The Film Daily (1929)

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iTHE ^NEWSPAPER j^FILMDOM ALL THE HEWS ALL THE TIME OL. L No. 28 Friday, November 1, 1929 Price 5 Cents Zukor, Changing Plans, Hurries Home from Europe W. P. T.IXA. LAUDS AD JUSTMENT~RECORD Laemmle to Fight with and for Independents The Mirror a column of comment -By JACK A LI CO ATE = -MARKET back on an even keel jain. Picture stocks snap back quick along with other standard issues, ard times and even panics do not feet desire of American public for ean amusement at cheap prices, his fact alone makes picture stocks our big established companies as tie an investment as can be had. * * * -First show house devoted exclusvely to pictorial news and screen agazine matter will open in New ork tomorrow. New name of theer will be "The Embassy, the ewsreel Theater." Grind policy om ten in the morning till midnight twenty-five cents top. Sponsored y Fox-Hearst Corporation. ExHtiment being watched from all des. * * * That the country in general and e motion picture industry in particar were never more prosperous is rikingly illustrated in two picture lancial items of the week. Yesterly Fox Corporation announced prof> of nearly ten million for first nine onths. This more than doubles 28 figures. Loew company nets er twelve million for year. This om company founded by late Maris Loew who fifteen years ago >ped he would have one hundred ousand dollars before he died. * * * Gloria Swanson makes her bow to ew York in the talkers to-night the Rialto. "The Trespasser" reewed previously in this column, ows us a new Gloria with more iarm, more background and more tistry than ever. You'll hear more Gloria Swanson in the talkers. No Theaters, Mergers or Wall St. Dictation, "U" Chief Says Memphis — "No theater holdings, no Wall Street holdings, no Wall Street direction, no affiliation and no mergers. Carl Laemmle will stand squarely on his own feet to fight the battle for and with independent exhibitors." This was the message brought to the closing session of the M.P.T.O.A. convention by M. Van Praag, general sales manager of Universal, who came here as the personal representative of President Laemmle. LOEW'S NET AHEAD OF LAST YEAR Profits estimated for the last few months presage net of $15,000,000 by Loew's and subsidiaries for the year ending Aug. 31, 1930, according to David Bernstein, vice president and treasurer. This will be equal to from $10 to $11 a share on the common, he states. Earnings for the year ended Aug. 31, 1929, are estimated at $12,000,000. Hays and Distributors Praised for Rewriting 3,800 Contracts — Lightman Reelected President Memphis — Praise for Will H. Hays and distributors for the adjustments made to exhibitors oversold on sound contracts and "unbounded confidence ' in the future if fairness and willingness to help shall prevail was expressed, and M. A. Lightman, Memphis, reelected to the presidency of the M.P.T.O. A. in the closing session of the M. P.T.O.A. convention here yesterday. Lightman's reelection was exclusively forecast in September by THE FILM DAILY. Thanks to S. R. Kent, Paramount general manager and chairman of the distributor adjustment committee, were expressed, for his report on adjustments and his constructive (Continued on Page 7) Lightman's Policy Memphis — Policy of aboveboard conferences, no politics and free discussion for all, is the policy pledged by M. A. Lightman upon accepting the office of president of the M.P. T.O.A. for the first full term. DEALS AWAITING RETURN? FOX FILM 3RD QUARTER NET JUMPS 130 PER CENT Net of $3,471,000 for the three months and $8,845,000 for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 1929, is reported by Fox Film. This compares with net of $1,500,656 for the first three months and $4,016,461 for the nine months period of 1928. After (Continued on Page 8) Pacent Establishes First Six Links in National Service Chain Silent Fans Prevail Upon Exhibitor to Open House Waterloo, N. Y. — Silent picture fans have prevailed upon John J. Carroll to reopen the Victory here today. The house has been dark two years. The State, next door to the Victory is a sound house. Scores of patrons, who prefer silent pictures, have requested reopening of the Victory, Carroll states. Establishment of regular inspection service on a contract basis in six territories, as the first step in a national service program blanketing the nation, has been completed by Pacent Reproducer Corp. The six territories which immediately receive the new service are: New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Washington, New jersey and Connecticut. The Pacent service program provides inspection of equipment twice (Continued on Page 8) Toronto — Meeting of the board of directors of Famous Players Canadian slated yesterday has been postponed until next Wednesday. The postponement is reported to have been made to give Adolph Zukor, now hurrying home from Europe, a chance to attend the sessions. Reported plan of Paramount to acquire the Canadian chain is expected to be discussed at the sessions. London (By Cable) — Although he had planned to stay in Europe several weeks, Adolph Zukor is sailing for New York today. There is speculation as to whether the stock market crash, the Paramount-Warner deal, or both is the cause of his change in (Continued on Page 8) Will Hays to Address N. Y. Board of Trade Will H. Hays, president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc. will be one of the principal speakers at the New York Board of Trade Nov. 13 at 12:15 P.M. at 41 Park Row.