The Film Daily (1929)

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—;%&% DAILY Thursday, July 18, 192 VoLXLIXNo. 15 Thursday, July 18, 1929 Price SCeits JOHN W. ALICOATE PUBLISHER Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ana copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kann, Vice-President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 47364737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Financial Am. Con. East. *do Fox Seat. . . Fm. Ind Kodak pfd Fm. "A".. *Keith A-O . . . *do pfd Loew's Inc. do pfd •M-G-M pfd. .. M. P. Cap. . . . Para. F-L Pathe Exch. . . . do "A" Radio K-A-O . . * Stanley Co. *Univ. Pict. pfd. Warner Bros. . . do pfd STOCK MARKET High Low 3SVz 33 25J4 25 % 199 197^ pfd 92Vi 87 59 57% 95 ]A 95 K 56M 54" 69 67Yt 9H 20 39 9 20 37-M 63 54? CURB Prod. . . . Katz . . . Pets. . . . Ind. . . Acoustic *Bal. & Columbia Con. Fn *Film Insp. Fox Thea. "A ^Griffith, D.W. Intern. Proj. Loew do deb. Nat. Scr. Ser. Nat. Thea. Sup. Trans-Lux ♦Univ. Pict. . . *do pfd 60J4 54K MARKET 5% 5J4 34^ 33J4 22 Vt, 22 "A' rts. 27 25^ 29J4 25 31 25 29H 27H 22y2 22 105/6 105/6 BOND * Keith A-O 6s 46. *Loew 6s 41ww. . . do 6s 41 x-war.. Paramount 6s 47 Par. By. 5^s 51. Pathe 7s 37 MARKET 97 96 98J4 98 98 y2 9m 72 71/i Close 35^4 25'A 199 128 88^ 40 my2 58^ 95 y2 24% 54 67y2 9 20 38 40 98^ 61?4 54M 5J4 71 34% 22 14 2 25/2 1/s 31 25 28 22/ 1054 2W>, 1 90/ 108 96 98 98/ 71/ Sales 1,100 700 1,000 7,466 1,100 100 2',600 53,900 2,200 100 15,700 39,200 500 4,200 1,666 800 17,300 1 1,600 100 2,500 2,300 100 $5,112,000 ESTIMATED PARAMOUNT 6 MONTHS NET {Continued from Page 1) 1928, the previous record second quarter of the company. A comparison of the same quarter and per share earnings for 1927, 1928 and 1929 follows: 1929 1928 1927 *$2,550;000 $1,609,000 $1,465,000 *$1.14 78c 76c * Estimated. Estimated profits for the first six months also created a record for the company, being 32 per cent ahead of 1928, the previous record first six months of the company. A comparison follows: 1929 1928 *$5, 112,000 $3,873,000 *$2.30 $1.88 * Estimated. 1927 $3,532,000 $1.87 $352,323 Net for Year Reported by Skouras Firm St. Louis — Statement of Skouras Bros. Enterprises and its subsidiaries, including the St. Louis Amusement Co., for the year ended on Dec, 1928, show a net profit of $352,323. At the close of the year the capital and surplus amount showed a balance of $2,072,598, it is said. Directors of Skouras Enterprises have declared regular quarterly dividend of 75 cents per share on the A stock payable Aug. 1 to stock of record July 25. The St. Louis Amusement Co. hasn't declared a dividend since Feb., 1928, when 75 cents a share was paid for that quarter. SENTIMENT FAVORS SUNDAY SHOWS IN ALBANY POLL Albany — Sunday shows are favored by 24,037 Albany residents out of 25,883, who expressed their views in a referendum conducted by "The Times-Union." Effort will be made to have an ordinance permitting Sunday shows introduced in the council. The Industry's Date Book Columbia Now Operates Exchange at Cleveland Cleveland ■ — Columbia Pictures Corp., New York, which recently bcught out W. N. Skirboll's Columbia exchange now is distributing all of the Columbia product through its own exchange. Herbert Kaufman has been appointed branch manager. L. F. Weintz, office manager of the exchange under Skirboll, will continue in that capacity under the new arrangement, and the complete sales and office force of the former local Columbia exchange will be retained, it is understood. 86/ 198 CURB BONDS 'Am. Seat. 6s 36 ♦Warner 6/s 28 OVER THE COUNTER Roxy "A" 25 27 do units 28 30 do com 2/ 3 Skouras Bros 33 40 Technicolor 87 90 United Art 5 10 do pfd 70 80 Univ. Ch. Com... 2 do pfd 75 85 ►LAST PRICE QUOTED Goodman Returning in August Maurice Goodman, Radio-KeithOrpheum counsel, is slated to return to New York from Europe between Aug. 1 and Aug. 15. Fox West Coast Plans "Greater Movie Season" West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Greater Movie Season is to be observed again this year by the Fox West Coast Theaters Circuit, during the month of August. Frank Whitbeck is preparing campaign for the drive which starts Aug. 1. Soriero Heads R-K-0 District at St. Louis St. Louis — Radio-Keith-Orpheum has opened divisional headquarters here, with Thomas D. Soriero in charge. He comes from Rochester, N. Y., where he had supervision over a district comprising 15 theaters. He will make his headquarters at the St. Louis and will have under his jurisdiction the St. Louis, Orpheum and Grand Opera House; the Main St. and Orpheum, Kansas City; the new Orpheum at Memphis, and the Orpheum, New Orleans. Fox Turns Over Another to Werba Fox Metropolitan Theaters has purchased and turned over to Louis F. Werba for booking the Playhouse, Great Neck, L. I. The house will continue with legitimate. This is the fifth house in the Werba chain. Milwaukee House Again Robbed Milwaukee — For the third time in 13 months, Fox-Midwesco's Oriental theater, east side neighborhood house, was robbed recently of $1,200. Two dapper young bandits forced Stanley Gross, manager of the house and his assistant, Clarence Pagelsdori to open the safe and escaped with the money. The first robbery perpetrated June 4, 1928 netted $500, while the second netted $1,000. New Exchange Building at N. O. New Orleans — Paramount is to build a new exchange building here. First FitzPatrick Opening World premiere of the first of James A. FitzPatrick's "Quality 48" short subjects for 1929-30 takes place this week with the showing of Spanish Traveltalk Number one at the Newman, Kansas City. Moore Film Opening Set Colleen " Moore's new picture, "Smiling Irish Eyes," opens July 23 at the Central, New York. New Vitaphone Pittsburgh Office Pittsburgh — Harold Dunn is supervising the new Vitaphone office here. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Perm. 3580 ! Today: July 22 July 23 July 23 July 26 July 27 July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 7 Sept. 28 Last day of annual convention < western managers of Famou Players Canadian Corp., Vancoi ver. 23 Golf tournament and picnic c exhibitors and distributors at D« Moines. Opening of "Smiling Irish Eye at the Central, New York. 25 Convention of Rocky Mountai States exhibitors at Denver. Film golf tournament of exhibitor and distributors at Minneapolis. First issue of M-G-M Internation; News (silent). First issue of Universal Newsrec; (silent). First issue of Paramount Soun News. Golf tournament of exhibitors an exchangemen at Seattle. First issue of Hearst Metroton News (sound). Paramount Settles Suits in Boston Explosior Boston — Paramount has settled tht 40 suits to recover for personal injury from the explosion of a bag oi scrap film in a subway car here Jan! 23. Meyer-Lord Handling Judson Talem Meyer-Lord, Inc., New York, ancj the Judson Radio Program Co. hat! made a new affiliation which gives tcj Meyer-Lord exclusive picture agencj for talent now under Judson man-: agement. The catalog of Judson mu-| sical artists includes Mary Garden, Grace Moore, Chaliapin, Mary Lewis,' John Charles Thomas, Frances Alda, Richard Bonelli and others. A "Regular" Vacation fun . rest . recreation At BLUFF HOUSE: overlooking the Delaware: eight hundred feet above sea level: 95 miles from New York City: among the Kittatiny Mountains. BLUFF HOUSE offers all the advantages of a good hotel: as well as every form of outdoor sport. BLUFF HOUSE BOX A PINE COUNTY MILFORD, PENNSYLVANIA H. J. DYNES, Owner