The Film Daily (1929)

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THE 2^2 DAILY Thursday, July 11, 1929 Vol. XLIXNo. 9 Thursday, July 11. 1929 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE PUBLISHER Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, Kew York, N. Y. and copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 47364737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Financial STOCK MARKET High Low Close *Am. Seat 32 ' i Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 26 VS 26 26^ East. Kodak 205 \97Yz 201 *do pfd 128 Fox Fm. "A" ... 89!/2 87 87/ Keith A-O 40 40 40 do pfd 122 120^ 122 !«w's Inc 59 Ji 58/ 58/ do pfd 95 M-G-M pfd 25 Sales 1,200 10,400 M. P. Cap. Para. F-I Pathe Exch. . . . do "A" Radio K-A-O . . 'Stanley Co. . . . *Univ. Pict. pfd. do pfd 543/ 65M 9/ 1934 40/ 61 " 52/ 95 25 51 64/ 8M 193/g 3834 58/ 52 5,800 200 800 3,700 200 200 9,900 14,000 7,400 200 40/103.000 40 33,300 200 95 25 5434 64./ 9 19/ Talkers Bring Summer Business Lesser Says Many theaters that would otherwise have closed their doors for the summer months will this year stay open with an all-sound policy, declares Irving Lesser, general sales manager of General Talking Pictures, following return to New York from a short trip into the field. "The smaller theaters especially expect to reap the harvest during the hot months, many of them being second and third run theaters that have not yet shown the talking hits just leaving the first runs," he declares. "These theaters realize too that if they do not instal sound now, their patronage may be entirely weaned away by competitive theaters with a sound policy, and that the fall may be too late to get them back." Lesser reported shipments of De Forest Phonofilm equipment for last week, despite the break in the week by a holiday. These shipments went to the Park, Middleboro, Mass.; Burns, Newport, Vt; Clearfield, Philadelphia; Grand, Steubenville, O.; Black Hills, Hot Springs, S. D.; Grand, Benld, 111.; Mermaid, Brooklyn.; Michigan, Flint, Mich.; Globe, Christopher, 111.; and the Empire, Zeigler, 111. End of Silent Pictures Soon, Fraser Forecasts West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Silent pictures, except in rare instances, soon will be relegated to museums, William R. Fraser, general manager of the Harold Lloyd Corp., stated on his return here from the East. Reports of Paramount representatives at the recent convention show that the talker development is progressing rapidly in foreign countries, he says. Fraser declares his trip showed him that financial structure of the nation is on a firmer basis than it has been "for some time." The Industry's Date Book 591/ 52V CURB MARKET . 4/ 3/ 4 7934 32/ 22^ 2 23/ 1/ 27 7 24/ 20/ 11/ 2054 1 90/ Acoustic Prod. *Bai. & Katz . Columbia Pets. ... 323^ 32/ Con. Fm. Ind. ... 23 22$i Film Insp 2/ 2 Fox Thea. "A" ..23/ 23 'Griffith. D.W. "A" Intern. Proj. n.w.. 27/ 26 I.oew War 7 7 Nat. Scr. Ser. .. 24/ 24% Nat. Thea. Sup. .. 21 20/ Trans-Lux 11/ 11/ Tniv. Pict do pfd 1 1 BOND MARKET *Keith A-O 6s 46 Loew 6s 41ww...l07/ 107/ 107/ do Os 41 x-war. . 97 97 97 Paramount 6s 47 . 98 97/ 97/ Par. By. S'As 51. 99/ 99/ 99/ Pathe 7s 37 71/ 70/ 70/ CURB BONDS *Am. Seat. 6s 36 87 *\Varner 6/s 28 198 OVER THE COUNTER Roxv "A" 26/ 27/ do units 27/ 29/ do com 2/ 3/ .... Skouras Bros 35 40 .... Technicolor 79 81 United Art 5 10 do pfd 70 80 Univ. Ch. com. . . 2 do pfd 75 85 *LAST PRICE QUOTED 2,700 400 1,800 300 1,500 3', 100 100 100 1,200 600 400 Ordered to Turn Over Contracts Richard Waltom Tully, playwright, has ten days to relinquish to Mrs. Grace A. Fendler, all his contracts for royalties for production of "The Bird of Paradise" on screen or stage, otherwise he may be jailed, the Supreme Court in New York has ruled. Mrs. Fendler won a $605,000 judgment against Tully, and a $168,000 judgment against Oliver Morosco, producer, charging the play is a plagiarism of her work. Tully intends to appeal to the United States Supreme Court, if necessary, stating he copyrighted his play in 1910, while Mrs. Fendler's was copyrighted in 1916. "Legit" Manager Quits When House Goes Sound Montreal — Abbie Wright, veteran manager of the Princess, Montreal, Quebec, has resigned because of his preference for the legitimate stage, Consolidated Theaters, Ltd., new owners have converted the Princess into an exclusive talking picture theater for special extended runs. Wright is leaving the theatrical field. Joe Lightstone has been appointed his successor. He formerly operated Consolidated houses in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and Toronto. Wilson Leaving for Coast Harry D. Wilson, publicity director of Joseph M. Schenck enterprises on the Coast, leaves today for Hollywood, after a brief visit in NewYork. Fox Plane in Boston Boston — Fox Movietone Air News Unit No. 1 is due here from Springfield tomorrow, thus rounding out the last leg of its New England tour. The next hop will be a long one to Atlanta. Material for Fox Movietone News is being shot both from the plane while at each city a ground crew is grinding out shots of the landing. McLagen to Tour East Victor McLaglen, soon will be in New York. He left Hollywood last night for a tour of cities in the East. ■ ^ ■ "Fu Manchu" for N. Y. Rialto Paramount's "The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu" is slated to follow "Alibi" at the Rialto. Equity to Use Englewood Station West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Station KMIC at Englewood is to be used to broadcast programs of the Actors' Equity Ass'n in the present dispute. Equity charges that Station KMTR refused to permit broadcast of Frank Gillmore's speech, although contract for it had been signed. Studio Demonstration Tonight Alfred Walker, general manager for American Sound Record ng Studios, has invited members of the press and several officials in the sound picture field to witness a demonstration this evening of studio equipment by his organization at the newly-equipped recording plant on West 44th St., New York. Rice to Make Radio Talk Grantland Rice, producer of "Sportlights," July 12. will be puest speaker over WJZ, New York, and associated stations. Reopening Sept. 1 Cuyahoga Falls, O. — The Alhambra has closed to reopen September 1. M. P. A. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Penn. 3580 July 22 July 23July 26 July 27 July 31 Aug. 1 Sept. 28 Last day of Columbia annual sales convention at Hollywood. Opening of "Melody Lane" at the Globe, New York. 17, 18 Annual convention of western managers of Famous Players Canadian Corp., Vancouver. ■23 Golf tournament and picnic of exhibitors and distributors at Des Moines. 25 Convention of Rocky Mountain States exhibitors at Denver. Film golf tournament of exhibitors and distributors at Minneapolis. First issue of M-G-M International News (silent). First issue of Universal Newsreel (silent). First issue of Paramount Sound News. First issue of Hearst Metrotone News (sound). Sail for Europe Carl Laemmle, Universal president, and party including Stanley and Mrs. Bergerman Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Laemmle, Jack Ross and David Bader, sailed for Europe last night aboard the Majestic. J. Robert Rubin, M-G-M vice president, and family, were passengers on the same ship. Rivoli Run for "Evangeline" "Evangeline," starring Dolores Del Rio, is to follow "Thunderbolt" at the Rivoli, New York. YOUNG MAN for statistics and records for foreign department. Write stating age, experience, salary, references. Box A144 c-o Film Daily 1650 Broadway N. Y. C. THEY'RE GREAT! "I want to thank you for your good service and at the same time tell you that both your Silent and Talking Trailers are Business Getters. They're great ! Keep up your good work. Capitol Theatre, Racine, Wis. NOTICE New sound studios ready, in the heart of Broadway, to save your time. Finest recording and lighting systems. A music department is at your service and David Mendoza, of Capitol Theatre fame, is among us. Theme songs and feature synchronization arranged and composed at reasonable rates. SOUND TRANSFERRED FROM FILM TO DliSC RADIOTONE STUDIOS 1600 Broadway New York