The Film Daily (1929)

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THE ■<&2k DAILY Friday, September 13, 1929 Val. XLIX No. 63 Friday. Sept. 13.1929 Price SCents JOHN W. ALICOATE PUBLISHER Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. and copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Maurice D. Kami, Vice President and Editor; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer, Business and Advertising Manager. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Fereign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broad way. New Y»rk, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736 4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89 91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Frtedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Nouea, 19. Edward L. Klein Elected President of A. M. P. A. Edward L. Klein was elected president and the entire official ticket voted into office yesterday at the annual election of the A.M. P. A. He received 48 votes while Don Hancock, heading the opposition ticket, polled 33. Others elected are: Leon Bamberger, vice president; Martin Starr, secretary and George Bilson, treasurer. Directors elected are: George W. Harvey, Paul Benjamin, Charles W. Barrell, Frank Wilstach, Vincent Trotta: Trustee — Walter F. Eberhardt; Auditing Committee — Hopp Hadley, Chairman, Joe Fine, P. A. Parsons; Editor of A.M.P.A. Bulletin— Jack Harrower; Business Manager of A.M.P.A. — Mike Simmons; National Counsellor of U. S. Chamber of Commerce — Hyatt Daab. Financial STOCK MARKET High Low Close Sales Am. Seat 31 30J4 31 1,900 Con. Fm. Ind. ... 24% 24 24^ 1,300 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 2'5H 25 '4 2SJ4 100 East. Kodak 203% 200 Ji 201 1,500 do rts 5% 5 5 22,300 Fox Fm. "A" 96J4 94 94 3,100 *Keith A-0 do pfd 113 113 Loew's Inc 59% 59 do pfd 95 95 *M-G-M pfd Para. F-L 71 Pathe Exch 9J4 do "A" 19 100 1.100 100 37 H 69/2 9% 18/2 35/2 5954 Vi 57M 58 Radio K-O-A . 'Stanley Co. . . 'I'niv. Pict. pfc Warner Bros. . do pfd CURB MARKET Bal. & Katz SO 80 *Columbia Pets 'Film Insp Fox Thea. "A' .. 27^4 27 •Griffith, D.W. "A" *Intern. Proj "Loew do deb. rts *Nat. Scr. Ser Nat. Thea. Sup. . . 26K Trans-Lux \2l/2 -Univ. Pict *do pfd BOND MARKET Keith A-O 6s 46. 75 75 *Loevv 6s 41 ww do 6s 41 x-war.. 93% Paramount 6s 47.. 98!^ ♦Par. By. 5^s 51 Pathe 7s 37 .... 71 CURB BONDS Am. Seat. 6s 36. 80% 80 ♦Warner 6%s 28 35% 113 59 95 25% .... 70% 24,200 9% 2,100 18% 200 36% 3,800 40 98% 58% 9,500 % 21,300 26% 11% 93% 98% 71 ' 80 31 3% 27 1% 34% 24 25% 26% 12% 20 75 106% 93% 98% 99% 71 80 198 100 1,500 100 2,000 OVER THE COUNTER Roxy "A" 26 29 do units 27 30 do com 5 6 Skouras Bros 32 34 United Art 5 10 do pfd 65 75 Univ. Ch. com. . . 2 do pfd 75 85 *LAST PRICE QUOTED WANTED Scene shot from the air of New York. Eastern Film Co. 220 W. 42 St., New York City Weeks Returns to Coast George W. Weeks, vice president of Sono-Art Prod., today returned to Hollywood for final conferences with O. E. Goebel, president, and Eddie Dowling, Sono-Art star, on the second feature talking picture starring Mr. Dowling, which will be in production within two weeks. Mr. Weeks has been in New York for the last month, paving the way for the merger, of Sono-Art and World Wide Pictures. K-A-O and Orpheum Dividend Directors of Keith-Albee-Orpheum Corp. have declared quarterly dividend of M/\ per cent of the comvertible preferred stock of the cornpan}', payable Oct. 1, to stockholders of record on Sept. 21. Directors of Orpheum Circuit have declared quarterly dividend of 2 per cent on the preferred stock of the company payable Oct. 1, 1929 to the stockholders of record at the close of business on Sept. 21, 1929. American Seating Dividend Quarterly dividend of 50 cents, payable Oct. 1 on common stock on record of Sept. 20, has been declared by the American Seating Co. This reduces the yearly dividend rate from $3 to $2. Gaumont British Net A net profit of $1,423,620 for the year is reported by Gaumont British Pictures, which has declared a six per cent dividend. FOR SALE Moving picture house interior. All seats, fixtures, organ, electrical apparatus, signs and display letters. Will sell at sacrifice. Apply. Box A-152 care Film Daily, 1650 B'way, N.Y.C. Sound Films Big Hit Abroad, Thomson Says "Sound pictures have taken Europe by storm," declared P. L. Thomson, director of public relations for Western Electric, who has just returned from a six weeks' trip abroad. "In England more than 250 theaters have been equipped with sound apparatus and although English producers are only starting to make talking pictures the exhibitors are showing as many American made talking pictures as the English quota allows," he says. "To cover British regulations the picture houses show the old style silent pictures to almost empt> houses; but they play to capacity when American sound pictures are advertised and run. "France and Germany have veryfew sound installations but in theaters where the equipments have been installed the seats are almost always tilled. "In the Scandinavian and other continental lands sound pictures are extremely popular despite the fact that the dialogue is entirely in English. It is quite conceivable that sound pictures may start a distinct trend toward making English the universal tongue of the world." The Industry's Date Book Today: Meeting of exhibitors at Albuquerque, N. M. Opening of "Flight" at the Geo. M. Cohen, N. Y. Sept. 16 and 17 Meeting of Montana exhibitors at Butte. Sept. 17 Meeting of M.P.T.O.A. of New England at Boston. Sept. 19 and 20 Meeting of exhibitors at Salt Lake City. Sept. 28 First issue ot Hearst Metrotonr News (sound). Sept. 30 Annual Golf Tournament of Kansas City exhibitor at Oakwood Country Club. Oct. 7-10 Meeting of S.M.P.E. at Toronto. Dec. 9-10 Meeting of North Carolina exhibitors' unit at Pinehurst. Hamilton en Route to Europe Neil Hamilton, Paramount featured player, is aboard the Bremen en route to Europe on a six weeks holiday. Hamilton intends to visit Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. F. N. Radio Program Sept. 16 First National' will present its first program in its radio hook-up on Sept. 16 over KFWB, Los Angeles, and associated stations. Programs will go on the air every Monday night between nine and ten o'clock, western time, and will feature the entire personnel at Burbank. UNIFORMS FOR USHERS-DOORMEN, ETC. Style Catalog and Samples on Request RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. 1600 B'way, New York. Cor. 46th St. K^A%Y YIAT . . REACH for a KRAZY KAT INSTEAD of an ASPIRIN Animated by BEN HARRISON and MANNY GOULD Distributed by COLUMBIA PICTURES PRODUCED BY WINKLER Western Electric Recording WinMer Sound Cartoons If Your Program Qives You a HEADACHE