The Film Daily (1933)

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Saturday, Sept. 2, 1933 VoLLXIll.No. 54 Sat., Sept. 2. 1933 Price 5 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donald M. Mcrsereau, Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager; Arthur \V. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle Gillette, Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 1°1S, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway. New York, N. Y., Phone, Circle 7-4736, 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk. 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Rer.ter, 89-91 Wardour St., W. I. Berlin — Karl Wolffsohn. Liehtbildlmehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — -P. A. Harle, La Cinematographic Francaise. Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. FINANCIAL NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Oose Chg. Columbia Picts. vtc. . 23'/2 23y2 23 Vi Con. Fm. Ind. pfd.. 9% 9% *Vt East. Kodak 84% 84 84% + 1 % Fox Fm. new 15 14% 14% — y4 Loew's, Inc 33% 325/8 33 Vi + 14 Metro-Goldwyn. pfd. 22 22 22+1 Paramount ctfs 2 1% 2 + % Pathe Exch 1 % 1 V2 Wl — Vs do "A" 8S/8 8'/2 85/g -f 1/, RKO 31/2 3'/2 3% + Va Warner Bros 8% 7% 8% + % NEW YORK CURB MARKET Trans-Lux 2'/4 2% 2'/4 NEW YORK BOND MARKET Gen. Th. Eq. 6s40. . 5% 5% 5% + 14 Paramount 6s 47 ctfs. 32 32 32 + % Par. By. 5'/2s51 37 37 37 Par. 5V2s50 ctfs.... 33% 33% 33% + 2% Pathe 7s37 80 80 80 Warner's 6s39 42 41 % 42 + % N. Y. PRODUCE EXCHANGE SECURITIES Para. Publix 1% 1% 1% Debrie Adds 16 mm. Line Andre Debrie, Inc., announces a 'complete line of laboratory equipment for the handling of 16 mm. sound-on-film. This includes printers for the optical reduction of 35 mm. sound track to 16 mm. Triple Dating RKO's "Morning Glory" will be playing second-run simultaneously in three Times Square houses this week, following its recent engagement at the Music H-ll. It opens today at the Palace and Cimeo for a full week each, and at the New Roxy for a half week. All I. A. T. S. E. Barred from Striking (Continued from Page 1) otherwise. If local arbitration fails, the unions are instructed to get in touch with the national organization, which will step into the proceedings, but under no condition will any strikes of any kind be permitted, it was emphasized by the labor leader. The policy being part of labor's pledge to the NRA. 12 Conn. Exhibitors Going to Code Hearing (Continued from Page 1) code hearing Sept. 12. Comprising the committee are: Dr. J. B. Fishman, Leo Bonoff, William J. Brennan, Joseph A. Davis, Adolph Johnson, Arthur H. Lockwood, Albert Pickus, Albert Robbins, Joseph Shulman, Albert M. Shuman, Max Tabackman and Mrs. Mary Vuono. Staging Gala Premiere For Florida Picture (Continued from Page 1) dios, where the picture was made, arrived yesterday from New York by plane for the opening. Special trains are being run by the Atlantic Coast Line from all parts of Florida at reduced rates. There will be a parade, with participation by the Mayor and other officials, including T. C. Parker, Jr., president of the Sun Haven studios, and a dinner at the Chamber of Commerce. A 24station radio hookup also has been arranged. John O'Dell Acquires Another Detroit House Detroit — John O'Dell, who recently has taken over several houses in a comeback move, has now acquired the Buchanan, west side house, from William H. Holland. Joseph Olshefsky, former owner of the Fredo, has been made manager for O'Dell. Paterson Operators Renew Pact Paterson, N. J. — The operators' union and the four Warner theaters and the U. S. theater here have reached an agreement whereby the present wage scale will continue for another year. Operators get $85 a week, with the hours reduced to 40 in accordance with the NRA code. Warners Sign Mary Astor West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Mary Astor has beer signed by Warners to a long-term contract. Her next role will be in "Convention City." Roland to Direct 5 More George Roland, who directed "The Wandering Jew" for Jewish-American Film Arts, has been signed to direct the other five in the series planned. Named Asst. Mgrs. at Paramount E. J. Sullivan and Ben Griefer V,P,.e beeT1 named as assistants to Bob Weitman, new manager of the New York Paramount. Detroit Houses Sign Anti-Dual, Price Pact (Continued from Page 1) cony and first floor, but indicate they will ultimately sigti. Essential feature of the bill is an agreement to maintain minimum admission prices, depending upon run. First runs are 25 and 40 cents, for matinee and evening, respectively, or 35 and 50 cents if stage show is used. Second runs charging 25 and 40 cents follow after four weeks' protection; those charging 20 and 30 cents, five weeks, with all second runs held to this scale. Similar protection is provided for subsequent runs to the fifth, in each zone, with five months over 10-cent houses. Any house using double bills or giveaways cannot get pictures until one year after first run, this being the teeth of the agreement. Houses using any type of stage show must raise admissions 10 cents over the minimum for their run. Combination prices, two-for-ones, etc.. are interpreted to reduce the protection given the house, and will reduce its key position accordingly. This is the first attempt to fix prices over so large an area, but the combination of factors appeals to all factions and success seems assured. Indies, Hays Office Compete for Proxies (Continued from Page 1) organization had learned that C. C. Pettijohn of the Hays office had communicated with independents on the subject of proxies in connection with the Film Board of Trade setup proposed in the code draft. In its wires the Federation is seeking proxies covering all code matters which affect independents. Jacob Schechter, counsel and a member of the distributor codedrafting committee, will represent the association at Washington when the hearing takes place. The Federation's board of directors will meet Tuesday. Jules Levy Lingers in Chicago Chicago — Jules Levy, RKO general sales manager, has delayed his return to New York pending negotiations now under way for the playing of the RKO product over several large mid-west circuits. Levy plans to leave here Thursday. Luther Reed to Direct in Fla. St. Petersburg, Fla. — Luther Reed, now in Chicago, has been signed to direct "Honor Among Women," next picture to start at the Sun Haven Studios here. M-G-M Starts Two Pictures West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Marion Davies in "Going Hollywood" and Ed Wynn in "The Fire Chief" went into work yesterday at M-G-M. New Jackson House Opens Jackson, Miss. — R. W. Tyson has opened the Capital, new house. This makes four theaters here, the others belonging to the Kennington-Saenger circuit. Castle Adopts RCA 16mm. Projector RCA Photophone 16 mm. sound on film projector has been accepted by Eugene Castle for all business and commercial subjects produced by Castle Films. Coming and Going GRETA NISSEN and her husband, WELDOr HEYBURN, have arrived in New York by plan.! from St. Petersburg, Fla., where they playe, the leads in "Hired Wives," Sun Haven Picture They sail on the Bremen for England, wher Miss Nissen will make a picture. MRS. CAROLYN CAGNEY and JEANNE CAG NEY, mother and sister of James Cagney, am FRANCES MARSHALL, actress, arrive in Nev York Tuesday on the Grace liner, Santa Elena from California. W. B. COKELL, Paramount treasurer, am MRS. COKELL sailed last night for a weekend cruise to Bermuda. MARY PICKFORD is en route to Hollywood arriving there Sept. 5. She may return t( New York in October to appear in a play. KATHARINE HEPBURN, on vacation in thi east, is visiting her parents near Hartford be fore spending several days in New York t< discuss a stage appearance this season. SALLY BLANE is returning immediately fron London to play the feminine lead in 20th Century's "Miss Lonelyhearts." MONA BARRIE, Australian actress signed b< Fox, leaves Wednesday for Hollywood. ALICE TERRY has arrived in New York fron abroad. LEILA BENNETT, now in New York, return to the Coast next week. WILLIAM HARRIGAN has arrived in New Yorl from Hollywood. WILLIAM SKIRBALL, who operates the Rivoli Toledo, is in New York on business. REGINA CREWE and HERBERT CRUICK SHANK have returned to New York after ; Bermuda trip. W. RAY JOHNSTON returns to New Yorl from the coast Tuesday. EARLE W. HAMMONS plans to leave fo the coast next week. TERRY TURNER left for Detroit last night Frank Wilson Quits Principal Distrib. Corp (Continued from Page 1) Distributing Corp. He will retair his stock in the company, however Wilson said. After a week-end or his farm, Wilson returns to Washington on Monday night. Mike Rosenberg, partner of So Lesser on the coast and a Principal stockholder, has been named vice president. Louis Hyman, who cami here from Seattle to replace Wilsoi1 when he left for Washington, leaves New York on Wednesday for Los Angeles to take charge of coas-1 sales. S. O. S. Expands Quarters S. O. S. Corp. has moved to largej| quarters in its same location anc now occupies over half of the sixtt| floor at 1600 Broadway. An elaborate sales room entirely separatee from the reception foyer is an inJ( novation adapted from current European practice. Those Dual Signs Double-feature sign noted on the marquee of an upper Broadway^ house: "STRANGER'S RETURN" "HOLD YOUR MAN"