The Film Daily (1929)

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THE taiday, December 2, 1929 '22! DAILY "ox and Warner Anti-Trust Suits Expected Next Spring 1st (.Continued from Page 1) Corp., Metro Corp. and Metro I granted the right to exhibit approximately Corp. have each made, dis ^yrfive per cent of the avai,able supply ted, and contracted for the ex >n, as aforesaid, of approxiy twenty per cent of the motion es made, distributed, and exd in the United States per year, is to say, together they have distributed and granted the to exhibit approximately forty rent of the available supply >f." ; complaint, in part, also reads: Fox Theaters Corp. and Loew's, Inc., have exhibitors of motion pictures as herefore described. Fox Theaters Corp. has ed or otherwise controlled, and used for public display of motion pictures, six dred or more motion picture theaters ted in States including New York, Conicut. Massachusetts. California, Illinois, orado, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, nsylvania, Wisconsin, and thfc District of mbia. Loew's, Inc., has owned or otherB controlled, and used for the public disof motion pictures, upwards of two hun. motion picture theaters located in States uding New York, Connecticut, Massasetts, California, Michigan, Missouri, isiana, Texas, 'Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Washington. Rhode Island, and the trict of Columbia. The theaters of Fox Theaters Corp. and w's, Inc., have included those representapnroximately fifty per cent of the seatcapacity of all motion picture theaters : run and non-first run, located in said ropolitan area. William Fox has owned or controlled more fifly per cent of all the voting stock Fox Film Corp. and more than fifty per of the voting stock of Fox Theaters p. All or a large part of the remainder said voting stock of both of said corporas has been owned or controlled by subitially the same persons, to wit, business .ciates of said Fox. William Fox has i an officer and director of both corporas, and they have constituted the majority he officers and directors of each corpora Heretofore, to wit, after February 26 Fox Film Corn, and Fox Theater i. in the manner hereinafter alleged to ler acquired a part of the stock of Loew's that is to say, said corporations have chased and now hold or control four dred and thirty-five thousand shares of common stock of Loew's, Inc." he Government's complaint against War Bros. alleges, in part: "Warner Bros. First National have each made, disuted, and contracted for the exhibition, iforesaid, of approximately fifteen per cent ten per cent, respectively, of the motion lire* made, distributed, and exhibited in United States per year, that is to say. ther they have made, distributed, and thereof. "Heretofore, to wit, after September I, 1928, Warner Bros, acquired a part of the stock of First National, that is to say, said corporation has purchased and now holds or controls in the manner hereinafter alleged, approximately seventy-one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three shares of the common stock of First National. The total number of shares of capital stock of First National now outstanding is approximately seventy-one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three shares of common stock. "Heretofore, to wit, after September 1, 1928, Warner Bros, acquired eight hundred and sixty-nine thousand, four hundred and seventy-three shares of the capital stock of Stanley Co., that is to say, a preponderating majority of all the voting stock of Stanley Co. described in paragraph 12 herein. The total number of shares of capital stock of Stanley Co. outstanding has been approximately nine hundred and four thousand, nine hundred and fifty-eight. Stanley Co. at the time of the acquisition of its stock by Warner Bros, held, owned or controlled a substantial nart of the shares of common stock of First National, to wit, twenty -five thousand and fortv-one shares thereof, Petitioner alleges the' fact to be that Warner Bros, by the acquisition of the stock of Stanley _ Co. possessed the right and power to dominate and control, and has in fact dominated and controlled, the conduct of the business and affairs of Stanley Co.. inc'udjng its ownership possession, and rights in, to and incident to said stock of First National as fnllv and comn'etely as if Warner Bros, had in fart immediately and directly owned and he'd the aforesaid stock of First National. "Heretofore, to wit. at the time of the ^fores^id acotiisitfon of «tock of Stanley Co. ->nrl First National. Warner Brothers arnuired a further Part of the stock of F'rst National, that is to say. W->rner Bros, h" nurrhnsed and now also holds or controls ripproximatelv seventeen thousand, nine hnn■trerl and thirtv-four shares of common stock of First National." Three Bills Affecting Industry in Congress Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — With three bills affecting the industry pending, the new session of Congress gets under way today. One is the Brookhart bill seekine Federal control. In the House a Sundav dosintr bill is beino soonored bv Rep. T.ankford. Rep. Georee Tinkbm of Massachusetts has drafted a bill p-ivine full anthoritv over mergers to the Federal Trade Commission. J-G-M Officials to Address Jobbins Music Convention Officials of M-G-M will attend the wention of the Robbins Music rp., opening Dec. 14 at the Vicia, New York. Among the speak listed are David Bernstein, J. bert Rubin, Major Edward Bowes, ■ward Dietz, William Ferguson 1 Felix Feist. To Demonstrate Small Machine K demonstration of RCA PhotoDne's Type G talker machine, signed for houses seating 500 or ier, will be given at 3 o'clock esday afternoon in RCA's private •ater at 411 Fifth Ave. Western Electric Plans for Foreign Expansion London— As a preliminary to extensile expansion on this side. Western Electric announces through F.dcrar S. Bloom that its manufacturing nlprtts at Hawthorne, TCearnv and Point Breeze will be enlaro-ed to ocnmv a floor space of 5.000.000 sonar* feet earb and to provide emnlovmem for 110 000 oersons on a normal operating basis. This will allow foan annual output valued at about $500,000,000. Williams at Graver, Texat Graver, Texas— E. M. Williamha* been appointed manager of the new theater opened here by L. M Yearout. Talkers for Deaf Cambridge, Mass. — Headphones permitting deaf patrons to enjoy talking pictures have been installed by the University, the first theater in Massachusetts to do so. There is only one other house in New England similarly equipped, the Fox-Poli, Springfield, Mass. Broughton in N. Y. on "Dude Wrangler" Deal Cliff Broughton has arrived in New York from the Coast with a print of •'The Dude Wrangler," all-talker he produced in association with Mrs. Wallace Reid. The picture, recorded on Western. Electric equipment, has a cast including Lina Basquette and George Dturyea. Broughton who is at the Commodore, is arranging a release on the picture. Now On Broadway Wires Third Butterfield House Port Huron, Mich. — The third Butterfield house in the city is now wired for sound with installation of equipment in the Majestic. The other two houses are the Desmond and Family. Wiring England (Ark.) House England, Ark.— The Best will open in December as a talking picture house equipped with Western Electric. Astor — "Hol!ywood Revue" Cameo — "The New Babylon" Capitol — "Untamed" Carnegie — "Figaro" Central — "Disraeli" Colony — "Hearts in Exile" Criterion — "The Love Parade" Earl Carroll — "Rio Rita" Fifth Ave. — "Humming Bird" with Gloria Swanson Fifty-fifth St.— "The Box of Pandora" Film Guild — "Caucasian Love" Gaiety — "Sunny Side Up" Globe — -"The Vagabond Lover" George M. Cohan — "Song of Love" Hippodrome — "Tanned Legs" Loew's New York — Monday, "So This Is College" ; Tuesday, "Rose of Picardy" ; Wednesday, "Jazz Heaven" ; Thursday, "Wall Street"; Friday, "Mister Antonio"; Saturday, "Seven Faces" ; Sunday, "Night Parade" Mark Strand — "The Forward Pass" Paramount — "Applause" Rialto — "The Trespasser" Rivoli — "Taming of the Shrew" Roxy — "The River" Selwyn — "Condemned" Warners — "General Crack" (opening tomorrow) Winter Garden — "Show of Shews" Butterfield Closes Orpheum Pontiac, Mich. — The Orpheum, a Butterfield, has again been closed after an unsuccessful stage show and picture policy playing two changes a week. Heavy competition and limited seating capacity have been the causes advanced for closing, it is reported. r All Talking and Sound Serial 10 Episodes the VOICE FROM the SKY starring WALLY WALES JEAN DELORES ALSO SILENT PRINTS now available for THE STATE RIGHTS MARKET Produced by Ben Wilson Productions Distributed by G. Y. B. PRODUCTIONS 5546 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. 'Foreign Rights Controlled by The Film Exchange, Inc.— 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C.