keep up with the. band. They have been content to use the >ame formula that has been in use for the past fifteen years. Progress has not been maintained. STORY COUNTS It has become evident that hard work is not the formula for laughs. In comedies, as in dramas, it is the story that must count and it is into this same story that the gags must be smoothly worked so that there \ill be a consecutive, funny story running on the screen. \t the same time, it has also been kniDiistrated that a comedian throw'ng pics, sitting on tacks or making faces, — while still producing faint 'aughter, — cannot carry a picture thru to success with these outworn rib-ticklers as the main comics of the picture. PERSONALITY Personality counts for a lot in a comedian but unless he is given a role with which this personality can co-operate to produce hearty laughter, he is reduced to standing before i camera and just plain mugging. Drama has already been graduated to the stage where characteriztion is the chief ingredient for making a good story and it is time for the producers to realize that comedy and comedians are now ripe for the same treatment. There is a wealth of ;ood material for this on the American scene and while clowning has its place in a picture for laugh-effects, it is only good for a few feet and not for an entire comedy length. M. P. Club Open House The Motion Picture Club of N. Y. will hoUl open house on Election X'i-ht, November 6th, a direct wire being installed for announcements of returns. A program of dances and Broadway entertainment will be run continrously from nine o'clock 'lo closing. Incorporation The Rowland Rt)iiers Picture Service, Inc., of Wilmington has been formed to operate motion pictures and deal in motion picture cameras.