The Film Daily (1933)

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OMING UGUST THE "NEW DEAL" IUMBER OF THE FILM lAILY • THE eclipse of the legitimate stage 1 by pictures. A new era of the amusement world comes into being. Pictures move from store show to a giant industry. Extras rise to film stars to win fame and fortune. The de-luxe 5000 seat house comes to all big cities nlCTURE house presentations rise ' to super spectacles. Color films come in with a bang and then go quickly out. Much ado about widefilm that comes for unusually short stay. Warners make talking picture and sound revolution is on. A hundred film folk become famous and rate as millionaires . THE romantic story in full of the ■ motion picture industry. Stock market teems with activities in film securities. Chain operation dominates theater situation for period. Unusual exploitation stunts that cause international comment. The sound news reel becomes a national institution INDIVIDUALS grow into promi' nence then fade into oblivion. Famous fights of the film industry that have made history. America becomes music minded through the help of the screen. Hollywood grows like a mushroom into international prominence. The industry quickly does its duty in national emergency Film Daily will BE FIFTEEN YEARS OLD • AUGUST AND IS HAPPY ABOUT IT riLM DAILY is happy with the modest part it has played in the progress of this great, international motion picture industry during the past fifteen years. Its policy has been constructive, fearless and independent, and it prides itself upon the fact that through all these years it has been able to keep a step ahead of this romantic and interesting industry. It has two constant primary objectives. To print a daily newspaper whose integrity will ever be beyond question and to mind its own business in doing so. THE old industry is gone and we are facing a new era. President Roosevelt and his NEW DEAL policy has the country well started on the road back to prosperity. Old faces are gone and new blood is coming in. The little company to-day may be an industry leader tomorrow. The opportunity is here once again for everyone to start from scratch. Film Daily will do its share to move things along. Its staff was never more alert, its columns never more breezy and its heart never more optimistic .......