The Film Daily (1929)

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Memphis Convention Gaining Momentum iTHE ^NEWSPAPER e/'FILMDO ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOL. XLIX No. 67 Wednesday, September 18, 1929 Price 5 Cents A Letter of Introduction — By JACK AL1COATE — DEAR INDUSTRY: This will introduce to you Grandeur Pictures, the protege of William Fox who is fairly well known in the industry. Grandeur, also the ward of General Theatres Equipment Company, arrived last night at the Gaiety Theater, in New York, for a two weeks' sojourn. From the way this comparative stranger disported its revolutionary self for upwards of two hours to the delight of those assemhled to see and hear its parlor hehavior, it is, like the talkies, color and our poor relations, unquestionably here to stay. Grandeur Performs After being formally introduced from the stage by Courtland Smith. Grandeur proceeded to do its stuff. In size it's screen takes up the entire width of the Gaiety Theater stage. In photographic quality it can be called mildly stereoscopic and, in composition, does appear, to some degree, clearer and more distinct than the conventional size film now in use. Its main accomplishment and bid for fame lies in its inherent ability to graphically portray scenes heretofore inadequate or impossible as demonstrated in the first Grandeur Movietone News Reel that opened the program. Here the subjects were obviously chosen to depict the possibilities of the "Wider" rather than for their news value. From a photographic standpoint all were excellent. A Varied Program The first subject was Niagara Falls which was excellently done. This was followed by shots of New York harbor with the Leviathan coming up the bay. A string of Fox Tiller girls was particularly effective. Next a baseball game that for the first time took in the entire diamond and some splendid shots of the West Point cadets at football practice and upon parade. This was followed by the Grandeur version of the "Fox Movietone Follies," reviewed in this pub(Continued on Page 2) "LITTLE FELLOW" TO HIGHLIGHT M.P.T.O.A. MEMPHIS SESSIONS First Theater Showing of New Grandeur Pictures is Launched THEATERS STAND PAT IN ST. LOUIS MUSICIAN ROW St. Louis — About 300 musicians are out of work as a result of the strike here. St. Louis — Theaters here are standing pat on their refusal to comply with musicians' insistence upon minimum number of men to be employed in each house. Pit orchestras of Skouras' Ambassador and Missouri and 24 suburbans of the St. Louis Amusement Co. chain have been added to the SO independent houses and Loew's State, which dropped or(Continued on Page 7) Association of William Fox and William Randolph Hearst in the newsreel field, for the still further development of Movietone News, is to be announced by the latter on Sunday, Courtland Smith of FoxCase Corp., stated last night in a curtain speech preceding opening of the run of the Fox Grandeur show at the Gaiety, New York. For some time negotiations have been under way, he said. WARNERS SHOW 9 MONTHS NET PROFIT 0F$1 1 ,957,760 Net profit of $11,957,760 for the nine months ending June 1, 1929, is reported by Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., which includes the company's equity in profits in subsidiaries and affiliated companies during the period prior to date of acquisition. This is equivalent after deducting pre (Continued on Page 7) Tourney Gets International Flavor; Ufa Offers Cup International flavor has been added to the forthcoming Fall Film Daily Golf Tournament with offering of a (Continued on Page 10) Detroit Musicians Take Cut in Wage Scale Detroit — Local musicians have settled and accepted a 25 per cent reduction scale for outlying theaters 'Continued on Page 7) Culminating experiments extending over a period of more than three years, Grandeur, wide-film-large picture process, sponsored by Fox-Case Corp. last night was given its first commercial demonstration at the Gaiety, New York, with "Fox Movietone Follies" as the initial attraction. Fox Grandeur Movietone News are on the bill. The showing is to be limited to two weeks. Width and the illusion of depth are added to talkers by the new process, which uses a special camera to film the pictures on 70mm film, and (Continued on Page 8) SPEEDY TRIAIJF W. E. PATENT SUITJS SOUGHT Speedy trial of the patent suit brought against the company by Western Electric will be sought by General Talking Pictures, state company officials, who are eager to prevent any discomfiture to custo(Continucd on Page 10) RKO Reported After Two Providence Stock Houses Providence — The Victory and Albee, both stock houses, have been purchased by RKO, it is reported here. The Victory already has been (Continued on Page 10) Position in Industry and Adjustment Situation Seen Chief Topics Position in the industry of the small exhibitor, and consideration of steps being taken to provide relief for oversold exhibitors, may be expected to highlight the forthcoming M.P.T.O.A. convention at Memphis Oct. 29 to 31. M. A. Lightman, new president of the exhibitor unit, sounded the keynote last week, in his inaugural, emphasizing that he considers the small exhibitor his special charge in the new office. Meanwhile, as exclusively outlined by THE FILM DAILY, the new M.P.T.O.A. president, is conducting a survey of the situation, broadcasting a questionnaire tc exhibitors on the subject. In his work, Lightman is acting upon assurances of C. C. Pettijohn of the Hays organization that distributors are making renewed efforts to relieve the situation of oversold exhibitors, and that no strings are attached to the offer to provide relief where warranted. Independents' Struggle Told to Montana Unit Butte, Mont.— Citing the struggles being made by the independent exhibitors and hailing the franchise plans drafted by Allied States Ass'n, under agreements with RKO and TiffanyStahl, W. A. Steffes addressed the (Continued on Page 2) Levy Brothers Offer Film, Disc Reproducer Theater Acoustics Corp., New York, has been formed by Louis J. and Jack Levy. The former for many years was with Universal in a sales capacity, while the latter was branch manager for Fox, and more recently (Continued on Page 10) Obstacle Removed to Fox House at Boston Boston — Fox's new first run on the site of the Hotel Touraine is a step nearer consummation following approval by the mayor of an order discontinuing Tamworth St.