The Film Daily (1933)

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J. R. McDonough Named General Manager of RKO ILL GROUPS TO BE HEARD ON CODE, SAYS JOHNS J Reorganization of Publix and Sparks Units is Completed 'anagement Corporation Will Operate Houses in Partnership leorganization of Publix-Sparks ater operations in Florida has >n completed at conferences in w York between S. A. Lynch and l J. Sparks. The operation of the aters will continue under part,'ship arrangements. The general •eement states that there is to be non-profit management corpora (Continued on Page 4) 6,000 Repeats on "She Done Him Wrong" Paramount's Mae West picture, "She Done Him Wrong," has already played about 6,000 repeat engagements and is still going strong, according to the company's sales department. This is said to be a record not equalled since Griffith's "Birth of a Nation." IB. ASS'N AGREES ON 40-HOUR WEEK /[embers of th Motion Picture ^oratories Ass'n of America have eed to a 40-hour week clause in industry code now being foriated. The code committee will mit its findings regarding minipi wage scale at the next meet of the association at the Hotel or tomorrow. Companies Now Working M Florida Movie Colony Bt. Petersburg, Fla. — From a sinI company in April the movie fr here has been built up until Ore are now four permanent complies at work. The pioneer com{Continued on Page 8) U. A. Convention Fable Chicago — Speaking at the United \rtists convention, Abe Lehr, Sam Goldwyn's veteran business manager, told \ne of Aesop's fables. It concerns ;he animals of the forest gathered together to boast, not of how many pieces they had sold, but of their young, he wolf had two pups, the fox had j|hree, the gorilla five, the rabbit eight, find so on. Only the lioness was silent. jll the animals asked why. "How many iave you?" they demanded. She shook ;er mane and answered: "One, only |ne, but he is a lion!" "And that," aid Lehr, "is how I feel about Goldj/yn's pictures." U. A. Will Share Prosperity With Personnel, Says Schenck Mayfair Set on Twelve For the Coming Season Mayfair Pictures is set on 12 features for next season, with stories already bought for at least half of the program, according to Robert S. Mapletoft. The resignation of George W. Weeks will have no effect on Mayfair's future plans, Mapletoft says. Production starts soon on the (.Continued on Page 4) Chicago — All of the United Artists staff will share in the new prosperity which looms for the organization, President Joseph M. Schenck told the sales convention here. "When things start picking up and we begin to make money, you will make money, too," declared Schenck. "My concept of the duty of an employer to employee is that (Continued on Page 6) Administrator Will Not Allow Agreement to be Rushed Through By WILLIAM SILBERBERG Wash. Correspondent, THE FILM DAILY Washington — Replying to a telegram from a former M.P.T.O.A. unit to Allied haedquarters and relayed to General Hugh Johnson, expressing anxiety over certain exhibitor leaders attempting to rush through a code covering theater owners, the (Continued on Page 4) Freuler Calls Code Teeth of Decentralization Characterizing the industry code as the teeth of decentralization, John R. Freuler, president of Monarch, sees an end to paternalistic tendencies in exhibition before the end of the year. "Exhibition, freed of its controlling influences, would offer both major and independent production its most valuable stimulus, and (Continued on Page 4) N. L. Nathanson Denies Canadian Circuit Changes Vancouver, B. C. — No personnel changes are to be made in the Famous Players Canadian circuit, declared President N. L. Nathanson on his arrival here. Denying reports of contemplated shifts, Nathanson stated emphatically that J. J. (Continued on Page 4) Aylesworth Puts RCA Exec In RKO Management Post K. C. Ass'n Launches Fight Against Liability Racket Kansas City — Due to increase in number of moviegoers making fraudulent liability claims against theaters for alleged injuries, the Independent Theater Owners' Ass'n is (Continued on Page 2) Appointment of J. R. McDonough as general manager of Radio-KeithOrpheum Corp. and subsidiary companies was announced yesterday by President M. H. Aylesworth. McDonough, executive vice-president of Radio Corp. of America, has been given a leave of absence from his executive duties in RCA during the (Continued on Page 8) MAY SELECT WARNER AS ADVISOR ON CODE A change of policy on the part of the National Recovery Administration from its previously announced intention of choosing only disinterested advisors to assist it in working out code agreements seems to have taken place, and prominent members of various industries are being appointed in connection with their respective codes. These appointments give rise to the belief that during consideration of the film code, an outstanding man from with {Continued on Page 8) Vitaphone Studios Four Months Ahead By Aug. 1, the Brooklyn Vitaphone studio under the head of Sam Sax will have completed 36 of its 1933-34 program of short subjects and will be four months ahead of release dates with completed (Continued on Page 2) Indies Discuss Confab A meeting of the board of directors of the Federation of the Motion Picture Industry of America, Inc., held at the Park Central Hotel last night discussed the forthcoming conference to be held at the Hotel Astor on July 31 and August 1. Brief details are being formulated and will be published tomorrow.