The Film Daily (1929)

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THE Sunday, December 15, 1929 -^5^ DAILV n A DIRECT NEWS SERVICE COVERING DEVELOPMENTS IN AMERICA'S IMPORTANT OVERSEAS MARKETS AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ASKED TO BUYSOUND UNIT Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— That the government of Australia purchase a complete sound recording unit as a means of encouraging the production of talking pictures in the commonwealth has been proposed by persons in Australian film circles, according to information received by the M. P. Division of the Dept. of Commerce. This is suggested in substitution for the plan to award yearly prizes for silent films produced in the dominion. BRITISH MULTI-LINGUAL COMPANYOPENS OFFICE London — World Studio Centre, Ltd., recently formed to produce multi-lingual films with Sir Gordon Craig at its head, has established temporary headquarters in the Grand Building, Trafalgar Square, where it will remain until its studio buildings are completed. All films made by the organization will be released in six languages, according to the latest announcement. Clifford Kemp Becomes Film Renter on His Own Leeds, England— Clifford Kemp, Yorkshire film renter, has gone into business with offices in this city. He will distribute in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire the film product of New Era, Tiffany and Carlton. First Gainsborough Lingual London — Gainsborough has completed its first lingual film. It is called "The Second Kiss" and is in English and German. The cast includes Lil Dagover and Ivan Petrovich. Ufa, Actress Settle Suit Berlin— Ufa and Brigitte Helm have settled their differences amicably. With the withdrawal of her suit against the company the actress is prepared to resume work. Foreign Markets By LOUIS PELEGRINE PILM DAILY CORRESPONDENTS IN WORLD CAPITALS PLASH OVERSEAS NEWS BY RADIO AND CABLE New Australian System Wash. Bur. of THE FILM DAILY Washington — "Markophone" is the latest sound equipment to make its appearance in Australia, says a report to the M. P. Division of the Dept. of Commerce. The device, not yet in distribution, is understood to be priced at less than $7,500. Gaumont Engineer Uses Choke Coil to Still Arcs London — A mehtod of silencing arcs through the use of a so-called "choke circuit" has been developed by Stanley C. Templeman, chief engineer at the Gaumont studios. The device, which makes it possible to employ arcs in the making of talking pictures, is being used in the filming of "Alf's Button." MAKES COOPERATIVE MOVE TO AID BRITISH FILMS London — The desire to help the British film industry return to the status it enjoyed at the outbreak of the war is given by E. Trevor Williams, chairman of the board of the Gramophone Co., Ltd., as the primary motive prompting his company to enter into a cooperative agreement with British and Dominions for the product of audible pictures. Blattner Earned $12,110 During Its First Year London— Net profit of $12,110 after depreciation is reported by the Ludwig Blattner Picture Corp., Ltd., from its first year's operations. The firm's financial statement lists assets of $893,355 and reveals that the wiring of its studios for the production of talking pictures has been completed. Interchangeability for New Gaumont Equipment Paris — Complete interchangeability has been granted by Gaumont on the new sound system recently put out by the company under the name Ideal Sonore. Warwick Ward Gets Role Paris — Warwick Ward has been engaged by Marcel L'Herbier to play in English the role which Jean Angelo will enact in the French version of "Love Child." PATHE-NATAN IS MAKING SOUND FILMS IN FRANCE Paris — Thoroughly equipped with RCA Photophone for talking picture production, the Pathe-Natan studios, said to be the most extensive in Europe, have resumed operation at Joinville. Facilities are such as to permit the filming of four audible pictures simultaneously. Already two talkers are in production. One is "Chique," which Pierre Colombier is directing. The other is "My Son of A Father," starring Adolphe Menjou. Cinelux Projector Shown At Paris Film Congress Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The automaticallyoperated Cinelux projector, said to obviate the use of perforated film, was recently demonstrated at the Catholic Cinema Congress in Paris, advises a report to the M. P. Division of the Dept. of Commerce. The device is not for sale or hire, but is loaned to exhibitors on deposit. Rlchmount Pictures 723 7th Ave. Inc. New York Citv D. J. MOUNTAN. Pres. EXCLUSIVE foreign representatives for P.ayart Pi.tures Corporation and other eading independent producers and distributors. Cable Address: RICHP1CSOC. Paris Cable Address: DEEJAY. London Cable Address: RICHPIC. N. Y. Exporting only the vest In Motion Pictures Cast of Elinor Glyn Talker London — "Knowing Men," the Elinor Glyn talker being made at Elstree, has a cast including Elissa Landi, Carl Brisson, Jean de Casalis, Helen Haye, Thomas Weguelin and C. M. Hallard. 3,000-Seater Dublin Opens Dublin— The Savoy has been opened here by Associated British Cinemas. It seats 3,000. Week's Headlines Sound for Preston, England Preston, England — The Theater Royal Kinema, recently acquired by Associated British Cinemas, has been wired for talking pictures with Western Electric equipment. Plan Experimental House London — A theater where art and experimental films and plays of social significance will be given a hearing is to be established here under the designation "The Masses Stage and Film Guild." The venture has the support of the British labor party. Tardieu Talks for Talkers Paris — Andre Tardieu, French cabinet minister, appeared on the talking screen for the first time recently when he consented to have his voice recorded in a newsreel by French Pathe. Luxury Tax on Devices Hit Paris — A movement is under way to induce the government to renounce the idea of taxing sound film equipment as a luxury. "Flying Scotsman" B.I.P. Film London— "The Flying Scotsman" is a new British International picture. Monday Pittsburgh judge holds arbitratlOD clause in standard contract illegal. Fox understood to have $27,000,000 in obligations outstanding. M.P.T.O.A. leaders discuss plans for New York conference. Tuesday Companies in formation in France and England to handle RCA Photophone. Tennessee exhibitors seek hearing on proposal to levy ten per cent tax on theater admissions. Survey indicates Fox firm is financially sound despite trustee move. Wednesday Preliminary step to unite M.P.T.O.A. and Allied States Ass'n discussed at conference in New York. Pathe studio in New York destroyed by fire, with ten dead and 20 injured. French talkers planned by $10,000,000 firm headed by Robert T. Kane. Thursday U. A. foreign exchange system to be changed in conformity with requirements of talking pictures. Association to look after interests of motion picture laboratories organized with offices in New York. Singapore exhibitor blames poor projection for failure of sound pictures to win popularity in the Far East. Friday More stringent fire regulations may follow investigation of Pathe studio fire in New York. Revision of standard contract reported discussed at conference between M.P.T.O.A. and Allied States Ass'n officials. Fifty-one sound shorts, synchronized by American company, to be distributed by Ufa. Today $1,000 reward offered in probe of dynamiting at Atlanta. 250 theaters in Hoyts, Australia, union combine. Eastern studios pay tribute to fire dead. Cities throughout country report rigid fire laws. WORLDART PICTURES GETS UFA PRODUCT FOR N. L ZONE {Continued from Page 1) tors, Inc., and Super Features, Inc. of N. Y., which embraces four exchanges in New England zone and a group of Ufa features, shorts and special productions. The company already has started operations with the following branch managers at the recently acquired exchanges; Marcel Mekelburg at Boston; Dave Segal at Philadelphia; and Charles M. Hodes, general manager in charge of the New York branch. No appointment has been made as yet for the Buffalo office. Included in the deal are 32 Ufa features; 26 Ufa short subjects and 16 Super Feature productions. Hays Off Church-Drama Board Will H. Hays and Carl E. Milliken no longer are on the board of directors of the Church and Drama Ass'n, it is stated by Rev. George Reid Andrews, executive secretary of the organization* Dr. Andrews said it has been deemed wise not tohave representatives of the motion picture industry on the board. R-K-O Division Managers Meet Division managers of R-K-O have concluded a two-day conference called by Joseph Plunkett.