The Film Daily (1929)

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iTHE A* NEWSPAPER t/^FILMDOM \ / ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME DL. L No. 21 Thursday, October 24, 1929 Price 5 Cents M-G-M Technical Staff Aids Sound Houses CONFIRM^ P-F-L WARNER DEAL DROPPING Jsing 800 Papers in Mechanical Music Fight Cryptic Statement Admits Negotiations are Off — U. S. Officials Silent on Deal Customs of Old Spain -By JACK ALICOATE N Spain they have many old, interesting and amusing customs. For instance. The other day ile headed direct for the Empy ub and one of host Karschs oneenty blue plates including dessert r eye happened to catch a string of enty-four sheets doing their duty jh above the crowds that lino the ado at high noon. Each told, in modest way, about a motion pice and each assured the respective trons along the line of march that s individual picture was positivethe best, finest, foremost and great: attraction in town. Being of an quisitive and credulous turn of nd, the first because we are Irish d the second because of our long sociation with press agents, we imdiately sought out an advertising an, high in the inner circles of mon picture exploitology and revered d honored because of his long and le record for integrity, honesty and cerity. "How is it?" asketh we, in odest but direct tones, "How is it at you motion picture advertising en all and always refer to your irrent picture as none other than e best that is. was, and can be? irely it is but a small matter of emental algebra and simple calculains to come to the conclusion that ne or ten cannot be the best of lything, especially at one and the me time." "Ah!" quoteth He, "If >u will look further into the matr you will find that it's AN OLD PANISH CUSTOM." — and Another The other evening we mingled easing thoughts and exchanged hite rock and ice over a marbled >p coffee table with one of our most :lusive and financially well to do rs. About the time the conversagot down to small talk we up chirped forth the following (Continued on Page 2) Musicians' National Drive to Sell Manual Music Now Under Way Eight hundred newspapers having a combined estimated circulation of between 60,000,000 and 75,000,000 are declared being used in the national advertising campaign against 'mechanical music' by the American Federation of Musicians. The Federation represents 140,000 professional musicians in the United States and Canada. While no figures are available as to the exact budget sel aside for the campaign, it is claimed that the campaign will be carried on indefinitely. The campaign seeks to (Continued on Page 10) HOBART HIeTAND BEN HECHT FORMING COMPANY Upon completion of their contracts with Paramount, soon after the first of the year, Hobart Henley and Ben Hecht will announce a new producing combination. Under the arrangement, Henley is to direct the (Continued on Page 10) Woodhull Toastmaster at M.P.T.O.A. Banquet Memphis— R. F. (Pete) Woodhull, past president of the M.P.T.O.A. and now vice president of General Talking Pictures, is to be, toastmaster at (Continued on Page 10) Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Officials of the Dept. of Justice, queried by THE FILM DAILY declined comment on the dropping of negotiations in the ParamountWarner deal. Official confirmation of the dropping of negotiations in the proposed aramount-Warner merger, which was definitely stated as off Tuesday by THE FILM DAILY, was given yes'terday by executive heads of the two companies in a joint statement. Other than the cryptic assertion that the deal is off, no comment was available. For some months, there have been persistent reports that the Paramount-Warner deal was all set, formal announcement of its closing Warner Bros, to Increase Dividends At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Warner Brothers to be held to-day it is understood that the dividend will be raised, placing the stock upon an annual $4.00 dividend basis. It is estimated that the earnings of Warner Brothers are running at about twice this amount. awaiting only approval by the Dep't. of Justice. However, officials of both companies have insisted that no (Continued on Page 10) SERVICE FREE TO SHOWMEN FIRST "TALKER DINNER" SPONSORED BY "EPICS" Educators, business leaders and film representatives last night attended the "all-talker" dinner, sponsored by Talking Picture Epics in association (Continued on Page 10) New Acquisitions Increase Fox West Coast Chain to 500 Houses ELECTRICAL TRUST ENTERS BRITISH EQUIPMENT HELD London (By Wireless) — British Thomson Houston and the electrical trust including Metropolitan Vickers have entered the sound equipment field here with a sound-on-film and sound-on-disc reproducer. [Vest Coast Bureau, THE FILM DAILY Los Angeles — Recent acquisitions have increased to 500 the number of theaters in the Fox West Coast chain, according to Harold B. Franklin, president. These acquisitions which added 101 houses to the chain's holdings are: the Midland circuit, Kansas City; the Miller Circuit, Wichita, Kan.; the Ellis Arkush Circuit, San Francisco. The chain now extends from San Diego to Seattle and as Far East as Iowa. Raising of standards of sound projection is the purpose of a new department formed by M-G-M, with J. S. McCloed, head of exchange maintenance as supervisor. Two meetings weekly are held at the home office to discuss improvements in the service, launched with three super(Continued on Page 10) Picture Folk Work to Re-elect Walker William Fox has been made chairman of the "Re-elect Walker" Motion Picture Organization. Other officers are A. H. Schwartz, treasurer, Charlie O'Reilly, assistant treasurer and Sam Berman, secretary. Arthur Hirsch will also play an important part in the work. A rousing get-together luncheon will be held at the Astor the early part of next week to get things started. Headquarters are being opened in the Times Building.