The Film Daily (1929)

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Lighttnan Confirmed as M. P. T. O. A. President iTHE 3fe NEWSPAPER o/* FILM DOM -;*/•••* >->'.:: &V&£ MX THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. XLIX No. 61 Wednesday, September 11, 1929 Price 5 Cents Wares ON occasion it becomes a good practice to step off into the sidelines and secure a perspective on this industry which is difficult to obtain when one religiously applies his nose to the daily grindstone. The man in the trade usually gets too close to what is going on around him. His viewpoint consequently becomes warped and a broad, general view of the entire picture naturally proves troublesome for him to grasp. Improved Entertainment Narrowing a rather broad, general argument down to a specific point, let us draw attention to the splendid job which all producers are doing in meeting the sound situation. In no one year that we can recall have they, en masse, moved heaven and earth so diligently in their efforts to improve production. Realizing the added advantages of music and dialogue, they are fashioning a new kind of motion picture in the moulds of their experience. For instance, whatever the legitimate stage has to offer, whether it be in the form of vehicles or actors, rapidly is being annexed to augment the already distinguished array of ingredients which make up picture entertainment in its new form. Broadway has been so depleted of its well known figures that producers of stage plays are experiencing difficulty in securing proper talent. In this wise and others, producers are meeting an important problem to the full extent of then combined abilities and bankrolls. Pleasant to Learn Two of those bold, bad plays which Hollywood reported were about ready for production are not to reach the public after all — -that is, as bold bad plays. It appeared that, producers grown more courageous by the sound influx, had about determined to put on "The Command to Love" and "The Shanghai Gesture." But several worthy gentlemen hasten to advise we are wrong, dreadfully wrong. What will happen perhaps is this. Both vehicles will be submitted the refinery wherein bad, little plays are converted into good, little plays by the elimination of the surplus damns and other cuss words and then placed before the mike. It's all a very agreeable process and, we are assured, it always works out. KANN P-F-L PRAISED; OTHERS ASKED TO EXPLAIN ADJUSTMENT STAND Par amountWarners Near Deal A deal between Paramount and Warners is imminent, although a few details have to be ironed out. Sam Katz admitted this at the dinner given to A. J. Balaban at Cavanaugh's on Monday night which Paramount and Publix officials attended. A new holding company is to be formed with Adolph Zukor as president and Harry M. Warner as chairman of the board. Two shares of stock in the new company will be exchanged for one share of Paramount, it is understood, and two shares of the new for one and a half of Warners. Induction of Lightman Into Office Scheduled Thursday M. A. Lightman has been confirmed formally by the board of directors as president of the M.P.T.O. A. to succeed R. F. Woodhull. The latter resigned to become executive vice president of General Talking Pictures. Lightman is president of the Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee organization. He will be installed as president by R. F. Wood(Continued on Page 4) PLAYERS FLOODING GOLF COMMITTEE WITH ENTRIES Golf team of the M. P. Club of New York will defend its title against a picked foursome of the Friars', at the Fall Film Golf Tourney, official acceptance of the latter's challenge having been made yesterday by Jack Alicoate, chairman of the committee in charge of the E. F. Albee competitive club trophy. The M. P. Club defeated a Lambs' team at two previous tournaments. Committee members yesterday put their official okay on the beautiful course of Gedney Farms Country Club, White Plains, as the setting for what promises to be the most important of all previous Eastern film golf tournaments. This event marks (Continued on Page 4) Golfers! Don't Miss the Fall Tournament, To Be Played at Gedney Farms, W. P. — Advt. "COCK-EYED WORLD" NOW SMASHING MANY RECORDS The phenomenal business done by "The Cock-Eyed World" when it played the Roxy, New York is being duplicated at first runs throughout the country, a survey shows. Reports received yesterday follow: Detroit — Establishing a new week's high for this city, "The Cock-Eyed World" rolled up a $90,000 gross at (Continued on Page 4) 30 DAY FRANCHISE RATING LIMIT URGEDJY MYERS Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Rates set, by exhibitor committees under the TiffanyStahl and RKO franchise plans, should not remain for longer than 30 days, after which these firms should be free either to sell film either on franchises or standard contracts at prices negotiated in individual transactions, Abram F. Myers, (Continued on Page 4) Confabs Between W. E. and Klangfilm Fails London (By Wireless) — Conference between Western Electric and Klangfilm-Tobis, which had for their object an agreement on the patent (Continued on Page 4) Southeastern Exhibitors Laud Kent for Policy on Relief Columbus, Ga. — ■ Paramount was praised for granting relief to exhibitors, pursuant to promises of S. R. Kent and other major distributors called upon to state why their promises were not fulfilled, in a resolution passed by the Southeastern Theater Owners Ass'n, which closed its sessions here yesterday. The association, formerly the Georgia unit, changed its name in accordance with its decision to take in Alabama and Florida exhibitors. The organization, considered the question of affiliation, but took no action, deciding to remain independ (Continued on Page 4) Mullin Takes Over Duties as F. & R. General Manager Minneapolis — Martin J. Mullin, formerly with Triangle and Southern Enterprises, has taken over his post as general manager of Northwest (Continued on Page 4) Salutations r The Motion Picture Club celebrated its first anniversary last night with a bang up party at its club rooms. From a modest start but twelve months ago this organization has grown until it is now in the front ranks of New York clubdom. Its roster contains the names of practically every prominent motion picture man in the Metropolitan district and we predict that some day the Motion Picture Club of New York will be the foremost theatrical club of the world. Again our congratulations to President Al Lichtman, Manager Karsch and a sincere and enthusiastic board of directors for making a happy dream become a splendid reality. Alicoate. Golf Committee Promises Many Big Surprises for Fall Tourney, Scheduled for Oct. 1— Advt.