The Film Daily (1929)

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All-Europe Patent Fight is Threatened !2feMEWSPAPER jp/'FILMDOM ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. XLIX No. 65 Monday, September 16, 1929 Price 5 Cents A Natural -By JACK ALICOATE U T"? LIGHT," Columbia's en|H try for the coming season's box office derby, that opened at the George M. Cohan theater Friday night, is off tn a flying start. Unless we miss our guess this one will show plenty of speed at the ?ood old B.< ). everywhere. It is the type of production that cannot miss with the average audience and should be an outstanding success both financially and from the standpoint of popular appeal. The Story It is all about the flying marines and takes place in Pensacola and Nicaragua. The plot is of the tried and proven variety and is somewhat reminiscent of "Submarine." However, it takes off with the swiftness of a scout plane, gains momentun with every sequence and finishe.with the speed of a champ. Jack Holt, Lila Lee and Ralph Grave; are a combination hard to beat in any league. To pick one as outstanding is doin^ the other two ar injustice. All three are excellent. Mr. Capra, Realist Frank Capra has added a definiu contribution to the directorial librar\ in his .handling and treatment of "Flight." Never once does he stra> from the path of honesty and sincer ity. This picture should be shown to every production technician in Hollywood to prove that life as we live it and words as we speak them— and not as some cracked dialogue writer would have us believe — are unquestionably the basis of successful talking picture technique. Good Luck "Red" After playing around in "The Film Daily" alley for ten years "Red" Kann is moving across the street to become assistant general impresario of "The Motion Picture News." Ten years is a long time in any field. In the picture business it is a generation. In successive steps as reporter, copy man, news editor and finally editor of this publication he made a host of friends for himself and became a definite and important part of the industry's fourth estate. Bon Voyage "Red" on your new journey. FOX ACQUIRES 27 MORE HOUSES IN ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERRITORY UNIVERSAL-FOX HDWESCO DHL IS REPORTED OFF Milwaukee — Reported deal for sale of a number of Universal theaters in Wisconsin to Fox Midwesco has fallen through, it is reported here. Recently, Universal was reported planning an expansion program in Wisconsin, but this was declared held up pending the reported negotiation with Fox Midwesco. CONTINENTAL EQUIPMENT FIRM STARTS IN OCTOBER Establishment of a national theater equipment company with branches in all key cities will get under way about Oct. 1 when Continental Theater Accessories Inc., will open its New York office. Headquarters will be located in the new Warner Building which is now nearing completion. Of (Continued on Page 2) Schine Co. Continues Ohio Chain; Plan Expansion Gloversville, N. Y. — Schine Theatrical Co., is continuing to operate its Ohio theaters and a few in New York, not included in the 29 sold to (Continued on Page 8) Wide Film Ready With the opening of "Fox Movietone Follies" at the Gaiety, New York, tomorrow night, Grandeur, Fox wide film process, will make its debut. Fox theaters throughout the United States will be equipped in a similar manner as rapidly as the necessary projectors can be installed in booths and screens on the stage. W. E. FILES PATENT SUIT AGAINST GENERAL TALKING Western Electric has filed four separate bills of complaint for patent infrigements against the General Talking Motion Picture Co., each bill involving a separate group of patents allegedly infringed upon in the manufacture and sale by that company of De Forest Phonofilm equipment. The bills were filed Sept. (Continued on Page 2) Consolidated Films to Make Tourney (Picture Enthusiasm being shown in the Fall Film Golf Tournament, which takes place Oct. 1 at the Gedney Farms Country Club, White Plains, (Continued on Page 8) Klangftlm-Tobis Patent War on Western Electric Over Patents Files Appeal Against Sunday Law in Texas Austin, Tex. — Charge that the Texas law against the operation of film theaters on Sunday is unconstitutional is contained in an appeal filed in the Court of Criminal Appeals of this state by John M. Sayeg. who was convicted of operating a picture show at Ennis on Sunday, May 12. It is alleged in the appeal that the law is discriminatory because it exempts other businesses. Berlin (By Wireless) — There is to be a general patent war against Western Electric conducted by the Klangfilm-Tobis group, following breakdown of negotiations for a truce. Proceedings against the American company are under way in Germany, Switzerland and Hungary and further action is planned in Vienna Prague, Italy, England, Scandinavia with action also contemplated in Spain. All Europe will be barred to Western Electric equipment if the plan is successful. Consolidated Circuit Is Taken Over Following K. & F. Purchase Denver — Fox has purchased the Consolidated Theaters chain of 27 theaters in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Nebraska, marking a new step in eastward expansion of the Fox West Coast Theaters circuit. The eastward program, started little more than a month ago, already has resulted in acquisition of more than 50 theaters in the inter-mountain territory, the K. & F. chain having been taken over a few weeks ago. WEST COAST NAME TO BE DROPPED BY FOX FIRM West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Fox Theaters is to be the new name of Fox West Coast Theaters, starting Jan. 1, due to the expansion program of the company which is taking it into other than West Coast states. 23 Houses Included In Principal Theaters Deal West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Twenty-three theaters are included in the California chain of Principal Theaters, in which Fox West Coast has acquired a 51 (Continued on Page 8) Fox May Build First Run House in London London (By Wireless)— Fox is reported to be negotiating for the purchase of a site in the Haymarket (Continued on Page 8) Fox Meeting Today to Consider Merger Plan Fox stockholders will meet today to consider a proposal to increase the capital stock from 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 shares. This is declared to be the forerunner of a step to merge under Fox Film Corp., all the activities controlled by William Fo*.