The Film Daily (1933)

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THE PUBLIX AND SPARKS CONCLUDE NEW SETUP (Continual I • om Page 1 ) tion formed for the purpose of operating and managing the theaters of the corporations owned 5050. E. J. Sparks will be president and general manager on a weekly salary from the corporation and an additional weekly stipend will be paid Sparks for not longer than three years in consideration of his cancellation of his present four per cent management contracts. M. C. Talley will be elected treasurer. Publix will elect a vice-president and also a secretary-assistant treasurer. Sparks and Publix will each have two representatives on the board of directors. The present agreement is for one year. A deal between S. A. Lynch, the Paramount trustees and R. B. Wilby and H. F. Kincey, southern theater operators, will be worked out within the next month. This deal will involve 43 Wilby-Kincey theaters in the Carolinas, Atlanta, Birmingham and the Tennessee Enterprises. Wilby and Kincey have been in New York ready to consummate the deal, but have agreed to delay discussions until other circuit deals have been completed. Another deal involving 10 Paramount Texas houses and five Hoblitzelle theaters is now pending. Both factions are in full accord with the present terms to be submitted to the trustees. It is expected that the deal will be signed within the next two weeks. The Detroit deal in which George Trendle acquires ten Publix houses in partnership has been completed. N. L. Nathanson Denies Canadian Circuit Changes (.Continued from Page 1) Fitzgibbons is remaining as director of theater operations with the full confidence of Nathanson and all present directors of the corporation. K. C. FILM CLUB Kansas City — Talk of a film club for all those who earn a living from the industry, and club rooms on the Row where they can congregate, talk, and secure light refreshments, apparently is coming to a head here. .oming a nd G omg AMEROSE DOWLING, head of RKO's export depairment, and SOL G. NEWMAN of London wi.l arrive from the coast Sunday. V. F. SMIRNOV, president of Amkino, leaves tomorrow for Moscow to confer with the Soviet film Trust on plans for purchases in the U. S. during the coming year and to decide on Soviet films to be shown here next season. FRANK J. WILSTACH of the Hays Office is back from vacation. CRESSON SMITH of RKO returned yesterday from Australia. He will take up his duties as western and southern sales manager with headquarters in New York. SALLY EILERS is en route to the coast. ^^■"u" |uiln£Ai WITH PHIL M DALY • • • SOME MONTHS ago explorer George M. Dyott returned from a trip through the wilds of the Amazon country and Ecuador where he had gone in search of a friend of his named Schweitzer a gold prospector who had penetrated the land of the head-hunters and never returned Dyott with two other men contacted the head-hunters ;>nd established the fact that Schweitzer had met his fate at the hands of these primitive barbarians who were determined to guard their gold from the white man • • • NOW IT seems that Dyott had plenty of camera evidence of his unusual adventure but it had not been shot with the idea of presentation as an entertainment feature for the theaters Harold Auten saw the material realized its showmanship possibilities if properly treated and sold the idea to Walter Reade of the Mayfair Theater so the two put their heads together and collaborating with Dyott they have reconstructed a really unusual adventure in the Amazon wilds without a single studio shot an excellent explanatory narration and fine sound effects have made of it a real Showman Pix which only needs exploitation to send it over strong and the authentic story of Schweitzer headlined in the newspapers gives it the Realistic slant so "Savage Gold," soon opening at the Mayfair looks like a strong adventure pix • • • THE TRUE story of how Lou Goldberg of the RKO Theater division has been made a Major in the Chinese army on the personal staff of General Ma years ago Lou befriended a Chinaman by name of Wum Long while he was operating the Palestine Theater on the east side (we mean Lou. not the Chink) now it seems that Wum returned to China became a big political shot ......and had General Ma confer the honor on his ole pal Lou so now the boys are calling him Major Loo Gold Hung • • • A BROADSIDE message advertising the Empey Club's big outing up the Hudson on Aug. 2 will soon land on the desks of all execs in the biz the feature of the poster is a drawing showing Admiral Lee Ochs, Commander of the Empey Club's floating forces, and Commodore Hal Home of the AMPA Marines looks as if this shindig will be the largest gathering in the interests of Whoopee ever held in Movieland in the East • • • FIFTEEN YEARS Is A Long Time In Pictures we can remember 15 years ago a pix titled "Cheating the Public" that pix has been seen in various versions many times in the past 15 years in theaters throughout the land of course it has appeared under various box-office titles but the Original Idea amounts to the same thing oh, well it is just a sample of the interesting things that will be discussed in our forthcoming Fifteenth Anniversary Issue • • • A SERIES of eight Spanish talking films made by the organization of Rafael A. Frias in Mexico City will be distributed in the next ten months by the Inter-Ocean Film Corporation controlling world rights Over at the St. Moritz Hotel Bob Reud is doing a news gossip spiel over the radio every eve at 6 o'clock specially designed to keep the guests informed on what's goin' on and Bob is getting all kinds of writeups in the air kolyums NO RUSHING OF CODE JOHNSON PR0MIS1 (Continued from Page 1) following reply was received: "No code or agreement of kind will be approved without widest notice and opportunity every person interested to be he fully." Abram F. Myers refuses to c< ment on Allied's status in the pi aration or submission of a code, though it is believed Allied is wo! ing on a draft. He had no comm to make on the tentative M.P.T.O code, copies of which had not b received here up to yesterday. Ii understood, however, that Allied | strongly oppose the block-book and double-feature provisions. Freuler Sees Film Code As Ending Paternalis (Continued from Page 1) would result in substantial rewar unhampered by unprofitable and 1 flung exhibition interests," ss Freuler. "Among other highly i portant probabilities is the reopening hundreds of closed houses placed on eg1 contractual footing. "While the houses now actually owned c right and operated by the major produci may not be inimical to their interests, or the good of the entire industry, the thousait of theaters operated so-called 'independent' with paternalistic control — either directly by a coercive policy — defeat the purpose i all concerned. "The intent of the proposed legislation fore the country's business interests is self-de.ermination that the good of the u may effect the greater benefit for the gro\ Thus, when its findings are actually compute it w 11 be clear to all that exhibition, divoM from production, will be of greatest value all branches of this industry.'' Mayfair Set on Twelve For the Coming Seaso (Continued from Page 1) new lineup, titles of which will 1 announced in a few days, and fir of the group is to be finished by tl latter part of August. LEASE BROOKLYN HOUSE Thomas Stamatis and Emil Cana have added the Garden Theater am Airdrome in Brooklyn to their ci» cuit. « « « » » » MANY UAPPY RETURNS Best wishes are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: July 20 Joe Brandt