The Film Daily (1929)

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THE DAILY Friday, October 18, 19 BRiTTON TOURING FAR EAST WITH DEFOREST APPARATUS Leon D. Britton, veteran showman, now is touring the Far East with a De Forest portable apparatus, presenting Eddie Dowling in "The Rainbow Man" and "Marionettes" an International Photoplay talker, giving natives their first glimpse of sound pictures. Educational to Release Five New Comedies Soon Educational announces five new comedy releases for this month and next. Mack Sennett's "Clancy at the Bat" will be released the week of Nov. 3; Lloyd Hamilton's "Toot Sweet" and Don't Get Excited," a Tuxedo Talking Comedy, the week of Nov. 10; Lupino Lane's "Purely Circumstantial," the week of Nov. 17. "The Talkies," a Mermaid comedy, is scheduled for distribution on Oct. 27. Chevalier en route to Coast Maurice Chevalier, Paramount star, is en route to the company's Coast studio where he is to be featured in "Paramount on Parade." Upon completion of this production Chevalier is scheduled to return to New York where he will be starred in "The Big Pond" at the Paramount Long Island studio. or do©s s^ APXIMATEIPOS: «'Aicdv|« 5ev SoiAetjco. "E/co pla cwtauSaia OUV8VTE\j£l.» IAIOKTHTHS : «Oh yeah, civ 5ev ScnAeijrftg x^veig T*l ®&ai oou.» APXIMATEIPOS : «Oh yeah, IlriYalvco vd l5co ami] xr\ [nzyal)] JjExarjSiTTixT) Tcuvia 8id vd ^avaxdjico xe(pi.» IAIOKTHTHS: « OH YEAH? » AF AIM ATEIP OS: « OH YEAH! » Wilson Firm Dickering for Robertson Picture Talking Picture Epics, newly formed theater and non-theatrical company of which Frank R. Wilson is president, is repprted to be negotiating with Capt. Jack Robertson, Alaskan explorer, who now is in New York for release of "Trail Mates." Robertson also is reported considering a deal to go to Bolivia for the company to produce a picture, but final negotiations await the return to New York Oct. 22 of Daniel E. Pomeroy, chairman of the board of directors. The company now has scheduled a series of eight talkers for its first year's release. Jackter's Division Leads in Columbia Sales Drive Rube Jackter, heading the West and Midwest branches of Columbia, at the end of the first week in the Joe Goldberg Testimonial Drive, leads both divisions headed by Ben Rosenberg and Hal Hodes in the company's sales drive. A prize of $1,000 has been posted, half being offered by the company and the other half by Joe Goldberg, general sales manager. Present indications are it is claimed that the quota of $2,000,000 will be exceeded by the end of the second week and that before the drive is over sales will have reached the $5,000,000 mark. The New Haven office showed an increase of 42 per cent above its quota. Denver 81.36 and the Portland exchange getting 76.25 per cent above its quota on the books. Paramount 1929 Net May Soar to $15,000,000 On the basis of earnings for the first nine months of the year Paramount stands to clear more than $15,000.000 for 1929. This would be equivalent to $6 a share. The company earned $8,713,063 in 1928. The ^9,715,000 earned in the nine months of the vear were 63 per cent above the $5,975,000 of 1928. Contract for Vitanhone Films in France, Belgium Contracts have been closed for the distribution of Warner and First National talking pictures in all the imnortant cities of France and Belgium, reports H. A. Bandy, foreign manager. Among the circuits signing aereements is one operating 13 talking picture houses in Paris. Phono-TCinema to Issue 100,000 Common Shares A stock issue of 100,000 shares of no par value common, underwittert bv A. A. Durante & Co., will be offered to the public by Phono-Kinema, Inc. Has Armistice Dav Feature A short feature for Armistice Day **-pHe bas been prepared bv Tames A. FitzPatrick. A musical score arranged by Nathaniel Sbildkret and "laved by the American Holiday Orchestra accompanies the film. "You'll like Will Rogers in "They Had to See Paris" because he is himself again and when the aforesaid Mr. Rogers is none other than Will few comedians on the speaking stage can top him." PHILM.DALX S£Z/ "U" Newsreel Service for All T. A. T. Planes Toledo — Universal's newsreel will be installed as a regular service on all routes of the Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc. A special lightU constructed projection machine, placed in the rear of the cabin, is used. A small screen is made to hang on the wall in the front of the cabin so passengers can look at the film while sitting in their regular seats. Since the apparatus is portable, it an be taken out of the cabin and placed in the storage room when not in use. During recent trials T. A. T. found that the pictures showed clearly on the screen, the vibration of the engines affecting them but little. Adolph Zukor, P-F-L Head, Sails Today for Europe Adolph Zukor, president of Paramount Famous Lasky, will sail today for a several weeks vacation in Europe. His first stop is Paris. Wink Convalescing Atlanta— J. C. H. Wink, of Dalton Ga., one of the chief executives of Manning & Wink, operating a chain of theaters in North Georgia and East Tennessee, is now able to be up and about after an illness of several weeks. Wink is a member of the board of directors of the Southeastern Theater Owners Ass'n. Helen Kane in New York Helen Kane, stage and screen plaver has arrived in New York from the Coast where she completed a featured role in "Sweetie" under direction of Frank Tuttle for Paramount HEADS NEW EXHIBITOR CO-OP SYSTE (Continued from Page 1) to get a specified sum, after whi the money will be kept in a fund be divided periodically. No < posits, surcharges or score charg are to be asked, the exhibitor payi for each show after he has played Co-operative buying of supplies a printing also is planned. In situ tions where there is no franchi holder, pictures will be sold on J open market. Organization work is to be undl taken at once, says Rembusch, wi visits to the M.P.T.O.A. convent! at Memphis and the Michigan met ing at Detroit planned. CO-OPERATION HOPED n T (Continued from Page 1) taken, he says rather than to prolot delay in "setting up a fair and lei .system by appealing from this d« sion." Myers expresses gratificatij over the decision stating that it su tains Allied's position that the systi is unfair. Wanted Best nd and S Personnel in the Industry. Replies Treated Confidentially. FAMOUS SOUND STUDIO CORP. (Formerly Edison Studio) 2826 Decatur Ave. New York