The Film Daily (1929)

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DAILY Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1929 Vic NEWSPAPER p/~HLMDOM L F|||^ULTUEI < ALL THE TIM? Vol XLIX Nd. 72 Tuesday, Sept. 24, 1929 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. UICOATE Editor and Publisher Published dailv except Saturday and holidays at 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y., and copyright (1929) by Wid's Films and Film Folks ' Inc J. W. Alicoate, President Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Charles F. Hynes, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, Hay 21, \1\h. at the post-office at New York. N. Y.. under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of. Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months $5.00; i months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY 1650 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Phone. Circle 4736-4737-4738-4739. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood. California — Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. London— Ernest W. Fredman, lhe tun. Renter, 89-91 Wardour St W. I Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn, Lichtbildlmehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris— P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. Denison Clift Returns To N. Y. After Making 4 After directing and writing plays for several years in England, Denison Clift is back in New York. His new play, "Scotland Yard," produced by Al Woods opens Friday. Clift is under contract to Woods to write two more plays. He is to arrive on the Coast about Oct. 7. While there he also will direct talkers. While abroad Clift directed four features, two of them talkers. The talkers are "City of Play" and "Taxi for Two." His silents made in England are "Paradise," starring Betty Balfour, and "High Seas," with Lillian Rich. Seeks Films for Italy J. W. Cremonim is in New York negotiating for American productions for distribution in Italv. Richman Recovering Harry Richman is recovering from a minor operation and is expected to leave the St. Vincent Hospital in a few days. Warners New Hollywood House to Seat 3500 West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Louis J. Halper has purchased for Warner Bros, a site on the north side of Hollywood Blvd. between Cahuenga and Wilcox for the construction of the company's new $2,000,000 house which is to have a seating capacity of 3500. This gives the Warner interests three houses in the territory, the other two being the present Warner on Hollywood Blvd. and the Warner Downtown. Financial STOCK MARKET High Low CI ose Sales Am. Seat 30J^ 30 30 1,700 Con. Fm. Ind. . . 23 '/S 23 23 54 600 Con. Fm. Ind. pfd. 25 M 25 54 25 54 400 East. Kodak 212J4 211*4 21154 6,800 Fox Fm. "A" ...10454 99 10454 65,300 Keith A-O 3354 3354 3354 100 do pfd 109 108 109 300 65*4 67 5,500 M-G-M pfd 2454 2454 24 y, 500 Para. F-L 72% 707/4 72 40,000 Pathe Exch 8% 854 854 1.500 rln "A" 1854 18 3354 1854 1,000 3454 11,000 Radio K-O-A 35 M *Univ. Pict. pfd 2'0 Warner Bros 5954 57 54 5854 17.400 do rts 1?4 154 154 70.000 CURB MARKET Columbia Pets. ... 33 % 32 7/R 3354 1,100 *Film Insp 354 .... Fox Thea. "A" . 28^ 27J4 2854 4.100 ""en. Thea. Eq. vtc. 65 63 54 64 5,100 "Griffith O.W. "A" 154 •-•• *Intern. Proj 55 r.oew do deb. rts. 31 31 31 100 Nat. Ser. Ser. . .. 25'/$ 25V4 25*4 100 •Nat. Thea. Sup 4454 •Univ. Pict 20 ;4 .... BOND MARKET •Keith A O 6s 46 83 Loew 6s 41ww ..106^4 105 54 106 >i 1.500 do 6s 41 x -war. . . 93 54 93 54 93 54 200 Paramount 6s 47 .9854 98 '4 98 < 1.400 *Par. By. 5 5js 51 99 4 Pathc 7s 37 60 69 69 500 CURB BONDS •Am. Seat. 6s 36 80 •Warner 6yis 28 198 OVER THE COUNTER Roxv "A" 28 30 31 .i S'-nnras Bros. ... 32 34 United Art 5 10 do pfd 65 75 Univ. Ch. com 2 do pfd "5 75 'LAST PRICE QUOTED R. F1 A D "MOTHER OF TRUTH" By IVAN ABRAMSON The author who has written and produced for the Screen fifty-six successful photo p'ays, has woven around the Motion Picture Industry a powerful romantic story of tense human interest, dealing with the elimination of the free competition of the industry and showing the evil of its monopoly. "Mother of Truth" is a book of half fiction and half facts. The critics have proclaimed its contents as a unique masterpiece. The novel is a salt of truth, a brook of romance and an ocean of dramatic force. It is a garden of literary flowers planted for delightful entertainment. Send us your check for Two Dollars, together with this coupon and we will mail you an autographed copy by the Author of the first De Luxe edition which cost is Five Dollars. NAME ADDRESS CITY . GRAPHIC LITERARY PRESS 1775 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. Two-a-Day Sound House Planned for Los Angeles West Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Fox West Coast plans to make a two-a-day house out of the Broadway Palace, downtown playhouse recently purchased. The theater, which closes Oct. 6, will be reopened Oct. 16 under the new policy. Arrested Violating Blue Law Parsons, Kan. — Floyd G. Ward manager of the Uptown, was arrested on charges of violating the city blue laws. Ward kept the house open until 12:30 A. M. Mayor O. B. Dakan, it is reported, ordered the arrest which is expected to furnish a test case for the law which never has been brought into court here. T-S Meeting in Philadelphia Carl J. Goe, assistant general sales manager of Tiffany-Stahl, was in Philadelphia yesterday at a meeting of exhibitors of the Philadelphia district called to discuss the new Tiffany-Stahl franchise. The meeting was postponed from Sept. 19. Capitol House Altered Washington — The Gayety is again in operation after considerable alteration. Loew's Jersey City Opens Soon Jersey City — Loew's Jersey City seating 4,000 will open Sept. 28. The house will feature presentations from the Capitol, New York. The Industry's Date Book Sept. 28 First issue of Hearst Metrotone News (sound). Sept. 30 Annual Golf Tournament of Kansas City exhibitor at Oakwood Country Club. Premiere of RKO's "Night Parade" at the Globe, N. Y. Oct. 1 Premiere of "Applause" at the Criterion, N. Y. Fall Film Golf Tournament at Gedney Farms Country Club, White Plains. Oct. 3 "Sunny Side Up" premiere at Gaiety, N. Y. Oct. 6 Premiere of "Rio Rita" at Earl Carroll, N. Y. Oct. 7-10 Meeting of S.M.P.E. at Toronto. Oct. 29-31 Annual M. P. T. O. A. Meeting at the Peabody Hotel, Memphis. Dec. 9-10 Meeting of North Carolina exhibitors' unit at Pinehurst. AMALGAMATED VAUDEVILLE AGENCY Attractions for Picture Theatres Standard Vaudeville Acts 1600 Broadway, New York City Phone Perm. 3580 K/>A%Y YIAT BEST IN THE LONG RUN ! ! ! KRAZY KAT SOUND CARTOONS ARE SURE WINNERS!!! Animated by BEN HARRISON and MANNY GOULD Musical Score and Direction By JOE De NAT PRODUCED BY WINKLER Western Electric Recording Winkler Sound Cartoons