The Film Daily (1929)

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THE 30 DAY FRANCHISE RATING LIMIT URGED BY MYERS (.Continued from Page 1) president of Allied States Ass'n, says in a statement issued here today. "It has come to the attention of this office that forces antagonistic to the franchise offer made by RKO Distributing Corp. and Tiffany-Stahl Prod., are seeking to defeat this measure for exhibitor relief by urging theater owners to withhold signing franchises at the prices set by exhibitor committees on the theory that those prices may be lowered," he says. "The companies in question made their offer in response to the representations of exhibitor leaders that the theater owners were in need of immediate relief from exorbitant film rentals. It was not contemplated by any of the parties to the negotiations that the generous cooperation of these two producers would be used by exhibitors as a club in dealing with other producers, and that their prices would be pegged indefinitely while the exhibitors negotiated with other concerns." Myers says that as a result of informal conferences with J. Earl Lawson, of Toronto, head of a group of independent theaters in Canada, an arrangement has been made for the exchange of information and the coordination of activities by that organization and Allied. Provisions in the organic law of both organizations prevent a formal affiliation at this time, but they have agreed to cooperate as far as possible in matters affecting the interests of exhibitors generally. Burkan Returns Nathan Burkan returned to New York on the Olympic yesterday from his usual summer vacation in Europe. Welcome to 'NEW YORK and ^_ ^JiOTEL « GOVERNOR GJNTON 3rST.-«7rMAVE. opposite PE N NA. R.R. STATION P-F-L Praised; Others Asked To Explain Adjustment Stand (Continued from Page 1) ent of any national group. The franchise plans of RKO and TiffanyStahl also were outlined at the sessions, with W. A. Steffes, Northwest unit leader, and Col. H. A. Cole, Texas association head, urging exhibitors to save their business by tying up with these two companies. Although Sunday Steffes stated he had come to Columbus to ask the association to join Allied, he concluded his talk Monday by saying: "I agree with Mrs. Patterson that you should not at this time affiliate with any exhibitor organization. Go on with your work until you are strong financially, and then if you want to join Allied, send in your check for $3,000, attached to an application for membership." Steffes made a forceful speech and created a favorable impression, especially with his concluding recommendation that the unit remain independent, and unaffiliated. Anna Aiken Patterson was praised for her editorial championship of the exhibitor cause through "The Weekly Film Review," of Atlanta which was named as the official organ of the association. "COCK-EYED WORLD" NOW SMASHING MANY RECORDS (Continued from Page 1) the Fox. Such business is unprecedented for Detroit. Buffalo— When "The Cock-Eyed World" rounded its first week at the Great Lakes, it had grossed $37,138. This is unusually heavy business for this city. Rochester, N. Y. — Local picturegoers went for "The Cock-Eyed World" in a big way. Gross for a week's run at the Rochester reached $24,200. LIGHTMAN SCHEDULED TO TAKE OFFICE THURSDAY (Continued from Page 1) hull, at a meeting at Memphis on Thursday. The constitution of the M.P.T.O. A. provides that in the event of the resignation of the president the vice presidents succeed in regular order. J. C. Brady of Toronto was elected first regional vice president at the Toronto convention last year. Lightman was the next named. Brady died a few months ago placing Lightman next in line for the presidency. WANTED Sales representatives with an exhibitor following that can sell moderate priced talking picture apparatus of unquestionable merit — Our proposition to exhibitors eliminates their risk — Write all BOX A-154 c-o Film Daily 1650 Broadway N.Y.C. Albany, N. Y.— The Harmanus Bleecker Hall, now the latest of Albany's first runs, is off to an auspicious start. Over $17,000 was collected at the box-office during the week's run of "The Cock-Eyed World." Tulsa, Okla. — Surprises never end. The Orpheum, playing "The CockEyed World" for a week, did a gross of $16,101. Long Island theaters have been doing heavy business with the Fox picture. At East Hampton, the Edwards took in $8,000 over the week end, smashing all records for that theater. The Patchogue, at Patchogue did $6,210 in four days and the Regent at Babylon, $5,016 in a week. In four days the Castle at Long Beach, and the Lido, in the same town did $9,719 in six days, both theaters playing the film day and date. Atlantic City — The Strand grossed $7,812 in two days with "The CockEyed World." Wednesday, September 11, 1929 PLAYERS FLOODING GOLF COMMITTEE WITH ENTRIES (Continued from Page 1) the fifteenth semi-annual tourney. Flood of entries and trophies continues. Forty-seven golfers have entered in the past two days, sending the quota set by the entry committee far over the top. New names added to the ever-growing list includes the following: Ahcoate. Jack. "Film Daily" Anderson, R. V., Pathe Andrus. Winfield. "Film Daily" Beach, Rex Beatty, Jerry, Technicolor, Inc Beecroft, James, "Exhibitors M. P. WorldHerald" Benjamin, Paul, Nat'l Screen Service Blumenthal, Louis F., Haring & Blumenthai Brady, Richard, Eastman Kodak Co Brown, Sedley, Erickson Adv. Agency Burger, Paul, United Artists Cunningham, James P.. "Film Daily" DeFabntis, Walter, Barnes Printing Co. Eberhardt, Walter, Electrical Research Products Eddy, Arthur W., "Film Daily" Flam David, Fox Metropolitan Plavhouses Gainsboro, Hy Gallup, Bruce, United Artist* Garyn, Pat, Nat'l Screen Service Gerety, Tom, M-G-M Goetz, Charles, States Cinema Corp. Greenthal, Monte, Universal Pictures Harrower, Jack, "Film Daily" Hornstein, Joe, Warner Bros. Hynes, Charles, "Film Dailv" Kirsch, Marvin, "Film Daily" Masses, William May, Mitchell, Jr. Mersereau, Don, "Film Daily" Metzger, Lou B., Universal Pictures Ochs, Lee Pelterson, Arthur Pratchett, A. L. Raynor, W. E., Pathe Exchange Robbins, Herman, Nat'l Screen Service Rodney, Harold, Warner Bros Rothenberg, Fred, Wyanoak Publishing Co. Ruben, Al Sawyer, Chester, Hotel Claridge Sedran, Sam, Universal Pictures Silver, Milton, Universal Pictures Singerman, Sydney, Universal Pictures Spring, Mort, M-G-M Stetbins, Arthur, Stebbins. Leterman & Gates S>tem, Sam, Stern Photo Repro Co Stuart, Max, Barnes Printing Co. Yates, H. J., Consolidated Film Industries. Is Your Name Included in the Above Entry List? Wildwood, N. J. — Blake's theater has just finished a 12 day run of "The Cock-Eyed World," rolling up $14,160 in that period. Prices were advanced to $1 for the engagement. NOT SINCE "KILLING THE KILLER" — SUCH A BOX-OFFICE SHORT SUBJECT PALESTINE IN PERIL NOW PLAYING LOEW S± R-K-O Released Nationally by 729 7th Avenue ul Stoi Rurio\ '534 Mullin Takes Over Duties as F. & R. General Manager (Continued from Page 1) Theater Circuit (Finkelstein & Ruben). Harold D. Finkelstein and Ed Smith are his assistants. G. Ralph Branton, veteran F. & R. and Publix executive, has been transferred to New York for where he leaves Tuesday. Eddie Ruben also has been transferred to New York where he will assume new duties concerning operation of the circuit. Confabs Between W. E. and Klangfilm Fails (Continued from Page 1) situation on reproducing equipment in Europe, have broken down completely, it is reported. J. E. Otterson, head of Electrical Research Products, which markets the Western Electric equipment, sails for New York today.