The Film Daily (1929)

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THE 10 -<&!S1 DAILV Wednesday, April 17, 1929 Court Denies Writ on Equity-Agent Ruling (Continued from Paijc 1) don. booking agent. The court held it was without jurisdiction. He asked a writ restraining any boycott against him. France Duo-Phone Latest Synchronization Device Detroit — France Duo-Phone, synchronizer, has been placed on the market here. Installations are being made at the East End, Kunsky's De Luxe, the Grande, Lancaster, West End, Baldwin, Del-The, Maxine. Flamingo, Grosse Points Parks and Your theater. 7 Per Cent Domestic, 10 Foreign P-F-L Gain (Continued from Paiie 1) ed new offices at Lima. Pern; La Coruna, Spain; Budapest. Hungary; Riga, Latvia; Warsaw and Lemberg, Poland; Prague, Czechoslovakia; \'ienna, Austria, and Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Stockholders approved plan to permit employees to subscribe to capital stock not exceeding 250,000 shares at not less than $.S0 a share, at terms to be determined later. Fischer Buys "Linda" Cleveland — Fischer Film Exchange will distribulte in Ohio and Kentucky, "Linda," Willie Kent production directed by Mrs. \Vallace Reid, Publix Adds Another at Toledo Toledo — Publix has taken over the Princess and will operate it as a second run house. Overhaul Tex. House San Saba, Tex.— W. C. Dofflemeyer is overhauling the Palace recently damaged by fire. $114,215 Voted for Upkeep on Trenton, Ont., Studio Toronto — The Ontario government has voted $114,215 for maintenance and expenditures of the Ontario studio at Trenton, while $25,125 has been voted for the expenses of the Ontario censor board for the next fiscal year. Guild Meeting Sunday To commemorate its fifth year of existence, the Jewish Theatrical Guild of America will hold an open meeting at the Jolson, New York, (instead of the Bijou, as is customary) ne.xt Sunday afternoon, April 21, at three o'clock. Mayor James J. Walker will make the principal address. Ambler House Reopened Ambler, Pa. — The Ambler Opera House has been reopened. Judgment Cleveland — Last week the Ohio censor board ordered a cut in "The Wild Party," the latest Clara Bow starring vehicle playing at the Allen theater. Because the synchronization was the disc type, the characters talked on while the screen went blank during the eliminated section. The Ohio censor board may censor films but not dialogue. Buys Waterloo House Waterloo, la. — Hageman Bros, of Waverly, has taken over the Grand from E. A. Boss. Portland, Me., House Soon to Open Portland, Me. — The State will be opened in July, according to John W. Hill, who represents the owners. Nolan Gets Akron Post Akron, O. — David Nolan, former assistant manager at Keith's Palace, Cleveland, has been appointed manager of the new Loew house to open here .April 20 with "The Voice of the City." Lefkowitz Darkens House Cleveland — The Bronx, operated by Max Lefkowitz as associate, is permanently closed since acquisition of the Orpheum. 225 Attend Dinner for Laemmle at MP. Club (Continued from I'luie I) Charles L. O'Reilly, "Bugs" Baer, Al Lichtman, Nathan Hurkan and Harry Hcrshfield. Helen Morgan who sings several "Show Boat" songs in the prologue of the picture which opens at the Globe tonight failed to appear, although scheduled. Paul Whiteman. who will star in "The King of Jazz" for Universal, made a hurried appearance between shows and then a quick exit with Paul Fejos, who will direct the picture. Fejos, who has just completed "Broadway," arrived in New York yesterday from Hollywood, having made the trip by aeroplane. He will be here about four days. Reichenbach, during the course of the dinner, introduced a number of the Universal executives including R. H. and P. D. Cochrane, Lou Metzger, Paul Gulick, M. Van Praag, Ted Schlanger, Sydney Singernian, and Siegfried Hartmann. Jimmy Caruso's band supplied the music for the dancing that followed. Troy, Ala. House Sold Troy, Ala. — J. Glenn Crouch has sold the Princess to W^ D. Patrick. Reopen Toms River House Toms River. N. J. — The Traco. recently damaged by fire, has been reopened. Sound equipment will be installed. FRED NEWMEYER DIRECTOR (( »» The Rainbo^wr Man 100% Talking Picture Starring Eddie Dowling Playing at the Selwyn Theatre, New York City