The Film Daily (1929)

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10 —JZ&* DAILV Tuesday, September 17, 1929 Seeing Straight The fact was forcefully brought out at the Midwest Advertising Managers' Association, in Kansas City last week, that newspapers that decline to publish free advertising in news columns are rated by advertisers as possessing strong pulling power in their display columns. Also, it was believed that when "news stories" were used to bolster advertising, the reaction in the advertiser's mind was that the paper was weak as a selling medium. The members of the association were unanimous in the opinion that the press has succeeded in eliminating considerable free publicity this year, but that more stringent rules must be adopted before the evil can be curbed. Editor & Publisher is in agreement with these views. Despite the seeming success of some newspapers that countenance, even encourage, the publication of free advertising as a teaser for paid space, the large fact is that no sensible advertiser respects such business and must ultimately lose confidence in a medium which is so loosely conducted. Editorial in Current Issue of Editor & Publisher All Keys Represented In \ New Independent Firm FAMOUS CANADIAN NOTTO BE SOLD, DIRECTOR SAYS {Continued from Page 1) and will remain in Canadian hands, at least as long as the present board of directors exists," was Killam's declaration. At the present time, authorized no par value common stock of the Canadian firm is 600,000 shares of which 319,025 shares are issued. Last March, when purchase of Paramount's interest in the company was completed, 165,375 voting trust certificates were issued at $51 each. Voting control represented by these certificates is vested in three trustees for a ten year period. Paramount has a 30 per cent interest in the firm, it is said. Famous Players Canadian has around 150 houses in the Dominion. Under a franchise arrangement which has a number of years to run, the Canadian firm secures the full output of Paramount for distribution in the Dominion. PUBL1X ROUNDING OUT F. {Continued from Page 1) here which opens Sept. 28 as the Century, has remodeled the Capitol, St. Paul, now the Paramount, and is rebuilding houses at Faribault and Brainerd. Another house at Austin has been rebuilt. FSSANESS CHAIN TAKING OVER 12 L. & T. (Continued from Page 1) neighborhood houses gradually. The new deal gives the chain 20 theaters. Houses involved are: Windsor, L. & T., Knickerbocker, Michigan, Pershing, Vitagraph, Crawford, Dearborn, West End, Oak Park, Madison Square and Biograph. N. E., Canadian Showmen to Hear Franchise Plan (Continued from Page 1) phone new device for $2,995. Abram F. Myers, president of Allied States Ass'n is scheduled to be the principal speaker. Phil E. Meyer, Tiffany-Stahl Metropolitan division manager also will tell about his company's franchise plan. G. Ralph Branton, veteran executive of Northwest Theater Circuit and Publix, arrived in New York yesterday to assume a new post with the organization with headquarters here. Edmund Ruben, division manager in charge of all houses in the Northwest, has established headquarters in New York. Dickinson Takes Over 4 Blair Kansas Houses Kansas City.. — Glen W. Dickinson Theaters has closed a deal to take over the Sam Blair houses in Kansas. Theaters involved are the new Blair at Belleville: and Blair theaters at Mankato, Osborne and Clyde. The houses will be taken over Oct. 1 and Sam Blair will be retained as district manager. This increases the chain to 30 houses. The Opera House, Macon, Mo., recently was taken over and $40,000 will be spent remodeling the house. (Continued from Page 1) vice president; M. A. Chase, head of Chase Pictures Corp., New York and Buffalo, is secretary, and L. Korson of Masterpiece Film Attractions, Philadelphia, is treasurer. Exchange centers represented at the meetings were: New York, Washington, Chicago, Detroit, Albany, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, Omaha, Dallas, Denver, Philadelphia, Boston Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Cleveland, Kansas City, St. Louis, Des Moines and Oklahoma City. Super-Tone, Disc Device, Gets London Snowing London — Super-tone, a new disc reproducer sponsored by Kinsman and Ledger Ltd. recently was demonstrated at the Piccadilly Circus. The apparatus consists of two turntables driven from the projector, for amplification, a nine valve set driven from a motor generator. The final design is to be changed, it is reported, with the turntables driven by a flexible shaft direct from the motor shaft which will be coupled with the projector, as in American systems. Fischer Buys New Product Cleveland — Meyer Fischer, president of Fischer Film Exchange, independent distributor in Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia, with offices in Cleveland and Cincinnati, has purchased for his territory "King of the Kongo," talking serial, '12 Raytone one and two reel talking and musical novelties, and the Castle Color short reels. In addition Fischer will handle sale of musical discs of overtures and exits, made by Musical Disc, Inc. of New York. These discs may be purchased outright by the exhibitor together with announcement slides for $5 each, or they may be purchased in groups. Shot in Fake Hold-Up Seminole, Okla — Ahrind Rubberg 32, an employe of a local theater was shot and killed by a policeman while helping to stage a fake hold up held fqr advertising purposes just prior to the midnight preview. While the city authorities had authorized the fake hold up, the policeman doing the shooting, had not been informed of the arrangement for the fake, and shot Rubberg, thinking that he was a rural robber. No arrests have been made, but city authorities are investigating the matter. Montreal Meeting Today Montreal — Meeting in charge of Messrs Lennox and Lawson, exhibitors, is scheduled today at the Mount Royal Hotel here where the Allied States T-S and RKO franchise plan will be outlined. Carl J. Goe and Phil Hazza, T-S Canadian general sales manager are to outline the franchise plan for Canadian exhibitors. Signs First Franchise Cleveland — T. S. Maginnis of the Tivoli theater, Lorain, was the first exhibitor in this territory to sign a five year Tiffany-Stahl franchise. Mark Goldman, local Tiffany-Stahl branch manager and Lou Geiger negotiated the deal. R-K-O Gets Cedar Rapids House Cedar Rapids, la. — Radio-KeithOrpheum is scheduled to take over the Iowa here effective Sept. 22. The house formerly was devoted to pictures, but under the supervision of R-K-O will feature five acts of vaudeville and a feature with a split-week policy. Seymour Felix in Town Seymour Felix has arrived from Hollywood, where he has been staging dances for Fox Movietone productions. He will remain here three months to discharge a contractual obligation with a Broadway producer before he returns west. French Tobis Co. Busy on Three Sound Pictures Paris — Three sound pictures are nearing completion at the Tobis studios at Epinay, near here. They are "Requin" featuring Gina Manes, Albert Prejean, Daniel Mandaille and R. Klein-Rogge; "Bluff" being directed by G. Lacombe and "The Necklace of the Queen." P. Brauer, director, has completed a number of shorts featuring Yvette Guilbert who recorded four song numbers, "The Lack of Money," "Lisette," "It Is The Month of May" and "Money Induces You to do Everything." Recording on the subjects was done on the Klangfilm-Tobis sound system. Irving Steiner Resigns Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. — Irving Steiner, manager of the Bratter & Pollack Embassy, has resigned. Gets Talking Equipment Fort Bragg, Cal. — RCA talking equipment has been installed in the State. Ruth Chatterton Renews Ruth Chatterton, who is now vacationing in New York after a year of activity in Holywood, has signed a new contract with Paramount. She will return to the Coast soon to portray^ the title role in "Sarah and Son," a new novel by Timothy Shea, which is being adapted to the screen by Zoe Akins. TIFFANY-STAHL PRODUCTIONS, INC. Announce That they have in the course of production a motion picture production entitled: "MAMBA" ALL RIGHTS PROTECTED