The Film Daily (1929)

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Paramount -Warner Bros. Deal Closed Yesterday iTHE ^NEWSPAPER M^FILMDOM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME /OL. XLIX No. 63 Friday, September 13, 1929 Price 5 Cents "Gabbo" ■By JACK AL1COATE GIVE James Cruze a Ben Hecht story of compelling dramatic situations and two such sterling performers as Betty Compson and Erich von Stroheim to work with and you have a right to expect something worth while. In "The Great Gabbo," which opened with a bang last night at the Selwyn Theatre he has not disappointed. It deserves a place right up in the front ranks of the first crop of sophisticated talkers and, in the progressiveness of its treatment, is another manifestation of the fact that the silent drama is gone, forever and forever and a day. Cruze' s Homecoming Cruze is back in the directorial fold and with a vengeance. He has mingled character, scenes, incident and story with a definite skill and insight. His singing and dancing numbers, mostly in technicolor, are the finest we have seen to date. The story is honest, direct and packed with Cruzian detail. Betty Compson is excellent. Never was she photographed to better advantage. To us von Stroheim was a mild disappointment. The story, while a little heavy, is sure box office. Here is fine upstanding independent attraction that every exhibitor can have and none should pass bye. The Men Behind And now a word of congratulations to the newly formed Sono ArtWorld Wide organization that offers this splendid production as its initial gesture to the industry George Weeks, executive vice president and general manager needs no introduction. Harry Thomas and Sam Zierler are outstanding examples of successful independent distributors of high standing and integrity. If "The Great Gabbo" can be taken as a criterion it is likely that the industry will hear a great deal more of Cruze, Sono ArtWorld Wide and Co. LOWER-PRICED REPRODUCER IS OFFERED BY GENERAL TALKING P-F-L— Warner Deal Closed After Weeks of Negotiation Just before going to press THE FILM DAILY learned from a direct and authoritative source that the ParamountWarner Brothers deal was definitely closed late yesterday afternoon. Complete details will probably be forthcoming from each of the companies in the immediate future. EXHIBITORS TO TEXAS Dallas — Texas exhibitors intend to continue their fight against enforcement of arbitration awards, the association here declares, despite dismissal of its temporary injunction against exaction of deposits from exhibitors who fail to comply with awards or refuse to submit to arbitration. Under the plan of action, the organization intends to have exhibitors seek individual and permanent injunctions against distributors. The bond in such case may be but a few hundred dollars, it is said. The court dismissed the organization's injunction when it. declined to furnish a $100,000 bond. WISCONSIN UNIT JOINS ALLIED STATES ASS'N Milwaukee — Wisconsin's exhibitor unit yesterday affiliated with Allied States Ass'n. Ten resolutions were passed at the convention which just closed, one of the condemning bootleg sound equipment. That the state unit looks with friendliness upon franchises was in (Continned on Page 11) DEADLINE TONIGHT IN ST. LOUIS MUSICIAN TANGLE St. Louis — Tonight is slated to be deadline on the musicians'-exhibitor controversy, when the truce expires at midnight. The truce, granted two weeks ago concerns the Skouras, Fox and St. Louis Amusement Co. houses. Meanwhile, some 50 independent houses including Loew's State are (.Continued on Page 11) L. P. Sawyer Resigns as Vice-Pres. of Photophone L. P. Sawyer, vice president of RCA Photophone, who has been in charge of building up the sales organization of the company, has resigned, effective Oct. 15. He intends to lake an extended rest to recuperate his health. Equity Action Against Marshall to Be Dropped? West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Injunction suit of Actors' Equity Ass'n against Tully Marshall and Warners again has been postponed. It is believed the action will be dropped unless Equity makes further attempt to unionize the studios. Fall Film Golf Tourney Scheduled for Oct. 1 at Gedney Farms Club, White Plains — Advt. Sound Equipment to Sell For $3,750; Showmen Given 13 Weeks Trial Memphis — New reproducing equipment, "as low as $1.71 a day with servicing is being placed on the market by General Talking Pictures, it was announced here at the luncheon sponsored by the company in connection with induction of M. A. Lightman into the presidency of the M.P.T.O.A. At the session, R. F. Woodhull, retiring president, formally turned over the gavel of office to Lightman. Woodhull now is executive vice president of General. M. A. Schlesinger, company president, attended the meeting. The new equipment will sell for $3,750 on the following terms to groups of ten theaters in a reasonably close area: The exhibitor to pay a rental charge of $75 a week for the (Continued on Page 11) FOMOEWlONSOLIDATION HELD GIVENJ. S. OKEH Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Merging of the Fox enterprises into one unit, with the Fox Film Corp., as holding company has been okehed by the Dept. of Justice, it is understood. A formal "no objection" rating, is said to have been given the plan, to combine Loew's with Fox, which was ; ibmitted to the department. Other companies to be merged < ~e Fox Theaters, Fox Metropolitan Theaters.. M-G-M and Fox Case Corp. Argument Today West Coast Bur. THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Argument is slated today on motion of defendants that the government submit a bill of particulars in the conspiracy action brought against West Coast Theaters, allied firms and a number of distributors. The case itself has been continued until Oct. 1.