The Film Daily (1929)

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I my, October 11, 1929 =&&>*, DAILV A Difference I Wide difference of casts in 1 kers and silents is emphasi|;d by "Marianne," Marion ■ivies' new picture. The star •!d Emil Chautard are the only ||iyers who appear in both vert;>ns. Supporting her in the ll.ker version are: George Bax■:, Lawrence Gray, Cliff Edl|irds, Benny Rubin, Scott !plk, Robert Edeson and Emil "liautard. The supporting cast j! the silent version consists of: ijscar Shaw, Robert Castle, ►ipbert Ames, Scott Kolk, Mack Brain and Oscar Apfel. uiort Shots from wew York Studios KH«y ARTHUR W. fiDDF— IHNRY WADSWORTH, who Jiad his initial experience in picI studios while working in the Bnt "Applause," has played in ft at various spots on the North llrican map. He hopes to conB his mike and camera work. The ftpaper reviewers liked his perlance — coupled with his wholeftness. Film Boards of Trade Report Additional Theater Changes others," a piece of stage direc effort by Arthur Hurley, brok< Records at the Windsor last week is now at Shuberts Riveria. ing 'em in. Hurley is directing Warner Bros, at their Eastern io. ■chie Mayo, now doing his anvacation stuff, before coming , last made "Wide Open" with ard Everett Horton and Pats'1 i Miller and "The Sacred Flame," ring Pauline Frederick. erhaps you don't know it 6m' •ray Roth, now director-in-chief Warners Eastern studio, wrote lyric for George Gershwin's first lished song, "When You Want -., You Can't Get 'Em." That was tears ago. ouise Weyhrauch, secretary to rray Roth, director-in-chief at rner Bros. Eastern studio, has n with Vitaphone for the past years. She started when Vitane was in the second experimenstages at the Manhattan Opera ise. Ivelvn Morgan is doubling for h Chatterton in the Southampton uence of "The Laughing Lady." Jobart Henley on Monday started tction on an original story for ■amount, with Helen Morgan Ted. It's an underworld yarn Ich Paramount officials consider mockout. Talkers for Wis. Grand outh Milwaukee, Wis. — The md opened here with sound pices. MONTANA Changes in Ownership Circle Mcrwood, sold to Messrs, Merz and Wood by Sam Petty : Laurel — Royal, sold to John Mora n and Elmer Reid by Murray Dolliver; Red Lodge-Iris, sold to <>'Keefe & Fregger bj Nino I < n n< lii i. Closings Manhattan — Kid ; Ryegate — Millicent. NEBRASKA Changes in Ownership Brunswick Rex, Bold to Ethel Magel by George Grow ; Edison — Sun, sold to Glen Edic by A. K. Gardner; Haverlock — Lyric. sold to \V. W, Troxell by Volney Headrick; Kimball Lumco, sold to L. Shrader by Lupkin Prod. Co.; Madrid — American, sold to E. .1. Tuey by 1. M. Teller; Merna— Merna, sold to /'•icy & Kenned] by C. L. Farnham; Orleans-Strand, sold to Glen Edic by A. E. Gardner; Palisade — Oliver, sold to R. H. Salois by J. E. Powell; Sidney— -Strand, sold to [owa Nebr. Thea. Corp. by W. E. Craft. Closings Bertrand Victor; Bristow Bristow ; Fairfield— Orpheum; Falls City — Gehling ; Grand Island — Island: Hildreth — Star; Lindsay — 'Pa'm; Ong — Lyric; Waterloo — ( Community, Openings Bassett Sutherland ; Brewster — Kiggs ; Daykin — Community; Niob-ara Moon; Stuart — Sutherland ; Union — Union. NEW MEXICO Changes in Ownership Magdalena — Casino, sold to Avdalla eV Paea by Van Pelt. NEVADA Changes in Ownership Minden — Minden, sold to Ed Whin bj .1. A. Mclnnis to \V. A. Peal Closings Carson City — Grand. NEW JERSEY Changes in Ownership Bradley Beach — Palace, sold to John E Coutts by Arcadia Thea. Co. ; Camden — Star, sold to Goldstein & Bulifont h> Hand'e & Rovner ; Dunnellen — Cameo, sold to Moskowitz by Cohen & Kutinsky ; Fairvied — Fairview, sold to Jos. Gomez by C. Fardy; Midvale — Community, sold to E, II Sickles ; Montclair — Claridge, sold to Warner Bros, by C. Hinck ; Ocean City — Park, sold to Strand Properties, Inc., by Chester & Sutton ; Strand, sold to Strand Properties, Inc., by Chester & Sutton ; Runnemrde — Runnemede, sold to Braadt & Braadt by Edw. Rovner; Sussex — Sussex, sold to Sussex Thea. Co. by K. Mitchell ; Westwood — Westwood, sold to Manhattan Operating Co. -Geo. A'lerton. Closings Arlington — Arlington; Carlstadt — City; E. Orange — Lyceum: E. Rutherford — Park; Elizabeth Capital. Elmora, Xew Melba ; Hasbrouck Hts. —Strand ; Hoboken — City, Eureka. Manor; Irvington— City, Liberty; Iselin — [selin; Jersey City — Danforth, Lyric; Keansburg — Casino; Little Ferry — Sokol Hall; Lyndhurst — Star J Mt. HollyOpera House; New Milford — Park : Newark— Columbia, Grand, Lewis, Lincoln. New Amsterdam : New Brunswick — Cozy Bijou, Opera House: Nutley — Cameo; Orange — Washington : Ridgefield Park — Rialto; Riverside — Fox; Seabright — Sea bright ; So. Orange — Cameo; Washington — Opera House; W. Collingswood — Crescent. Openings Atlantic City Warner, owner Stanley Co. of America. NEW YORK Closings Albany Colonial, Delaware; Bedford Hills — Community; Binghamton — Cityline: Centra' Valley 'Firemans Hall : Chester — Fireman' Hall: Cranberry Lake — Park: Gloversvil'' —Family; High Falls — Fa'I View ; Howell -Rustic; Inlet — Gaiety; Kinderhook — Op era House; Kingston — Auditorium; Mac. scna St. Marys Hall; Mt. Vernon — Em bassy, Playhouse; Newburgh — State. # * # NEW YORK CITY New York E. 18Uth St.. Apollo. Arrow, Atlas. Benen son, Casino, Daytona, Empire. Endicott Forsythe, Globe, Golden Rule, Hollywood Ideal. Major. Melrose, Monroe, New Strand, M & S Palace. Rose, 2nd Ave. Royal, Savoy-Grant, 72nd St., Superior Tremont, Verona. Von Steuben, Waco West End, Willis, Woolwprth. Brooklyn Vni'lnon. Art, Atlantic, Court, DeKalb Eag'e, Elite, Elton, Empress, Evergreen Fifth Ave., Cold. Fulton Auditorium Huntington. Manor, Montauk, Myrtle Newkirk, Nostrand, Park. Parkview, Plaza Pearl Movies. Peerless. 3rd Ave.. Ridge Tip Top, Washington, Whitney, Wyckoff Bronx Crescent. Golden Rule, Kelton, Prospect Pal ace, Westchester. Staten Island Great Kills— Great Kil's ; Marines Harbor— Harbo: Rosebank — Lyric; So. BeachStrand. Long Island Astoria — Arcade, Franklin, Meridan; Baysid' — Bayside, Bridgehampton ■ — Community Bioad Channel— Channel ; Cedarhurst — Playhouse; Central Pa>"k — Central Park: Corona— Colonial ; E. Quogue — Atlantic Hall; Farmingdale— Dale ; Floral ParkLily; Flushing — Flushing: Hicksville— Hicksville; Huntington — Palace: Kings Park— Kings Park; Long Beach— Long Eeach ; Richmond Hill — Garden ; Ronkonkoma — Firemans Hall. N. Y. SALESMEN SCHEDULE ANNUAL DINNER DANCE Final preparations are being made for the Tenth Annual dinner and dance of the Motion Picture Salesmen, Inc. of N. Y., to be held at the Astor on the evening: of Nov. 23rd. Motion Picture Stars are slated to appear, and a real Broadway show is to be given as a side attraction. To Raze Washington Bijou Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Government building program here will necessitate the razing of the Bijou on Ninth and Tenth C Sts. and Lousiana Ave. The Treasury Dept. plans to raze the old buildings on the property as soon as title is acquired. HARRIS AMUSE. CO. BUYS NEW PITTSBURGH HOUSE Pittsburgh — Harris Amusemen' Co., which controls six houses in thr city, has purchased the recently com Dieted Mt. Oliver in Brownsvill' Road. The house is equipped fc sound pictures. The Harris com nany, which takes the house over from Fred K. Becker, has been operating it for the past four months. Plans Green Bav House Green Bay, Wis. — Revived planr of the Green Bay Orpheum Co. for the construction of a 1,500-seat house on the Orpheum site will be completed and ready for submission to contractors in about 10 days. Makes Talker Wash. Bur. of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Miss Ishbel MacDonald, daughter of the British premier, yesterday made her first talking picture, in the garden of the British embassy here. She declared that she enjoyed the experience, although suffering, somewhat, from stage fright. Newspaper Opinions "Sunny Side Up" Fox Gaiety, New York AMERICAN — Viewed strictly as a musical comedy presented in the movies instead of •ipon the stage, "Sunny Side Up" holds sufficient distinction to draw approval from the crowds sure to flock to the latest starring vehicle of Janet Gaynor and Charlie Farrell. DAILY MIRROR—* * * a triumph for lanet * * * story is undistinguished * * • vould be first-class entertainment even without Farrell and Gaynor. With them, it's a knockout. DAILY NEWS— Although its story is slight, and lots of its humor reminiscent of ->ther films, "Sunny Side Up" is destined to be a hit — because it is so beautifully built ip that it has something definite to offer — and it has Janet Gaynor. EVENING JOURNAL—* * * irrepressibly gay and utterly delightful * * * much credit goes to Director David Butler * * * Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell are grand * * * excellent entertainment. * * * EVENING WORLD—* * * Miss Gaynor and Farrell are splendid * * * they manage to croon their numbers with a lot of charm and tunefulness * * * is slightly rowdy * * * another Cinderella thing. * * * GRAPHIC—* * * cleverly built into an artistic picture * * * several of its musical numbers will be among the season's hits. • • • HERALD-TRIBUNE—* * * reasonably tuneful, attractively played and, on the whole, liverting screen musical comedy * * * story is a feeble and generally childish romance. * * * MORNING TELEGRAPH—* * * story :s typical Broadway drivel * * * music is the usual Tin Pan Alley r'^n-trap * i .vith all the snappy traditions of a Broadway musical comedy. POST—* * * the seeing was better than he hearing * * * William Fox has never had been justification for sending East for music makers * * * the story goes badly to pieces toward the end. * * * SUN—* * * will probably fare better in neighborhood houses than on Broadway. For certainly, there is but liitle freshness to commend it a special production. TELEGRAM—* * * Janet Gaynor demonstrates all over again that she is just about the screen's finest and most versatile actress * * * sings her songs pleasantly and unassumingly. * * * WORLD — * * * robust musical extravaganza in which Miss Gaynor and Mr. Farrell step into a new field and find their handsome selves as radiant as ever. Sound for Brockville, Ontario Brockville, Ont. — The Capitol recently inaugurated its sound picture )olicv with the showing of "The Black Watch."