The Film Daily (1929)

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RKO Annual Announcement in This Issue ^NEWSPAPER o/'FILMDOM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. XLIX No. 12 Monday, July 15, 1929 Price 5 Cents ■«•""" JMOVES BEING MADE TO RESUME aim OF LONG PARLEYS Minneapolis — Closing of the Paramount deal for acquisition of Publix brings to an end negotiations for the circuit by various interests extending over a period of years. Paramount, Fox, Warners are reported to have sought purchase of the chain at various times. Eighteen months ago, it appeared practically certain that the chain would be sold to Fox. Negotiations had been carried on over a period of weeks, a price, reputed to have been $9,000,000, was agreed upon and William Hamm and M. L. Finkelstein (Continued on Page 35) Blair Heads Sales of Eastman Kodak Abroad Rochester — George A. Blair, veteran sales manager of the motion picture products of Eastman Kodak, heads the cine-export division just created to exploit motion picture product abroad, states Vice President L. B. Jones. E. P. Curtin succeeds Blair as domestic sales head. 118 W. E. Equipments in Six Mid-West States Minneapolis — Minnesota has 32 Western Electric installations, North Dakota six, South Dakota eight, Wisconsin 34, Iowa 26 and Nebraska 12. states S. G. Honeck, recently appointed sales manager in the Northwest for Electrical Research Products. Installations are continuing at a rapid pace, he said. Stock Trade Offered in New Equipment Combine General Theaters Equipment, new $67000,000 equipment combine, will trade one share of common stock voting trust certificates for one share of International Projector Corp. common stock and three-quarters of one share for one share of National Theater Supply Co. common. In addition, through Pynchon & (Continued on Page 35) Bell, Associate Producer; Cowan, "G.M." at L. I. Monta Bell, who has been producer at the Paramount Long Island studio since it reopened a year ago, has been signed on a new contract as associate producer at the studio (Continued on Page 2) ARBITRATION IN ALLIED KEYS Selecting The Tfn Best Directors The competition has been keen. For many weeks, the newspapers of the nation, in cooperation with THE FILM DAILY, have been voting for The Ten Best Directors of 1928-1929. The ballot boxes are closed and the count is on. This year, and incidentally, the fourth for the ballot, 304 critics, representing 350 trade and fan papers and newspapers in 45 states, participated in the competition to designate directorial honors. Publications represented have an approximate circulation of 25,000,000 and constitute, by far, the greatest poll of critical opinion so far organized in this industry. The results will be announced in THE FILM DAILY Directors' Annual and Production Guide off the presses and in circulation in a few days. In conception, desfgn and exhaustiveness of contents, this work, it is believed, will: create widespread comment. K A N N. Menjou to Produce at American Sound Studios Negotiations were concluded between Adolphe Menjou and Earle Smith of the American Sound Studios for production of the star's next picture, the agreement being reached before Menjou sailed for Europe. Menjou has not renewed his contract with Paramount and before sailing expressed to the press his intention of making his own pictures (Continued on Page 35) Louise Dresser Resigned From Equity Month Ago West Coast Bureau! THE FILM DAILY Hollywood— Louise Dresser, who last week was announced as suspended from Actors' Equity Ass'n, resigned from the organization a month ago. The resignation was not accepted, however. Attachment Adds Color to Black and Whites, Claim London (By Cable)— Natural color films are declared produced from black and whites by a small optical attachment known as the Fernardi process, which has been placed on the market bv Raycol British Corp.. (Continued on Page 35) $1,300,000 Commission Suit Brought Against S. Z. Poli New Haven, Conn. — Edward P. Egan, real estate broker, and two Springfield brokers have brought suit for $1,300,000 against Sylvester Z. Poli, alleging that amount due them as commission in sale of the Poll circuit to Fox for $26,000,000. The trio claimed to have been retained by Poli to find a purchaser for the circuit. Radio Prepares Its Debut THE night stands out vividly. It was a Friday in early October of last vear. The edition was being tucked away m its bed and the presses were yawning. Then things began to happen. Part of the staff rushed in ; telephones rang out a harmony of their om When the atmosphere cleared away, the front page had been remade, the presses were purring contentedly and word was on its way to an industry credited with being immune from surpns thj the Radio Corporation of America had secured control of KeUh-Albee 0rP ^dSf Significant. Those who knew how far the ramifica (Continued on Page 4) Dallas and Indianapolis Seek to Operate with Non-Member Boards Efforts are to be made today to resume arbitration in at least two of the key cities affected by the arbitration "walkout" of Allied States Ass'n, with indications that the plan of action adopted will be followed in other zones involved. At Dallas, a meeting of the arbitration board is slated, announcement previously having been made that distributors there intend to continue arbitration with* or without members of the state unit. Indianapolis exchangemen today are prepared to submit to the mayor of that city a list of prospective ar (Continued on Page 35) Dallas Seeks Resumption at Meeting Slated Today Dallas— Effort will be made at a meeting scheduled today to resume arbitration in this territory, broken off several weeks ago by the board of directors of the Texas exhibitor unit. The Texas association took the lead in renouncing arbitration, a (Continued on Page 35) Indianapolis Mayor to Be Asked to Choose Arbiters Indianapolis— Appeal is to be made today to Mayor Slack of Indianapolis to appoint non-members of the Indiana exhibitor association to the board of arbitration . The Indiana unit, as a member of Allied States Ass'n, has withdrawn from arbitra (Continucd on Page 35) No Apparent Moves Made in Situation at Minneapolis Minneapolis— No action has been taken as yet to restore arbitration >n this territorv. Nothing is being done, at least so far as surface indications KO The arbitration board is without exhibitor members as a result ofthe withdrawal of the Northwes exhibitor unit from arbitration. 1 lus was done in line with the dictum of Xllied States Ass'n, which wUhdrew (Continued on I age «;