The Film Daily (1929)

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THE Vol. XMX No. 12 Monday. July 15. 1929 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE PUBLISHER Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. anrt copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the art of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broad way. New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736 4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday. New York. Hollywood. California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne. Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle. La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Financial STOCK MARKET (QUOTATIONS AS OF SATURDAY) High Low Close Sales *Am. Seat 33 .... Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 26 25% 26 100 East. Kodak 205% 201 201 300 do pfd 128 Fox Fm. "A" 93% 92yi 93]A 1,100 ♦Keith A-O .-. 40 ♦do pfd 118 Loew's, Inc 59^ 5854 5954 200 *do pfd 95 ♦M-G-M pfd 25 M. P. Cap 59 57y2 58 300 Para. F-L 66% 66 6654 3,200 Pathe Exch 9 %Vt 8% 300 *do "A" 18M Radio-K-A-O 39 3854 39 3,40'J *Stanlev Co 40 .... ♦Univ. Pict. pfd 98% Warner Bros, new 61% 61% 61"^ 1,000 do pfd 52'J4 52J4 5254 200 CURB MARKET Acoustic Prod. ...554 554 554 2,500 *Bal. & Katz 79% .... Columbia Pets. .. 32% 32% 32% 500 Con. Fm. Ind 23 23 23 100 ♦Film Insp 2 .... Fox Thea. "A"... 27 2654 27 3,300 ♦Griffith, D.W. "A" 1% Intern. Proj 30 29 30 2,400 ♦Loew do deb rts 24% .... Nat. Scr. Ser 25% 2454 25 1,300 Nat. Thea. Sup... 23% 22 23% 1,200 Trans-Lux 11 11 11 100 ♦Univ. Pict 20% do pfd 1 BOND MARKET Keith A-O 6s 46 90% 90% 905/6 1 Loew 6s 41ww 107% 107% 107% 13 ♦do 6s 41 x-war 97% ♦Paramount 6s 47 9854 .... ♦Par. By. 5%s51 98% ♦Pathe 7s37 72 CURB BONDS Am. Seat. 6s 36.. 89J4 89% 89% 6 ♦Warner 6%s 28 198 OVER THE COUNTER Roxy "A" 26J4 2754 do units 2754 29% do com 2% 3% Skouras Bros 33 38 ♦Technicolor 75 77 United Art 5 10 do pfd 70 80 Univ. Ch. com. . . 2 do pfd 75 85 •LAST PRICE QUOTED T The Broadway Parade WO long runs have closed, "Broadway" at the Globe and "The Fall of Eve" at the Embassy. The Globe is now housing "Melody Lane," Universal feature starring Eddie Leonard. Picture Distributor "Broadway Melody" M-G-M "Bulldog Drummond". . . United Artists. . "The Black Watch" Fox "On With the Show" Warner "The Four Feathers" Paramount "Drag" First National. . "Thunderbolt" Paramount "Broadway Babies" First National. . "Alibi" United Artists. . "Show Boat" Universal "Melody Lane" Universal Theater Opening Date , . Astor Feb. 8 . Apollo May 2 . Gaiety May 22 . Winter Garden. . . May 29 . Criterion June 1 2 . Warner June 20 • Rivoli June 20 . Central June 21 . Rialto June 29 ■ Colony July 1 • Globe July 15 Bell, Associate Producer; Cowan, "G.M." at L. I. {Continued from Page 1) and will personally direct two pictures and supervise three others during the coming year. James R. Cowan has been appointed general manager of the studio. He has held the position of production manager for the past year. Stagehands May be Asked At Ottawa Wired Houses Ottawa— With all local theaters gone "talker," there are rumbles in the local labor world and a demand has been made for the installation of two stagehands in each of the wired houses. The situation reached an interesting stage when W. P. Covert, third International vice-president of the I.A.T.S.E., visited Ottawa to discuss details with the managers. No action has been taken with regard to musicians. Only one theater in Ottawa now has an orchestra and this is a stage band which plays an overture each night at the Regent, their appearance being limited to 15 minutes. Aaron Fox Aids Charity Fund Aaron Fox, Fox executive, is acting as sponsor of the bout to take place July 18 at the Yankee Stadium between Tommy Loughran and Jimmy Braddock. Gate receipts are to be turned over to fund for building a hospital for the inmates of the Home of the Daughters of Jacob, of which Mayor James J. Walker is honorary chairman. Gordon Transferred to Springvale Springvale, Me. — George B. Gordon, formerly of the Universal, Fitchburg, Mass. has been transferred to the Colonial here. M. Dunn of the Dorchester, Dorchester, has replaced Gordon at Fitchburg. Gilliam at Stillman Cleveland — George Gilliam has been appointed manager of the Stillman which reopened June 29 with "Noah's Ark." Floran Denarde is assistant manager. John Baker of the Loew organization in Pittsburgh succeeds Gilliam as manager of the Cameo, with Sam Gillman as assistant manager. Kelly Sailing to Hold U. A. British Sales Meet Arthur W. Kelly, vice president and general manager of foreign distribution for United Artists, sails Friday for Europe, where he will visit his company's various offices in the interests of sales of new product. In London, within a few days after his arrival, Kelly will preside over a sales convention of the Great Britain organization, United Artists Corp., Ltd. He will visit Paris, Berlin and other capitals. Sud Film-British Int'l Director Coming to U. S. Berlin (By Cable)— Director Goldschmidt of Sud Film -British International plans a visit to New York. Sound Truck Boosts Fox Talkers A sound truck, equipped with "mike," amplifier and horn and capable of throwing the human voice for a distance as far as five miles, is being used in exploiting talking pictures and Fox-Movietone News in the Brooklyn section of the Fox Metropolitan Playhouses. The truck, built in Hollywood, was secured for the metropolitan territory by Joe Leo, president of the circuit. Arranging Serial Sale Mrs. Nat Levine, wife of the serial producer, is in New York to arrange for the sale of "King of the Kongo," the first sound and talking serial produced by Mascot Pictures Corp. Hale Under Knife George Hale, dance director and co-producer of the Gamby-Hale Girls, is reported recovering in a New York hospital following an operation for appendicitis. WANTED Bell and Howell or Duplex printing machines. Box A-143 care Film Daily 1650 Broadway N. Y. City The Industry's Date Book . Today July 16, July 17 July 22 July 23July 26 July 27 July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 7 Sept. 28 Opening of "Melody Lane" at 1 Globe, New York. 17, 18 Annual convention of we ern managers of Famous Play<|. Canadian Corp., Vancouver. Testimonial dinner to Sid Graurmi Los Angeles. 23 Golf tournament and picnic ; exhibitors and distributors at D| Moines. 25 Convention of Rocky Mounts' States exhibitors at Denver. Film golf tournament of exhibito and distributors at Minneapolis. First issue of M-G-M Internatior News (silent). First issue of Universal Newsrt (silent). First issue of Paramount Soui News. Golf tournament of exhibitors ar exchangemen at Seattle. First issue of Hearst Metrotoi News (sound). New Acoustical Treatmen Claimed by Dallas Firn Dallas ■ — Something new in low cost acoustical treatment of theater is claimed by the King Studios hen A special weave of acoustical fel treated in the form of banners, high ly or simply decorated, according t< requirements and designed to drap theater walls for better sound absorp tion and better artistic effects, is em bodied in the plan. Wagner Managing Griffith Houser Pampa, Tex. — C. E. Wagner, relie manager for Griffith Amusement Co now is in charge of the Rex anc Crescent here during the absence O! C. B. Akers, now vacationing at Denver. Theater Chairs For Sale 1,200 chairs now at Strand Theater, Long Branch, N. J., for sale — cheap. Immediate delivery. Must be taken before August 1st. Apply to Mr. McChesney, c-o Walter Reade, 1531 Broadway, N. Y. Chickering 5800. Al« mfm «A« 4 NATIONAL S C KE E IN SERVICE ANDgHLENT