The Film Daily (1933)

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DAILY Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1933 VoL LXIII. No. 55 lues., Sept. 5,1933 Price 5 Cents JOHN W ALICOATE Editor and Publisher Published daily except Sundays and Holidays at 16S0 Broadway, New York, N. V., by Wi.l's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President, Editor and Publisher; Donall M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer ami General Manager; Arthur W. Eddy, Associate Editor; Don Carle toilette. Managing Editor. Entered as second class matter, May 21, 191S, at the post-office at New York, N. Y.. under the act of March 3. 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1650 Broadway, New York. X. Y., Phone, Circle r-473o. 7-4737. 7-4738, 7-4739. Cable Address: Filmdav, New York. Hollywood, California— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd.. Phone Granite 6607. London — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter, 89-9T Wardour St.. W. I. Berlin— Karl Wolffsohn. Lichtbildbuehne, Friedrichstrasse, 225. Paris — P. A. Harle, La Cinematographie Francaise, Rue de la Cour-des-Noues, 19. M-G-M Studio Busy luctions i) san," "The " "Queen „ Party," "Meet the Baron," "Solitaire Man," "Bombshell," "Prizefighter and the Lady," "Cat and the Fiddle," "Sequoia," "Going Hollywood," "Dancing Lady," "The Fire Chief," "Eskimo." In preparation are: "Marie Antoinette," "Forever Faithful," "Paradine Case," "The Good Earth," "Vinegar Tree," "Living in a Big Way," "Hill Billies" and "Transcontinental Bus." Handling Fight Film Canzoneri Ross fight pictures rights have been acquired by Royalty Distributing Corp., headed by Henry Sonnenshine. Mercury Lab. will do the printing. THEATRE OWNERS ATTENTION! We have in stock over 50,000 yards CRESTWOOD & PREMIER CARPETS Largest variety of THEATRE PATTERNS ever assembled Greater N. Y. Export House, Inc. 250 West 49th Street New York LAckawanna 4-0240 Theatre Carpets Our Specialty LONG the WITH PHIL M DALY • • • LOOKS AS if the long dispute between the two Roxy's has been settled "RKO Center" is the new name to be given the RKO Roxy in Radio City Harold Franklin issued a statement Saturday to the effect that RKO will continue to contest the right to use the name in behalf of Samuel L. "Roxy" Rothafel he states that the change in name "is taken to end the unsatisfactory and confusing condition which has continued to exist since the two theaters in close proximity utilized the same name." * * * * • • • A DISAGREEMENT over certain production details has caused Paul Muni to decline to appear in Al Woods' stage play, "The Red Cat" Evelyn Brent has filed a bankruptcy petition listing her financial assets as Zero Minus but she is still possessed of those other assets that earned her screen fame * * * * • • • DANCE DEVOTEES will soon be tripping to the sensuous rhythm of "In Old Havana" it has caught on in a Big Way, with a bunch of the leading orchestras and bands featuring it on radio, hotel and nite club programs Phil Scheib of Paul Terry-Toons is the lucky composer Mary Duncan has grabbed herself a millionaire laddie by marrying Stephen Sanford Radio City Music Hall future programs all set with 22 from Fox, eight from Columbia and a number from one other major, in addition to the outstanding Radio product Gloria Hatrick, daughter of E. B. Hatrick, viceprexy of Cosmopolitan Productions, has been given a part in "Meet the Baron," the Emgeem pix The Cameo hereafter will play day and date with other RKO houses Coast Actors to Offer Own Clauses for Code (Continued from Page 1) a committee of five to control wages and working conditions, with an eight-hour day, $5 minimum daily wage and the casting of women extras and kids to be handled by women casting directors. Won't Try to Fight Duals in New England (Continued from Page 1) anti-dual clauses are being inserted in contracts. According to one authoritative estimate, 75 per cent of the houses in New England, long a dual stronghold, are operating on this basis. Even if the NRA administration approves the double feature restriction clause proposed for the industry code, leaving decision up to 60 per cent of the exhibitors in each territory, it seems questionable that it will affect New England. New Providence Firms Providence — Paramount Theater Corp. has been chartered by Ronald B. Smith, this city; William C. Waring, Jr., Warick, and Thorne Caldwell, Sharon, Mass. The same group also has formed Colonial Newport Theater Corp. Hynes Joins Gaumont-British Charles F. Hynes has joined Gaumont-British Corp. of America as publicity director. His first work will be on "F. P. 1," opening Sept. 15 at the old Roxy. : 1,500 Protest Ban On Double Features (Continued from Page 1) of independent exchanges and producing companies. The communications are all in effect protests against interference with any theater that wishes to play duals. Frank Gillmore. head of Actors' Equity, advocates the encouragement of independents by continuing dual bills, believing it will mean additional work for actors and other employees. Others to protest the dropping of double-feature programs are R. I. Poucher, vice-president of Consolidated Film Industries; William F. Barrett, president of Amer Anglo ; Robert A. McNeill, vice-president of Golden State Theaters, with 65 houses in northern California; Jack Frazier. transportation agent for independent exchanges in San Francisco, several hundred clerks, salesmen and othei employees of exchanges throughout the country. Close Deal on Animal Shorts Archie Mayers, general sales manager of Embassy Pictures, has concluded contracts with Van Beuren for world distribution of several animal fight subjects produced in the Honduras jungles. Fred Mast Dies Cleveland — Fred Mast, for 15 years head of the Rex Film Cleaner Co., died last week. Louis Cohen Staying On Louis Cohen, RKO real estate head, whose resignation was to take effect last week, will continue with RKO Theaters on a contingency basis. Cohen now has the right to carry on outside -interests. .oming a nd G omg J. H. SEIDELMAN, Columbia's foreign manager sailed Saturday from England for New fork on the Berengaria. COLIN CLIVE arrives from abroad this week on the Olympic to appear in A. C. Blumenthal s stage play, "Eight Bells." BEN HECHT arrives in New York today on the Grace liner Santa Maria from southern waters. CHARLES BICKFORD, now working in a Paramount production on the coast, leaves within the next few weeks for England, where he is to be starred in a British International picture called "Red Wagon." Mervyn LeRoy Urges Down-to-Earth Plots (Continued from Page 1) to a small percentage of movie audiences, he pointed out, but fails to get over with the masses, LeRoy said. The return of color in pictures to any major extent is contingent upon the use of a natural color, LeRoy asserted. Color, however, he said, is especially suited at present for novelties. The writer is the most important element in production, according to LeRoy, who pointed out that his story must, however, receive intelligent interpretation by the directors. "Directors must know how to read lines nowadays and convey this to players," LeRoy declared. Jack Warner and Hal Wallis are hard at work evolving new ideas for the Warner-First National new season program said LeRoy, who has just completed direction of "The World Changes," with Paul Muni. LeRoy's hits include: "Tugboat Annie," "Gold Diggers of 1933," "I am a Fugitive," "Five Star Final" and "Little Caesar." Upon his return to the Coast in about two weeks he will make the German version of "Wonder Bar" with an all-star cast, including Al Jolson. "Hell's Holiday" Reopens House Philadelphia — William Goldberg reopens the Europa on Thursday with "Hell's Holiday." MANY HAPPY RtTl»IS Best wishes are extended by THE FILM DAILY to the following members of the industry, who are celebrating their birthdays: Sept. 2-3-4-5 David Rollins Ernest Hickson Mary Doran Pete Smith Jack Duffy Sam Sax Doris Kenyon Jerry Safron Cleve Adams Amos Hiatt