The Film Daily (1928)

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DAILV Sunday, November 25, 1928 Foreign Markets , By JAMES P. CUNNINGHAM; I British International ' to Acquire Theaters London — MerRer of British International with Savoy Cinemas and the Scottisli Cinema and Variety The. iters, Ltd., may be undertaken, it is leheved here follow inp increase of apitai stock of Associated British I inenias, Ltd. John Maxwell is hairman of British International, iiul has interests in Savoy and Asso lated estimated at approximately be weeii 8(1 and 90 per cent. Such a riuerper would provide an outlet for ?'B.I.l*. product. Scottish Cinema and \ ariety Theaters, Ltd., has 23 houses II Scotland while Savoy Cinemas, -td.. owns theaters in Midlands and • ther sections of England. The two hains comprise about 60 houses. Ideal Film to Produce and Release in Germany London— Ideal-Film G.M.B.H. has established ofifices in Berlin to produce pictures and to handle the sale of foreign films in Germany and German films abroad. Heinrich Nebenzahl is manager. In the same offices are the headquarters of Merkurfilm G.M.B.H., wliich also aims to place foreign films in Germany, Gustav Schwab being manager. The compan>' has a close connection with the Soc4ctv des Cineromans. ^ German Film Ass'n Agree To Unify Their Policy i lyashiiinton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY I' Washington — Union of German f'Filni Producers of Berlin and the 'Economic Union of Bavarian Film i'roducers of Munich, after discussing German industry reciuircments, -avs a trade paper rev»ort to the M. I'. Section of the Dept. of Commerce, ; has agreed that all future decisions i regarding the industry be taken after a mutual discussion of both organizations, so as to unify their policy. This is the first step towards a concentration in policy of German production interests. Phonovox, British Disc Device, for Small Theaters London — Igranic Electric Co. has developed a disc reproducing apparatus, Phonovox, designed for small theaters. It uses stock records. The c(|uipment consists of an electric turntable unit, comprising two electric motor driven turntables, two Phonovox pick-ups with tone arms, two volume controls, one for each pick-up, and a tone control which enables volume to be varied to suit the size of the house. French Producers Active Paris — Gaston Ravel of Franco Film, has completed "Figaro" which is being edited. Joseph Kersel's "Xuits de Prince" published in England as "Princess of the Night" is to be produced by Sequana Film at Bilianconrt. Completes Another for Sovkino Director Pudovkin has just finished cutting his latest picture. "The rJescendant of Glienghis Khan." Am kino Corp.. representing Sovkino ['iiited .States, expects the picture New York shortly. 1^ /The American rights tt /Devil," a film based on 'd .:.. 1 1 German Company Fails I>ondon — Deutsclu-Nordische Film Union Co., of Berlin has gone into bankruptcy as a sequel to the difficulties of the Danish Nordisk Film Co. Liabilities arc placed at $436,500. Sells German Rights London — Juhiis Hageii, managing director of Strand Film Co., has sold the Geruian rights to tiie company's next i)roduction, "Ringing the f'hances." Margot Londa of Strauss hn. Berlin, will be starred. WolkofF on new Ufa Film Berlin — Director Alexander WolkofT is now prejiaring production for "Hadschi Murat" from the novel by Tolstoi. New Multicolor Co. in England IVushimitoii Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Edward Godal, manager of Film Contracts, Ltd., London, has formed a new company to take up the original option on Multicolor for Great Britain, according to advice to the M. P. Section of the Dept. of Commerce. Scenario for British Talker Ready London — Eliot Stannard has completed the first of a series of scenarios for British Talking Pictures. Untitled as yet, the story deals with the French H<-volntion and will he a two reeler, Affiliated Gets "Rasputin" o "The Holy on the life of Rasputin, have been acquired by Affiliated ICuropean Producers. Gregor Chamara. of the Moscow Art Theater, plays the title role. N. ■-^^ "^^^ Richmount Pictures 723 7th Avenue Inc. "'* ^"f* ^^^ D. J. MOUNTAN. Pre*. P'XCLUSIVE foreign representatives for Rayart Pictures Corporation and other leading independent producersanddistributors Cable Address: RICHPICSOC. Paris Cable Address: DEEJAY. London Cable Address: RICHPIC. N. Y. Exporting only tlie best in Motion Pictures Week's Headlines Monday Iiitcrcliaiigeability shown with Power's Cinephone subject on Western Electric equipment .It Colony, New York. Kadio-Keith-Orpheum getting set on plans. Cheaper equipment plan scouted by W. E. Fox lines up 568 Greater New York theaters. Tuesday North American Co., subsidiary, Wired Radio, to enter talking picture field, under Kolster patents. Distributors seek freer reign on interchangealjility in conference with W. E. Wednesday Aliram F. Myers, Federal Trade Commissioner, sought to head Allied States Ass'n. No action expected on film bills in short session of Congress. Thursday M-G-M-United Artists merger reported planned as forerunner of combination with Paramount. R. F. WoodhuU denies M.P.T.O.A. is in any way connected with Hays office. Friday Western Electric program calls for installation of 3,000 equipments in 1929, in addition to the 1,000 by end of 1928. Radio-Keith-Orpheum plan now operative as 84 per cent of stock approves it. S. R. Kent of Paramount hits report of U.A.-M-G-M Paramount combination as absurd; Harry D Buckley of United Artists, says report without foundation. Fox Movietone News to be issued daily by Sept. 1. 1929. Federal Trade Commission dismisses application for complaint against First National on 'block booking charge. Saturday Universal announces sound production program to cost $5,000,000. R.C.A.. speeding installations, is developing lower-priced disc device; R.C.A-Victor reported negotiating merger. EGGERS INCORPORATED Photo Engraving Specialists to the Motion Picture Industry DAY AND NIGHT 250 West 54th Street NEW YORK Telephone: Columbus 4i4l'2') A ^s-s Sh-ShI It*s a secret — and we re letting you in on it I TONIGHT is the big night of the Motion Picture Salesmen, Inc. 8^/? Annual DINNER^ DANCE Entertainment and Souvenirs HOTEL COMMODORE Nov. 24, 1928 SOL TITLE, Chairman Room 805, 729 Seventh Ave. BRYant 0421