The Film Daily (1929)

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THE ■3&H DAILV Thursday, September 19, 1929 UNANIMOUS! ALL THE TRADE PAPERS LIKED HOBART HENLEY'S PRODUCTION The Lady Lies (A PARAMOUNT PICTURE) Of the talking picture dramas that have so far been released, "The Lady Lies" is the most powerful. From the point of view of direction, acting, and plot construction, in fact, it has no dramatic equal so far. Much credit belongs to Mr. Hobart Henley, the director; undoubtedly it is the finest piece of directorial work that he has ever done. HARRISONS REPORTS. Hobart Henley unloaded a lot of class direction on this one. It breezes along with sure fire audience appeal all the way. Direction, clever. FILM DAILY. m It looks like box office sure fire. — A good and interest ing drama flavored with potent ingredients for young and 1 old. Hobart Henley's excellent direction is an important 1 factor. 5 VARIETY. | ■"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini minimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii nil Here is another case of "class will tell." — Delightful n performances — plus the superb direction that the picture = received at the hands of Hobart Henley. = MOTION PICTURE NEWS. 1 "Hill "'■ "'■!':,! 'M.:, !l|||l||!|||||||||||l|||||||i||H 1 Illjillillllll IHIIIIIIIIinilH fir A sophisticated drama of modern city life done in the g stage manner. — It is handled in such a way that it does 1 not let down for one minute. — Direction all OK. 1 EXHIBITORS REVIEW AND = MOTION PICTURES TODAY. 1 "'Olllllillllll -: ' ' ■' ■■ ' : ' ■ " ■■' ■ ' :' i '! 1 ■■ ;' ^ ' ::'■;■ i : : I Ilfll 1 'Coast Wire Service? Eleven Warner Musicals MANY BROADWAY STARS ARE TO APPEAR IN LEADS At least 11 of the 35 pictures to be presented this season by Warners will be musical productions. Musical screen shows to be released by the company this year include "Show of Shows," with 100 stars; "Song of the West," with Vivienne Segal and John Boles; "Golden Dawn," with Walter Woolf; "Mammy," with Al Jolson; "Is Everybody Happyr?" with Ted Lewis and his band; "Under a Texas Moon," with Frank Fay; "Hold Everything," with an all-star cast, and "So Long Letty," a Vitaphone version of the musical comedy of several seasons back. Loder Opposite Corinne Griffith John Loder, will play opposite Corinne Griffith in "Lilies of the Field," First National picture. Other players assigned are Charles Mailes and May Boley, the latter ' replacing Cissy Fitzgerald. Tenen Holtz, Rita LeRoy, Eve Southern and Jean Bart. Alexander Korda is directing. Fox Casts 3 More Fox Films has made several assignments to "The Lone Star Ranger" which is now in rehearsal. They are Delma Watson, Caroline Rankin and Bob Fleming. The picture features George O'Brien and Sue Carol and will be directed by A. F. Erickson. Pathe Film in Work Production is under way at the Pathe studio on "This Thing Called Love," from the stage play by Edwin Burke. Edmund Lowe and Constance Bennett have the leads, and Zasu Pitts, Roscoe Karns, Carmelita Geraghty, John Roach and Steward Irwin are in the cast. Paul Stein is directing and Ralph Block is the producer. Novarro Title Chosen "Devil May Care" has been selected as the final title of Ramon Novarro's initial talking vehicle, which is being directed by Sidney Franklin. The cast includes Dorothy Jordan, John Miljan, Helene Millard, and Marion Harris. Holmes Gets "U" Contract Ben Holmes has been signed to a long term contract by Universal to direct the "Sporting Youth" series "Welcome Danger" Completed Harold Lloyd's first all-talker "Welcome Danger" now is completed and has been set for release by Paramount in October. Barbara Kent has the feminine lead in the picture. EAttle from "Lots" By RALPH W1LK ^^^mm__ _ Hollywood SIDNEY LAZARUS is now busy ^ at United Artists, where he is writing the stories and dialogue of "Glorious Vamps" and "The Irish Rhapsody." They will be produced by William C. Menzies and Dr. Hugo Reisenfeld. * * * Jack Francis, Broadway character, who is becoming equally as well known on the Coast, has gone East as Charles Farrell's travelling publicist. Fox officials were so well pleased with the work that Jack did on Victor McLaglen's recent eastern trip that they assigned Jack to accompany Farrell. Jack told "the cock-eyed world" plenty about the picture of that name. * * * Speaking of Fox travellers, we must also tip our chapeau in honor of Harry Brand, back from a seven months' trip to Europe. Harry only spent three hours in New York, on his return. He is a rabid baseball fan and had to suppress his hunger for baseball until he returned to Los Angeles. Sunday found Harry cheering for the Angels — not the Aimee Semple Mcpherson kind. * * * Our Passing Show: Arthur "Bugs" Baer bidding goodbye to his Hotel Roosevelt pals; Laura Hope Crews in a long-distance conversati&n with Gloria Swanson, who is in London. * * * Twenty years ago, Fred Niblo, munching half raw meat, stood by samovars set in the mud of a raindrenched Siberian street. Recently he directed Tolstoy's "Redemption" and found this experience invaluable as technical research. "This NishuiNovrogod fair attracts 100,000 people of all nations, so a month's observation of them has been invaluable to me as an authentic background of Russian life," said the director. "Sleeping on granite hard hides behind an ice cold warehouse. I never dreamed this experience would supply atmosphere for Tolstoy's classics on the screen." Ralph Graves Cast Ralph Graves has been cast opposite Belle Baker in the latter's initial picture, "Song of Love," which Columbia is producing. Cast for "The Rogue's Song" Marion Schilling has been added to the M-G-M cast of "The Rogue's Song" which Lionel Barrymore is directing.