The Film Daily (1929)

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Canadian Government Probes Famous Players iTHE ^NEWSPAPER ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. XLIX No. 9 Thursday, July 11, 1929 Clear of Shoals YOU never hear very much about it, the work is done so quietly. Yet in Hollywood the Hays association has set up an organization, composed of representatives of public and civic groups with members running into hand fuls of millions, which attempts to keep pictures clear of prejudice, offense and bad taste. A mild, sympathetic and wholely friendly control of production at the source, the method of operation calls for submission of the scripts for general scrutiny before the camera cranks. You might describe it as a self-imposed censorship designed to thwart a later political censorship. Friendly Help The plan, it appears to us, is worthy and should be encouraged provided this pre-production supervision remembers to confine its activities to its carefully-defined sphere. Motion pictures, as an entertainment, must not offend religious sects, poke ridicule at a particular nationality or violate the polite mandates of society. | It is such important trifles as these that this coast group gives the eagle eye. In view of this, the opposition or, perhaps it is neglect, of some producers to cooperate becomes difficult to understand. But so many policies in this businsss are strange anyway, another can hardly make much difference. The Glad Hand One of the factors v>:hich has done much to create for the local theater the position in its community which so many enjoy is the neighborly relation between the house manager and his public. In chain operation where theaters are operated by forms, the personality equation is usually submerged under multidinous orders from the home office. Several large circuit operators, long wondering what the trouble has been, are gradually returning to the old system. Fine for them, their investments and the industry. K A N N Price 5 Cents PUBLIX DEAL FOR F. & R. CHAIN CONTROL REPORTED COMPLETED Equity Deadline on Extras Today West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— With deadline reached today on the edict forbidding members of Actors' Equity Ass'n from appearing as extras in casts of talkers employing non-members, next move of Equity is awaited. Equity has forbidden members to set foot on any stage, set or location as extras, in talkers employing non Equity members, a mandate which followed the original edict forbidding members to sign any but Equity shop contracts for talkers after June 5. There is some belief that President Frank Gillmore may call for a day's demonstration, Equity members quitting work for a day to show the association's strength. No strike has been ordered it is stated. Complaints Against Famous Canadian Bring Investigation ARBITRATION COURSE TO BE INDICATED AT DALLAS Dallas— Policy of distributors in the situation whicli has resulted from withdrawal of units of Allied States Ass'n, for arbitration is expected to be indicated here July 15, when a meeting of the arbitration board has been scheduled. There will be a meeting here with (Continue^ on Page 6) Shaw Plays May be Made Available for Talkers George Bernard Shaw will discuss with the New York Theater Guild in London, the question of production of some of his plays as talking pictures, states a cable dispatch to "The N. Y. World". The dramatist also has intimated he may even write an original for a talking film. He has consistently refused to permit filming of his plays, as silent pictures. Publix-B. & K. Fortifying With Chicago 5,000 Seater Chicago — This city's largest theater will be built by Publix and Balaban & Katz, a 5,000-seater on Wacker Drive between Sitate and Dearborn Sts., as part of a 35-storv structure costing $16,000,000. Kingston, Out. — Inquiry of the Famous Players Canadian Corp. on restraint of trade complaints has been instituted by the Canadian government under the Combines Investigation Act. F. A. McGregor of Ottawa, registrar, is in charge of the probe. Complaints have been made to the government alleging that Famous Players is restricting trade, it is understood, those complaining including an exhibitors' cooperative society at Toronto and various other independent exhibitors. J. Earl Lawson, attorney and member of Parliament, is acting for the cooperative society. SOUNDS LIKE BEDTIME STORY JUT IT'S TRUE Ktliics triumphed to score a clean cut victory for film publicity yesterday, when United Artists' publicity department declined to take advanage of a news break which gave promise of national publicity for its picture, "Alibi," now current at the Rialto, New York. On Tuesday, Police Commissioner Whalen of New York announced that he planned a squad of 50 secret police to pose as crooks and racketeers in order to keep police supplied with information. The fact that the {Continued on Page 6) 150 Northwest Houses Are Involved in Transaction Declared Set Deal for acquisition of a controlling interest in the Northwest Theater Circuit (Finkelstein & Ruben) by Paramount is set, it is reported. More than 150 theaters in Minnesota, North and South Dakota and western Wisconsin are involved. Publix heretofore has been partner with F. & R. in 11 first runs in Minneapolis and St. Paul. M. L. Finkelstein and Eddie Ruben have been in New York since last week in connection with the reported deal. Sam Katz, Publix president, yesterday told THE FILM DAILY that the deal with F. & R. still is "in the discussion stage." Eddie Ruben could not be reached for a statement. FABIAN QUITS STANLEY; CHAIN ALL WARNER NOW The Warner name is expected to appear over the company's theater holdings in the near future. The plan has been discussed and is reported practically set. Following sale of minority interest, completed last week, in the Stanley Fabian Corp.; Si Fabian, son of the founder of the Northern Jersey chain, has resigned as vice-president of the company as well as of the Stanley Co. of America. George Skouras, brother of Spyros, head of theater operations (Continued on Page 6) Planning School? West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A school of acting to bring new faces to the screen may be sponsored by the Academy of M. P. Arts and Sciences, it is understood. The Academy is planning to admit song writers to membership and will include them in the awards for the year.