The Film Daily (1929)

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-. &&* DAILY Wednesday, September 18, 1929 '•I. XlIX Ni 67 Wednesday. Sept. 17. 1929 Price 5Cents MIN W. ALICOATF EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Published daily except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., and copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folks, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Charles F. Hynes, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1918, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La CinematogTaphie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. STOCK MARKET High Low Close Sales Am Seat 30)4 30 30 800 Con. Fm. Ind. . . 24^ 24 24 500 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 26 25 V% 26 1,800 East. Kodak 203^ 201 201 300 do pfd SH SVt SVi 4,500 Fox Fm. "A" .. 98*6 96 97/2 17,200 *Keith A-0 36/2 .... do pfd 113 113 113 100 Loew's Inc 62?6 60^ 62}£ 7,900 do pfd 96 96 96 100 M-G-M pfd 25 25 25 100 Para F-L 71Va Ityi 71*A 13,700 Pathe Exch 9H, 9% 9V4 1,600 do "A" 19M I8/2 1954 700 Radio K-O-A 37J4 36J4 36f6 6,100 ♦Stanley Co 40 *Univ. Pict. pfd 20 Warner Bros 60*6 $~M 59*8 6,800 do rts 'A lA V% 11,700 CURB MARKET *Bal. & Katz 80 Columbia Pets. ... 33J4 33 33*g 1,600 *Film Insp IVi Fox Thea. "A" .. 25*6 27 27 3,000 Gen. Thea. Eq. vtc. 61 54*4 60 82,500 •Griffith, D.W. "A" 2 •Intern. Proj 34J4 Loew's war 6 6 6 100 •Nat. Scr. Ser 25J4 .... Nat. Thea. Sup... 40 30>A 30 !4 300 •Univ. Pict 20 ♦do pfd Vt BOND MARKET Keith A-0 6s 46. 83 83 83 100 Loew 6s 41ww...l06"4 106 106J4 200 do 6s 41 xwar... 94 94 94 100 Paramount 6s 47.. 98*4 98*4 98*4 100 Par. By. 5^s 51. 99*4 99*4 99*4 100 Pathe 7s 37 70K 70^ 70J4 100 CURB BONDS Am. Seat. 6s 36.. 81 80 80?£ 6 Warner 6^s 28 198 OVER THE COUNTER Roxy "A" 26 29 do units 27 30 do com 5 6 Skouras' Bros 32 34 United Art 5 10 do pfd 65 75 Univ. Ch. com 2 do pfd 70 85 •LAST PRICE QUOTED UNIFORMS USHERS-DOORMEN, ETC. Style Catalog and Samples on R^uest RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. 1600 B'way. New York. Cor. 46th St. A Letter of Introduction -By JACK ALICOATE {Continued from Page 1) lication some weeks back. It is the plan to ultimately send all Grandeur subjects out in natural color. It is our modest observation that when this happens we will come close to having the perfect -picture. Grandeur's Pedigree This innovation, now developed to a point where it is ready for commercial use, has been in the process of experimentation for upwards of three years. Primarily responsible for its invention and perfection is A. E. Sponable, research engineer for Fox Films in association with the engineers of General Theatre Equipment Company. Grandeur does not enlarge the ordinary film but uses film twice the size of the present standard width. Special Grandeur cameras and projectors are necessary for its use. A Tip We hereby and now advise every exhibitor who is looking toward the future to become intimately acquainted with Grandeur as well as other like processes that are on the market or will be soon. Wide film offers a distinct advantage to the producer and is an advanced model of screen entertainment for the public. That it will be generally accepted as the next forward step, there is no doubt. Sooner or later it will take its place alongside of the talkers, color and other progressive achievements. Wise showmen will do well to keep a weather eye open to the progress of this interesting innovation. Rubenstein Burial Today Funeral services of Mrs. Celia Rubenstein, wife of Sam Rubenstein, general manager of Lloyd's Film Storage, who died Monday of a heart attack, will be held at 11 o'clock this morning at her late home, 1601 Avenue J, Brooklyn. Bomb Akron Theaters Akron, O. — Bombs were thrown at two theaters in an outbreak of the trouble between owners and operators. Both bombs exploded nearby and did no damage. The theaters are the Gem on Brown St. and the Dayton on Dayton St. INDEPENDENTS' STRUGGLE TOLD TO MONTANA UNIT {Continued from Page 1) Montana unit meeting here. The session was presided over by F. A. Boedecker, president of the exhibitor association. "Mister Antonio," Tiffany-Stahl talker, was previewed during the meeting. Three Territorial Meets Held in Mich, on Franchise Detroit — In addition to the recem meeting held here to discuss the Tiffany-Stahl and RKO franchise plan as well as the new RCA Photophone reproducer, three territorial meetings have been held at Bay City, Grand Rapids, and Jackson. Salt Lake City Meet Is Scheduled Tomorrow Salt Lake City — Exhibitors of this territory gather here tomorrow to hear outlined the RKO and TiffanyStahl franchise proposals and the new reproducer being offered by RCAPhotophone for houses up to 500 seats. W. A. Steffes, head of the Northwest exhibitor unit, and Oscar Hanson, general sales manager of riffany-Stahl are to address the meetings. Pittsburgh Supervises Sabbath Park Shows Residents of Pittsburgh, where picture theaters cannot operate on the Sabbath, have been enjoying Sunday shows under city supervision in four city parks as an experiment in municipal government. Westerns sex dramas and the like will be banned. Barker Starts Third Bradley Barker has started production on the third of the Photocolor series for Columbia release. These are being made at the General Talking Studio on 48th St. The first two, made by Basil Smith, were "Ballet D' Amour" and "Romany Lass." These were taken on film and re-recorded on disc, and will probabl}' be released on disc and film. Let Us Solve Your Problems I Over 20 Years of Experience Qualifies Us as Specialists in MOTION PICTURE INSURANCE Stebbins, Leterman & Gates INCORPORATED 1540 B'WAY N.Y.C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 3040 The Industry's Date Book Sept. 19 and 20 Meeting of exhibitors at Salt Lake City. Sept. 21 Opening of the Paramount-Publix national tadio hour. Sept. 28 First issue of Hearst Metrotone News (sound). Sept. 30 Annual Golf Tournament of Kansas City exhibitor at Oakwo«d Country Club. Oct. 1 Premiere of "Applause" at the Criterion, N. Y. Oct. 7-10 Meeting of S.M.P.E. at Toronto. Oct. 29-31 Annual M. P. T. O. A. Meeting at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis. Dec. 9-10 Meeting of North Carolina exhibitors' unit at Pinehurst. Had No License to Show Film in School Inquiry by THE FILM DAILY concerning the crash in which 30 children were injured the other night while waiting to enter the Ezra Hebrew School, 1745 Washington Ave., the Bronx, where they were to view a free screen show, revealed that no fire department license had been obtained to operate a motion picture machine in the structure. Julius Klein Gets New Post in Dept. of Commerce Dr. Julius Klein has been named assistant secretary of the Dept. of Commerce by President Hoover. William L. Cooper of New York succeeds him as director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Bordoni on WOR Tonight Irene Bordoni, star of "Paris," will be interviewed over station WOR at 7:30 o'clock tonight. EXCELLENT SERVICE! leist^ "Your service is excellent — we are more than pleased with it, and we recommend it to every exhibitor." Princess Theatre, St^ Mary's, Kans. 'WE NEVER DISAPPOINT' [WWFilH :It J MM? INCORPORATED 220 WEST 42N_D STREET NEW YORK Phone: Wisconsin 6876 ALLAN A.LOWNES.CEN.MGR.