The Film Daily (1929)

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10 -. £Efr* G DAILY Wednesday, September 18, 192' SPEEDY TRIAL OF W. E. PATENT SUIT IS SOUGHT (Continued from Page 1) niers. .Papers in the action, involving four patents, have beajg served on the defendant. Meanwhile, General is plaintiff in an action involving basic patents of Movietone, which equipment is manufac^ red by Western Electric. Papers in Patent Suit Were Filed Last Friday Western Electric stated yesterday that papers in the suit for patent infringements against General Talking Pictures were filed Sept. 13, with the clerk of the U. S. District Court, southern District of New York and the United States Marshal of that district. "The serving of the defendants with copies of these bills of complaint is the business of the United States Marshal and not a matter in which the plaintiff has any part whatsoever," it is stated. "This action by Western Electric and its associates is in pursuance of its announced policy of protecting the rights of fundamental patents on its apparatus and circuits which have been granted it by the government." Theater Changes Name Orlando, Fla. — The Isis is now the Orlando. Chicago Promoter Building in Hamilton Hamilton, O. — Construction of the new theater of the Hamilton Amusement Corp. will start soon at Fron' and Market Sts. J. R. Redding of Chicago is promot'ng the project, and has leased the theater for 20 years to The Fourth Avenue Amusement Co. of Louisville. Tourney Gets International Flavor; Ufa Offers Cup (.Continued from Page 1) cup by Ufa. Cups and trophies are being received at a rate which assures a record for the tourney to be held Oct. 1 at Gedney Farms Country Club, White Plains. Entries received to date, also are ahead of those received in advance of the spring tournament. Levy Brothers Offer Film, Disc Reproducer (Continued from Page 1) with Phototone. The new firm will offer a film and disc sound reproducer, for which a number of innovations are claimed. Short Circuit Halts Show A short circuit, it is reported, due to defective underground wiring halted the show at the Loew Burland at about 8:30 Saturday night causing approximately 1,000 patrons leaving the house. The Franklin, nearby, was unaffected. The Burland continued its regular schedule Sunday. Ingram Heads Columbia Exchange in Atlanta Atlanta — Louis C. Ingram is now manager of Columbia's Atlanta branch, his appointment being announced by William G Minder, the company's district sales chief for the Southern division. He succeeds John W. Mangham. Jr., who resigned to head Tiffany-Stahl's office here. Model, Yonkers Changes Hands Yonkers, N. Y.— The Model has passed from M. Martin to C. Mattren. RKO REPORTED AFTER TW( PROVIDENCESTOCK HOUSES (Continued from Page 1) wired for pictures although the Albee stock plays the house during the summer and a picture and vaudevill policy holds forth for the winter. Ni announcement as to the change o policy has been made as yet. Exhibitors ! Exchangemen ! I Bookers 1 1 ! WESTERN ROAD SHOW ATTRACTION BOB CURWOOD Former Universal Western Star After a Triumphant Personal Appearance Tour — Now in Production 99 "SHACKLES OF VENGEANCE First of Eight Feature Dramas of the West A Mighty iStory! Something Unusual! Action! — Silent or Talkie — Note : Bookers, Exhibitors : You who have theatres in foreign communities : Italian, Spanish. Roumanian, Hungarian, French, I have a Marvelous! Original! Showmanship angle! A real money maker. Write immediately for details BOB CURWOOD PRODUCTIONS-Tec Art Stuio,, Hollywood, Calif. JACK SCHREIBER, Business Manager THOMAS MEIGHAN IN UTHE ARGYLE CASE"— A VITAPHONE PRODUCTION The Wall Street Journal: " 'The Argyle Case' presents Thomas Meighan in his first talking picture, and this formerly silent screen favorite is revealed in a favorable light. His voice reproduces well and his acting is restrained and effective." Bland Johaneson in The Mirror: "Thomas Meighan's return to the screen packed the Strand yesterday and everybody had a grand time. Excellent direction, good comedy relief and an extra special cast make 'The Argyle Case' better than average movie entertainment. Tom Meighan is better than ever in the talkers." Irene T hirer in The News: " 'The Argyle Case' offers Meighan articulation for the first time, and it is exceedingly pleasant — deep, resonant, interesting and with that dash of humor which has always characterized his facial expression. Meighan looks well and speaks his lines naturally." PRODUCED BY WARNER BROS.— DIRECTED BY HOWARD BRETHERTON